X-ray Production, X-ray Tubes








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  • cours - matière : physics - matière potentielle : physics
Kalpana M. Kanal, PhD, DABR X-ray Production, X-ray Tubes and Generators – Chapter 5 Kalpana M. Kanal, PhD, DABR Lecturer, Radiology Director, Diagnostic Radiology Imaging Physics Course a copy of this lecture may be found at:
  • ray energy
  • kinetic energy of the incident electrons
  • direct impact of an electron with the target
  • loss
  • kinetic energy
  • electron
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Geography A

General Certificate of Secondary Education 1986/1086

Mark Schemes for the Units

June 2007

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations) is a unitary awarding body, established by the
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and the RSA Examinations Board in
January 1998. OCR provides a full range of GCSE, A level, GNVQ, Key Skills and other
qualifications for schools and colleges in the United Kingdom, including those previously
provided by MEG and OCEAC. It is also responsible for developing new syllabuses to meet
national requirements and the needs of students and teachers.

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements
of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by Examiners. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking

All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the Report
on the Examination.

OCR will not enter into any discussion or correspondence in connection with this mark scheme.

© OCR 2007

Any enquiries about publications should be addressed to:

OCR Publications
PO Box 5050
NG15 0DL

Telephone: 0870 870 6622
Facsimile: 21
E-mail: publications@ocr.org.uk


GCSE Geography A (1986)


Unit Content Page

1086/1 Paper 1 (short course) 1
1086/2 13
1986/01 Paper 1 (Foundation) 27
Paper 3 (Foundation)

1986/02 43
Paper 3 (Foundation)

1986/03 Paper 2 (Higher) 65
Paper 4 (Higher)
1986/04 75
* Grade Thresholds 85

Mark Scheme 1086/01
June 2007

1 1086/01 Mark Scheme June 2007

All page references relate to the Instructions to Examiner booklet (revised June 2006)

For many question papers there will also be subject or paper specific instructions which
supplement these general instructions. The paper specific instructions follow these generic ones.

1 Before the Standardisation Meeting
you must mark a selection of at least 10 scripts.
The selection should be drawn from several Centres. The preliminary marking should be
carried out in pencil in strict accordance with the mark scheme. In order to help identify
any marking issues which might subsequently be encountered in carrying out your duties,
the marked scripts must be brought to the meeting. (Section 5c, page 6)

2 After the Standardisation Meeting

a) Scripts must be marked in red, including those initially marked in pencil for the
Standardisation Meeting.

b) All scripts must be marked in accordance with the version of the mark scheme
agreed at the Standardisation Meeting.

c) Annotation of scripts

The purpose of annotation is to enable examiners to indicate clearly where a mark is
earned or why it has not been awarded. Annotation can, therefore, help examiners,
checkers, and those remarking scripts to understand how the script has been

Annotation consists of:

• the use of ticks and crosses against responses to show where marks have
been earned or not earned;
• the use of specific words or phrases as agreed at standardisation and as
contained in the final mark scheme either to confirm why a mark has been
earned or indicate why a mark has not been earned (eg indicate an omission);
• the use of standard abbreviations eg for follow through, special case etc.

Scripts may be returned to Centres. Therefore, any comments should be kept to a
minimum and should always be specifically related to the award of a mark or marks
and be taken (if appropriate) from statements in the mark scheme. General
comments on a candidate’s work must be avoided.

Where annotations are put onto the candidates’ script evidence, it should normally
be recorded in the body of the answer or in the margin immediately adjacent to the
point where the decision is made to award or not award the mark.
1086/01 Mark Scheme June 2007
d) Recording of marking: the scripts

i) Marked scripts must give a clear indication of how marks have been awarded,
as instructed in the mark scheme.
ii) All numerical marks for responses to part questions should be recorded un-
ringed in the right-hand margin. The total for each question (or, in specified
cases, for each page) should be shown as a single ringed mark in the right-
hand margin at the end of each question.
iii) The ringed totals should be transferred to the front page of the script, where
they should be totalled.
iv) Every page of a script on which the candidate has made a response should
show evidence that the work has been seen.
v) Every blank page should be crossed through to indicate that it has been seen.
(Section 8a – d, page 8)

e) Handling of unexpected answers

The Standardisation Meeting will include a discussion of marking issues, including:

• a full consideration of the mark scheme in the context of achieving a clear and
common understanding of the range of acceptable responses and the marks
appropriate to them, and comparable marking standards for optional questions;
• the handling of unexpected, yet acceptable answers.
(Section 6a, bullet point 5, page 6)

There will be times when you may not be clear how the mark scheme should be
applied to a particular response. In these circumstances, a telephone call to the
Team Leader should produce a speedy resolution to the problem.
(Appendix 5, para 17, page 26)

1086/01 Mark Scheme June 2007
1 It is important that Examiners make a careful written note of all changes and additions to
the mark scheme. These should include those given initially by Team Leaders and others
which result from questions arising during the meeting.

2 Examiners must adhere to the principles of the agreed mark scheme. However, it should
not be seen as a straitjacket. It covers many possibilities but credit other answers which
show geographical merit within the general principles. The frequent use of ‘etc’ aims to
signify the mark scheme is not exhaustive. The ideas presented provide guidelines but
you will find candidates put forward other ideas and you should decide if they are
worth crediting. Make a note of additional answers which you accept in order to achieve
consistency. If you are uncertain check by telephone with your Team Leader.

3 The language of the mark scheme is directed at Examiners. Candidates will often use
different language to express the same idea which is perfectly acceptable. Do not look for
a copy of the words used in the mark scheme.


1 Marks given should be clearly indicated by ticks at the point which earns the mark (ie on or
very close to a key word or at the end of a phrase or sentence which is bracketed).

One tick = one mark. Annotated where necessary.

2 Please ask your checker to check that your ticks and marks do tally. Checkers should
show evidence of checking the following aspects by the use of pencil ticks.

Ticks Addition
Sub-totals Final total
Transfer to front Transfer to MS2
Judgement of QWC

3 A major difficulty is often caused by those answers which are vague and considered by
Examiners to be not quite worth a mark. Avoid using half marks although two or more such
statements in a question worth two or more marks can be bracketed together and given a
mark. It is useful to the Team Leader if Examiners indicate answers which are not quite
worth a mark by using and agreed symbol (eg an insert symbol).

4 Sections of work which are wrong should be marked incorrect by using a cross. Sections
which are irrelevant should be struck through with a red line along with the letter I/R. Any
written comments relating to why particular answers have not been credited may be useful
in the case of appeals made by Centres.

5 The following aspects of marking will be referred to in the co-ordination meeting:

Development marks
Reserve marks
Example marks
Maximum for 2 components in sub-section
Quality of written communication
Examiner’s report

6 Take your time over the marking. Many parts are not easy to mark.

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