Seventh Annual ERNESTO GALARZA Commemorative Lecture








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  • cours magistral
  • cours - matière potentielle : friends
  • expression écrite
  • cours magistral - matière potentielle : galarza
Seventh Annual ERNESTO GALARZA Commemorative Lecture 1992 Mestizaje: The Formation of Chicanos Presented by JULIAN SAMORA PROFESSOR EMERITUS UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME Stanford Center for Chicano Research, Stanford University
  • account of the harmful effects on society of a xenophobic police force
  • ethnic society
  • importance as a key agent for social change
  • social system
  • studies
  • many years
  • work
  • time
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Time/date Thursday 9:3010:30
Breakout Sessions for Thursday, February 9
Title Using Scientifically Based Reading Research Makes a Difference The Future is Now: PostsecondarEducation for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Leading the Way by Integrating Web 2.0 Tools for Diverse Learners
How do I reach “them” to teach “them”? Pre arinInterns to Teach Emerent Literacand Self Care UsinEvidence Based Practices in an Inclusive Literacy ActivityExploring the Importance and Utility of EvidenceBased Practices Linking Neuroscience to Reading Outcomes An Overview of the Common Core State Standards and Resources for All Teachers Part 1:Supporting the Curriculum with the iPad Bully Prevention using the PBIS framework in Elementary School Classrooms Incorporating Global Awareness in Lessons Collaboration Between Public Schools and Behavioral Health Aencies Providin Services for Public School Children and Their Families Reading Clinics: A Remedy for Remediation Quest To Becoming Your Best – A Mindful Journey To Success Part 2:Supporting the Curriculum with the iPad
CECAS Overview Universal Design for Learning
Using Adapted Academic ReadAlouds to Teach Higher Level Comprehension for Students with Moderate and Severe Intellectual Disability Teaching Extended Content Standards to Students with Severe to Moderate Disabilities using the SmartBoard Usin Diital Flash Cards to Increase BioloVocabular Knowlede in Hih School Students with Learning Disabilities How to Imlement Evidence Based Practices for Students with Autism in a Public School Setting Readin withex ression:The nelected artof buildinfluenc indiverse classrooms Parent Perceptions of Disability and Information Navigating the EvidenceBased Practice Maze: Resources for Providing Evidence Based Instruction to Secondary Students with Disabilities
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