Using Horn Clauses for Analyzing Security Protocols Bruno BLANCHET 1 CNRS, École Normale Supérieure, INRIA, Paris, France Abstract. This chapter presents a method for verifying security protocols based on an abstract representation of protocols by Horn clauses. This method is the foun- dation of the protocol verifier ProVerif. It is fully automatic, efficient, and can han- dle an unbounded number of sessions and an unbounded message space. It sup- ports various cryptographic primitives defined by rewrite rules or equations. Even if we focus on secrecy in this chapter, this method can also prove other security properties, including authentication and process equivalences. Keywords. Automatic verification, security protocols, Horn clauses, secrecy. Introduction Security protocols can be verified by an approach based on Horn clauses; the main goal of this approach is to prove security properties of protocols in the Dolev-Yao model in a fully automatic way without bounding the number of sessions or the message space of the protocol. In contrast to the case of a bounded number of sessions in which decidabil- ity results could be obtained (see Chapters 2 and 3), the case of an unbounded number of sessions is undecidable for a reasonable model of protocols [56]. Possible solutions to this problem are relying on user interaction, allowing non-termination, and performing sound approximations (in which case the technique is incomplete: correct security prop- erties cannot always be proved).
- message only
- security protocols
- ceding messages
- public key
- using equations
- variable ap- pears
- horn clause
- can build