Submitted exclusively to the London Mathematical Society doi:10.1112/0000/000000 Courbure mesoscopique et theorie de la toute petite simplification Thomas Delzant et Misha Gromov Resume. Nous presentons une approche asymptotique a la theorie de la petite simplification, et l'appliquons a l'etude des groupes de Burnside libres. Abstract We present an asymptotic approach to small cancelation theory, and apply this method to the study of the free Burnside groups. English Summary The point of this article is to give a detailed account of the asymptotic approach to small cancellation theory outlined in [15] and to apply it to the study of free Burnside groups of sufficiently large exponent. This approach to small cancellation theory is more geometric than the traditional ones. It is based on the idea of mesoscopic curvature, which interpolates between the classical concept of negative sectional curvature in Riemannian geometry and its asymptotic counterpart, hyperbolicity [14]. In Riemannian geometry, curvature is a local invariant defined in terms of the derivatives of the metric tensor of a manifold. One is then faced with the fundamental challenge of deducing global topological properties of the manifold from properties of its curvature. For instance, the Cartan-Hadamard theorem implies that every complete manifold of non-positive sectional curvature is covered by Euclidian space; in particular, if the manifold is compact then its fundamental group is infinite.
- group
- germes de la theorie des espaces et des groupes hyperboliques
- kleinian group
- courbure mesoscopique
- cartan-hadamard theorem
- negative sectional
- local geometry
- theorie