1MAJLIS PENGETUA SEKOLAH MENENGAH NEGERI KEDAH DARUL AMAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2011 PHYSICS PERATURAN PEMARKAHAN Kertas 2 Peraturan pemarkahan ini mengandungi 9 halaman bercetak percubaanspm2011.blogspot.com
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Welcome back to another fun packed term.We have many new events taking place this half term and have published them on the calendar in advance for example each year group will be celebrang their learning and presenng an assembly to demonstrate what they have achieved throughout the term.We are currently in the process of organising various educaonal trips for the summer. As soon as dates and costs are available I will upload them to the school calendar.
Y6 SATsMonday 14th May– Reading testTuesday 15th May– Wring and Spelling testsWednesday 16th May—Maths test AThursday 17th May-Maths test BFriday 18th May– Science test21st/22nd Level 6 papersGovernorsAſter our first successfulGovernors day the next one has been scheduled forFriday 3rd February.All the staff and pupils arelooking forward to welcoming the Governors intoschool.
PTA MeengTuesday 17th January 20126.00pmOld and New memberswelcome
We do listen...Lunch Changes reminderTo ensure we provide an effecve From January 2012 it would be service your views are important to appreciated if you could sendus. Pleasefeel free to email, drop us a line or pop in to see someone if youall dinner money in a namedare unhappy with theservice weenvelope at the start of theprovide. Weare undergoing many week Thishelps(Monday morning). changes to improve the quality of the educaon your child receives.One of the office staff with banking the those changes we are currentlymoney which has to beimproving is the quality of our school completed by Tuesday.meals. Further changes to theWe have listened to yourcurriculum are also taking place to enhance your child’s educaonalcomplaints and the cookopportunieshas worked hard to improvethe menu to support this andClubsimprove our lunches. The cookStaff have volunteered to run aſter has also requested pupils sckschool clubs from Monday 9th Janu-ary ll Friday 10th February from 3.15 to a set meal plan e.g. school -4.15pm.lunches for a week orAll clubs will cost £1.00 per pupil per sandwiches to enable her toclub.purchase freshThis money will be used solely to pro-vide equipment for the clubs. If feasi-produce to cater for all theble we will increase the number of pupils needs and improve the clubs on offer.quality of our lunches.
Spring Term Events
Wednesday 4th January 2012
Monday 9th January
Monday 9th January
Wednesday 11th January
Thursday 12th January
Tuesday 17th January
Wednesday 18th January
Thursday 19th January
Wednesday 25th January
Thursday 26th January
Thursday 2nd February
Friday 3rd February
Thursday 9th FebruarySchool Discos
Friday 10th FebruaryTuesday 21st February
Pupils return to school
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Homework club £1.00 per person3.15-4.15ICT club £1.00 per person3.15-4.15Badminton club £1.00 per person3.15-4.15Coffee Morning with Donna Cooke09.00-09.30amPTA meeng 6pmnew & old members welcome