- cours magistral - matière potentielle : 4 debris flow
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : 4 failures on dune face rio quijos
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : 4 culebres cut
- cours magistral
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : 4 atterberg
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : 4 huascaran
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : 4 forest fire
1454 lecture 4 Mass Movements and Hillslopes Erosion (or lack of) results from balance between internal resistance of materials & magnitude of external forces acting on them Evolution of landscapes depends largely on regional slope development Mechanics of slope erosion are related to processes of physical weathering – the forces disintegrating rocks also lower the internal strength of the unconsolidated cover 454 lecture 4 Resisting forces Shear strength 1) overall frictional characteristic, expressed as angle of internal friction, Φ a) plane friction: b) interlocking friction:
- slow movement of material
- function of • types of clay minerals
- ecuador 454 lecture
- removal of lateral support addition of mass earthquakes
- soil creep
- dry soil
- slow rockslide talus creep soil creep landslide river mudflow earthflow solifluction
- internal strength of the unconsolidated cover 454 lecture