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LESSONS & LEGACIES VIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HOLOCAUST: FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION BROWN UNIVERSITY, NOVEMBER 4-7, 2004 Sponsors: The Holocaust Educational Foundation and Brown University The Office of the President and the Department of Judaic Studies Thursday, November 4: Roundtable A. Testimony 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Marriott room TBA Omer Bartov, Welcoming Remarks Moderator: Robert Melson (Purdue University) Christopher Browning (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Joan Ringelheim (US Holocaust Memorial Museum) Rebecca Wittmann (University of Toronto) Dori Laub (Yale University) Naama Shik-Eytan (Tel Aviv University) Opening Reception and
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Lesson 25 Exercises with Answers Parsed, Print
Greek to English
1.ajlhqh'ejstitaValolanvuemujpoVtou'ijerevw"touvtou. ajlhqh': npn(pn) true p ejsti: 3s pi are taVmvuoanelal: npn,pm(s) the things being said ujpoVtou'ijerevw"touvtou: p>g by this priest  Thethings being said by this priest are true.
2.usenqlvotnnwtw'najrcierevwnkaiVargnwvetammi{naajpokteivnwsi toVna[ndratou'ton,proshuvxantooijmaqhtaiVejntw'/ijerw/'. p sunelqovntwn: gp,aa(ga)having come together s tw'nreverjicawnkaiVgrammatevwnthe chief priests and: (ga) scribes i{naajpokteivnwsi: >3ppas in order that they might kill toVna[ndratou'ton: asm(do) this man proshuvxanto: 3pami (s) prayed oijmaqhtaiV: npm(s) the disciples ejntw'/ijerw/': p>d in the temple  The chief priests and scribes having come together in order that they might kill this man, the disciples prayed in the temple.
3.oJiselVu"baoJajgaqoV"ei\peno{tioujqevleiajpoktei'naitou'ton. oJeuV"asilboJajgaqoV": nsm(s) the good king ei\pen: 3saai said o{tioujqevlei: >3spai “he does not wish... ajpoktei'nai: aa& to kill tou'tonasm(do) this man  The good king said that he did not wish to kill this man.
4.riticvadeVejswvqhsanejkei'noioiJaJmartwloiVkaiVhjgevrqhsanejn dovxh/. cavritideV: ds~ but by grace eswvqhsan: 3papi (s) were saved ejkei'noioiJaJmartwloiV: npm(s) those sinners kaiVhjgevrqhsan: +3papi and were raised up ejndovxh/: p>d in glory  But by grace those sinners were saved and raised up in glory.
5.th'/raVgcavritiswzovmeqadiaVpivstew"i{naavzwmednoxtoVnqeovn. th/'gaVrcavriti: ~ds for by grace
swzovmeqa: s1pppi we are being saved diaVpivstew": p>gs through faith i{nanezavxmowd: >s1ppas in order that we might glorify toVnqeovn: asm(do) God  For by grace we are being saved through faith that we might glorify God.
6.ijdwVn toVnpatevrakaiVthVnmhtevraaujtou'ejnth/'povleie[meinen suVnaujtoi'". ijdwVn: nsm,aa having seen toVnpatevrakaiVthVnmhtevraaujtou': asm+asf.gsm(do) his father and mother ejnth/'povlei: p>dsf in the city e[meinen: s3saai he remained suVnaujtoi'": p>dp with them  After he had seen his father and mother in the city, he stayed with them.
7.jie"taVn[qehajpostelei'"touV"ajpostovlou"sou,i{na khruvsswsinaujtoi'"toVveilajggueonth'"cavritov"sou. eij"taVenh[q: p>apf into the nations ajpostelei'": s2sfai you will send touV"ajpostovlou"sou: apm.gsm(do) your apostles i{nakhruvsswsin: >3ppas that they might preach aujtoi'": dpm(io) to them toVnejuaggevlioth'"cavritov"sou: asn.gsf.gsm (do) the gospel of your grace  You will send Your apostles into the nations to preach the gospel of Your grace to them.
8.agjqaVo"h\nou|to"oJajnhVrkaiVplhvrh"pneuvmato"aJgivoukaiV pivstew". ajgaqoV": nsm(pa) good h\n: 3sii was ou|to"oJajnhVr: nsm(s) this man kaiVplhvrh": +nsm(pa) full pneuvmato"aJgivoukaiVpivstew": gs+gs of Holy Ghost and faith  Thisman was good, and full of the Holy Ghost and faith.
9.ijdovnte"deVthVncavrintou'qeou'parekavlesantaVnhe[qmevneinejn th'/cavritisuVncara/'kaiVejlpivdi. ijdovnte"deV: npm,aa~ and having seen thVncavrintou'qeou': asf.gsm(do) the grace of God
parekavlesan: s3paai they encouraged taV[qnhe: asn(do) the Gentiles mevnein: pa& to abide ejnth/'cavriti: p>dsf in grace suVncara'/kaiVejlpivdi: p>ds+ds with joy and hope  And after having seen the grace of God, they encouraged the Gentiles to abide in grace, with joy and hope.
