MTH6111 ComplexAnalysis Duration: 2hours Date and time:
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cQueen Mary, University of London, 2012
Question 1(a)Let Ω be a domain inCand letf: Ω−→Cbe a function. Explain what is meant by saying thatfhas aderivativeat a point in Ω, and thatfisholomorphicin Ω. Letf: Ω−→Cbe a holomorphic function satisfyingf(Ω)⊂iR. Show thatfis constant.[10]
(b)State, but do not prove,Cauchy’s deformation theoremfor a holomorphic functionfdefined on a domain Ω⊂C. [5]
∗ Letγ: [0,2π]−→Cbe a closed path whose imageγis the ellipse
2 2 x y + =1 (>a, b0). 2 2 a b By showing that Z Z −1−1 z dz=z dz γΓ for a suitable circle Γ, deduce that Z 2π 1 2π dθ=. 2 2 22 0acosθ+bsinθ ab
Question 2(a)State, but do not prove, theMaximum Modulus Principlefor a holomorphic functionfdefined on a bounded domain Ω inC.
Given a holomorphic functionfsatisfying|f(z)|=|z|for|z|<1, show that there is a complex numberαwith|α|= 1 such thatf(z) =αzfor|z|<1. [10]
(b)Locate and classify the isolated singularities of the following functions: z z−sinz1e , ,. 3 13 z(z−1) cos z [15]
Question 3(a)LetD={z∈C:|z|<1}be the open unit disc centred at the origin, with boundaryT={z∈C:|z|= 1}.
For eachα∈D, let the functiongα:D∪T−→Cbe defined by z−α gα(z() =|z| ≤1). 1−αz Show thatgαis a bijection ontoD∪T, with inverseg−α, and satisfies gα(T) =T. [10]
(b)Letfbe an entire function and let|f(z)| ≤Mfor|z−a|=rthat. Show (n) then-th derivativef(a) offatasatisfies n!M (n) |f(a)| ≤. n r 4 Given that|f(z)| ≤1 +|z|for allz∈C, show thatfis a polynomial of degree at most 4. [15]
Question 4(a)Let Ω be a region inCand letf: Ω−→Cbe a function. Explain what is meant by saying thatfis ameromorphicfunction.
Letf: Ω−→Cbe a meromorphic function with simple zeros ata1, . . ., an, and simple poles atb1, . . ., bmin Ω.Given a closed pathγin Ω not passing througha1, a, . . .n, b1, . . ., bmthat. Show Z0n m X X f(z) dz= Indγ(ak)−Indγ(bk) γf(z) k=1k=1 where Indγ(z) denotes the index ofγatz. [15]
(b)State, but do not prove,Liouville’s theoremfor an entire function onC.
Letfbe an elliptic function onCwith primitive periodsπandπi. Given thatfhas no pole in the fundamental period-parallelogram, show thatfis constant. [10]