10.katabainovntwndeVaujtw'nejktou'o[rou"allvieejtau'taoJ *Ihsou'". p katabainovntwndeV: gpm,pa(ga) ~ and coming down s aujtw'n: gpm(ga)them ektou'o[rou": p>gsm from the mountain ejvllaie: 3siai (s) was speaking tau'ta: apn(do) these things oJ*Ihsou'": n(s) Jesus  And as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus was speaking these things.
11.apjganmeswhvtouV"patevra"kaiVtaV"mhtevra"hJmw'n,i{na thrhvswmenthVnejntolhVntou'qeou'. ajgaphvswmen: s1paas let us love touV" patevra"kaiVtaV"mhtevra"hJmw'n: apm+apf.1gp our fathers and mothers i{nathrhvswmen: >s1paas we might keep thVnejntolhVntou'qeou': asf.gsm(do) God’s commandment  Let us love our fathers and mothers that we might keep God’s commandment.
12.tw'najrcierevwnijdovntwntouV"uo"unsreocemnveij"toVajkouvein tou'ajndroV"ei\ponproV"V"uotuaJeoiJa[rconte"o{tidei'aujtoVn ajpoqanei'n. s tw'najrcierevwn: gpm(ga)the chief priests p ijdovntwnhaving seen: gpm,aa(ga) touV"u"enusmocronve: apm,pm(do) those who were coming together eij"toVajkouvein: p>& to hear tou'ajndroV": gsm(do) the man ei\pon: 3paai (s) said proV"tuaJ"Vuoe: p>gpm to (among) themselves oiJa[rconte": npm(s) the rulers o{tidei'aujtoVn:>3s.asm(s&) that (it is necessary him) he must ajpoqanei'n: aa& (s&) to die
After the chief priests had seen those who were coming together to hear the man, the rulers said among themselves that he must die.
13.oiJbasilei'"oiJponhroiVajpevkteinankaiVtouV"a[ndra"kaiVtaV tevkna. oiJbasilei'"oiJponhroiV: npm(s) the evil kings ajpevkteinan: 3paai killed kaiVtouV"a[ndra"kaiVtaVtevkna: ++apm+apn both the men and the children  Theevil kings killed both men and children.
14.oJdeVqeoV"h[geirenaujtouv",i{nadoxavzwsinaujtoVneij"toVn aijw'na. oJdeVqeoV": ~nsm(s) But God h[geiren: 3saai raised (do) up aujtouv": apm(do) them i{nadoxavzwsin: >3saas that they might glorify aujtoVn: asm(do) Him eij"toVnaijw'na: id forever  ButGod raised them that they might glorify Him forever.
15.enVajmhVcavrincwe[emnkaiVpivstinkaiVejlpivda,oujmetanohvsousi taVnh[qeiVjpetw/'lovgw/hJmw'n. ejaVnmhVcavrin: id.asf(do) unless grace e[cwmen: s1ppas we (might) have kaiVpivstinkaiVejlpivda: +asf+asn(do) and faith and hope oujmetanohvsousi: 3pfai (s) will not repent taVhnq[e: npn(s) the Gentiles ejpiVtw'/l/ovgwhJmw'np>dsm.1gp because of our word  Unless we have grace and faith and hope, the Gentiles will not repent on our word.
16.toi'"ajndravsitoi'"pemfqei'sinuJpoVtou'basilevw" proshnevgkamentoVnpatevrakaiVthVnmhtevrahJmw'n. toi'"ajndravsitoi'"pemfqei'sin: dpm(io) to the men who had been sent uJpoVtou'basilevw": p>gsm by the king proshnevgkamen: s1paai we brought (to) toVnpatevrakaiVthVnmhtevrahJmw'n: asm+asm.1gp our father and mother  We brought our father and mother to the men who had been sent by the king.
17.ejwVlqnproV"toVnbasilevatauvth"th'"cwvra"parekavlesa" aujtoVnmhVajpoktei'naitoVna[ndratou'ton. ejlqwVn: nsm,aa having come proV"toVnbasileva: p>asm to the king tauvth"th'"cwvra": gsf of this country s parekavlesa": 3saai youexhorted aujtoVn: asn(do) him mhVajpoktei'nai: aa& not to kill toVna[ndratou'ton: asm this man s s  After youhad come to the king of this country, youexhorted him not to kill this man.
18.eijajlhqh'ejstitaVlegovmenauJpoVtw'najkolouqhsavntwntw'/ ajndriVejnth/'Galilaiva/ajpoktenou'sinaujtoVnoiJajrcierei'". eijajlhqh': >npn(pa) if true p ejsti: 3sare taVlegovmena: npn,pp the things which are being said uJpoVtw'najkolouqhsavntwn: p>gpm by those having followed tw/'ajndriV: dsm(do) the man ejnth'/Galilaiva/: p>dsf in Galilee ajpoktenou'sin: 3pfai (s) will kill aujtoVn: asn(do) him oiJajrcierei'": npm(s) the chief priests If thethings being said by those who have followed the man in Galilee are true, the chief priests will kill him.
19.diaVpivstew"swvseitouV"pisteuvonta"eij"toVo[nomaaujtou'. diaVpivstew": p>gsf through faith swvsei: 3sfai He will save touV"pisteuvonta": apm,pa those believing eij"toVo[nomaaujtou': p>asn.gsm on His name  Through faith He will save those who believe on His name.
20.evxantodjedeVkaiVtaVeq[hntoVrJh'matou'*Ihsou'toVajlhqev". ejdevxantodeV: 3pami and (s) received kaiVtaVenh[q: +npn(s) even the Gentiles toVrJh'matou'*Ihsou'toVajlhqev": asn.g.asn(do) the true Word of Jesus  And even the Gentiles received the true Word of Jesus.
English to Greek
1. God’s grace will be preached to every race and nation.
the grace of God: (s)ns.gsh`ca,rijtou/qeou/ will be preached: 3sfpikhrucqh,setai to every race and nation: (io)dse`ka,stw|egn,iekai.e;qnei h`ca,rijtou/qeou/etaiqh,shrucke`ka,stw|,eengikai.e;qnei.
2. When the scribes had entered into that city, the disciples went away to the mountains. s the scribes: (ga) gpmtw/ngrammate,wn p having entered: (ga) gpm,aaeivselqo,ntwn that city: p>asfeivjevkei,nhnth.nopl,in the disciples: (s)npmoi`maqhtai. went away: 3paaiavph/lqon to the mountains: p>apnpro.jta.jo;rh tw/ngrammate,wneivselqo,ntwneivjevkei,nhnth.npoin,l,oi`maqhtai. avph/lqonpro.jta.o;rh.
4. When the Lord had said this to the chief priests, the ruler marveled. p the Lord: (ga) gsmtou/,oriuku s having said: (ga) gsm,aalalou/ntoj these things: (do)apntou/to to the chief priests: (io)dpmtoi/javrciereu/sin the ruler: (s)nsmo`a;rcwn marveled: 3saaimau,nseaqve tou/iro,ukulalou/ntojtou/totoi/javrciereu/sin,o`a;rcwneneas,mauvq.
p 7. Youwill be saved by God through faith. p You willbe saved: 2pfpiwqh,sesqes by God: p>g`u.potou/qeou/ through faith: p>gdia.th/jpi,stewj qse,hessqw`uop.tou/qeou/dia.th/jpi,stewj.
10. If we enter into those cities having our hearts full of grace and faith and hope, those who repent at our word will see the king in his glory. If we enter: >s1ppmseva.neivsercw,meqa into those cities: p>aeivjevkei,najta.jpjiel,o having: npm,pae;contej our hearts: (do)apf.1gpta.jkardi,ajh`mw/n full of grace and faith and hope: apf.g+g+gijrehp,lth/j ca,ritojkai.th/jpi,stewjkai/th/jevlpi,doj those who repent: (s)npm,paoi`emonatou/ntej at our word: p>d.gevpi.tw/|lo,gw|h`mw/n will see: 3pfmitnoy;oia
the king: (do)asmto.nbasile,a in his glory: p>d.gevnth/|,od|hxauvtou/ eva.neivsercw,meqaeivjevkei,najta.jjielpo,e;contejta.jkardi,ajh`mw/n plh,reijth/jca,ritojkai.th/jpi,stewjkai.th/jevlpi,doj,oi` metanoou/ntejevpi.tw/|lo,gw|h`mw/noon;yiatto.nbasile,aevnth|/ do,xh|auvtou/.
13. The king said to my father that the chief priests and Pharisees wished to kill those who were following Jesus. The king: (s)nsmo`basileu.j said: 3saaiei=pen to my father: (io)d.1gstw/|patri,mou that the chief priests and Pharisees: >(s)npm+npmoit[oi` avrcierei/jkai.oi`Farisai/oi wished: 3paaiqe,lousin to kill: aa&iaavn/ietkop those who were following: (do)apm,patou.javkolouqou/ntaj Jesus: (do)dtw/|VIhsou/ o`basileu.jei=pentw|/patri,mou[toioi`avrcierei/jkai.oi`Farisai/oi qe,lousinaaent/iipvkotou.javkolouqou/ntajtw|/VIhsou/.
p 16. If yougo into those cities and villages, you will see the king who killed your fathers and your mothers. p If yougo (into): >2ppaieiveivse,rcesqe into those cities and villages: p>aeivjevkei,najta.jopjiel,kai. kw,maj you will see: s2pfmio;yesqe the king: (do)asmto.nbasile,a having killed: asm,aato.naantnapvkoet,i your fathers and your mothers: (do)a.2gptou.jpate,rajkai. mhte,raju`mw/n eiveivse,rcesqeeivjevkei,najta.jpo,leijkai.kw,majo;yesqeto.n basile,ato.nvaantaei,npokttou.jpate,rajkai.jrae,htmu`mw/n.
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