Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic Goals Table
Academic goal or objective
Each year, 75 percent of students in the grades assessed will perform at or above Level 3 on the New York State ELA examination.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective BAOPCS did not meet this measure. 2011 NYS ELA Exam Percent Number Scoring Grade Population Tested at Levels 3 & 4 All Students 60 18 3 Cohort 49 14 All Students 63 33 4 Cohort 56 36 All Students 123 27 All Cohort 10526
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective In 201112, BAOPCS has incorporated a new Academic Intervention Program to be implemented during the school day for students who have been identified in need of academic assistance. Two fulltime academic intervention service providers will deliver support in ELA and math during the school day via pushin & pullout approaches. One floating TA has been hired to support each grade to help with small group instruction. In addition, a Saturday school program will be offered during the winter months, to specifically work on skills needed to improve performance levels on the NYS ELA exam. Furthermore, a Data Team process has been implemented to create a learning community which will analyze the data to help drive instruction on individual grade level.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
Each year, 75 percent of students in the grades assessed will perform at or above Level 3 on the New York State Mathematics examination.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective BAOPCS did not meet this measure.2011 NYS Math Exam
All Students Cohort All Students Cohort All Students Cohort
Number Tested
59 48 63 56 122 104
Percent Scoring at Levels 3 & 4 32 31 40 39 36 36
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective In 201112, BAOPCS will offer a Saturday school program during the winter months to specifically work on skills needed to improve performance levels on the NYS math exam and build on basic math skills and concepts. In addition, BAOPCS has incorporated a new Academic Intervention Program to be implemented during the school day for students who have been identified in need of academic assistance. Two fulltime academic intervention service providers will deliver support in ELA and math during the school day via pushin & pullout approaches. One floating TA has been hired to support each grade to help with small group instruction. Furthermore, a Data Team process has been implemented to create a learning community which will analyze the data to help drive instruction on individual grade level.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
For years 2 through 5 of our proposed charter, gradelevel cohorts of students will reduce by onehalf the gap between the percent at or above Level 3 on the previous year’s State ELA exam and 75 percent at or above Level 3 on the current year’s State ELA exam. For years 25 of the charter, gradelevel cohorts of students will reduce by one half the gap between the percent at or above Level 3 on the previous year’s State Math exam and 75 percent at or above Level 3 on the current year’s State Mathexam. Each year, the percent of students performing at or above Level 3 on the State ELA exam in each tested grade will place the school in the top quartile of all similar schools Each year, the percent of students performing at or above Level 3 on the State Math exam in each tested grade will place the school in the top quartile of all similar schools.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective Cohort Growth on State English Language Arts Exam from 200910 to 201011 Percent Performing At or Above Cohort Target Grade Level 3 Size Achieved 200910 Target 201011 4 59 46% 60.5 34% No BPAOCS did not meet this measure.
Cohort Growth on State Mathematics Exam from 200910 to 201011 Percent Performing At or Above Cohort Target Grade Level 3 Size Achieved 200910 Target 201011 4 60 65% 70% 42% No BPAOCS did not meet this measure. NYCDOE Progress ReportBAOPCS did not meet this measure. The school’s results on the NYS ELA exam placed it below average on the peer range.
NYCDOE Progress Report
BAOPCS did not meet this measure. The school’s results on the NYS math exam placed it below average on the peer range.
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to themathprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to themathprogram.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
Each year, the school will make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in ELA, math and science.
The percent of students scoring at Level 3 or 4 in the NYS ELA will meet or exceed the percent of students elsewhere in NYC District #9 scoring at Level 3 or 4.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective NYS Report CardBAOPCS did not meet this measure. Based on the preAOR that is posted in NYSTART, the school did not make adequate yearly progress in ELA, but did in math and science. BAOPCS did not meet this measure.2011 NYS ELA ExamDistrict Percent 9 Scoring Percent GradeBAOPCSat Levels at 3 & 4Levels 3 & 4All 18 31 Students3Cohort 14 All 33 33 Students4Cohort 36 All 27 32 StudentsAllCohort 26
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
The percent of students scoring at Level 3 or 4 on the NYS Math will meet or exceed the percent of students in NYC District # 9 scoring at Level 3 or 4.
Each year, the percent of students scoring Levels 3 and 4 on the NYS ELA exam will increase by at least 8 percentage points annually, until it reaches and stays at 100%. Each year, the percent of students scoring Levels 3 and 4 on the NYS Math exam will increase by at least 8 percentage points annually, until it reaches and stays at 100%.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective BAOPCS did not meet this 2011 NYS Math Exammeasure. District Percent 9 Scoring Percent GradeBAOPCSat Levels at 3 & 4Levels 3 & 4All 32 39 Students3Cohort 31 All 40 43 Students4Cohort 39 All 36 41 StudentsAllCohort 36 BAOPCS did not meet this NYS ELA Exam measure.Percent of All Students Scoring at Levels 3 & 4 2010 2011 45% 26%
NYS Math Exam Percent of All Students Scoring at Levels 3 & 4 2010 2011 63% 36%
BAOPCS did not meet this measure.
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective Please refer to the aforementioned updates to themathprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to themathprogram.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
Each year, the percent of students scoring at Level 1 on the NYS ELA exam will be lower than the percent of students in the rest of the school district scoring at Level 1. Each year, the percent of students scoring at Level 1 on the NYS Math exam will be lower than the percent of students in the rest of the school district scoring at Level 1. Each year, the percent of students scoring Level 1 on the NYS ELA exam will decrease by at least 8 percentage points annually, until it reaches and stays at 0%. Each year, the percent of students scoring Level 1 on the NYS Math exam will decrease by at least 8 percentage points annually, until it reaches and stays at 0%.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective BAOPCS met this measure. NYS ELA Exam Percent of All Grade 34 Students Scoring at Level 1 Bronx BAOPCS District 9 15% 21%
NYS Math Exam Percent of All Grade 34 Students Scoring at Level 1 Bronx BAOPCS District 9 5% 15%
NYS ELA Exam Percent of All Students Scoring at Level 1 2010 2011 17% 15% NYS Mathematics Exam Percent of All Students Scoring at Level 1 2010 2011 7% 5%
BAOPCS met this measure.
BAOPCS is making progress toward achieving this measure. The percentage of students performing at Level 1 on the NYS ELA exam decreased, but by fewer than 8 percent.
BAOPCS is making progress toward achieving this measure. The percentage of students performing at Level 1 on the NYS Math exam decreased, but by fewer than 8 percent.
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to themathprogram.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
Each gradelevel cohort will reduce by onehalf the gap between prior year NCE group average in Reading (TerraNova) and an NCE group average of 50.
Each gradelevel cohort will reduce by onehalf the gap between prior year NCE group average in Math (TerraNova) and an NCE group average of 50.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective Terra Nova Reading BAOPCS did not meet this Test Form G11 Mean NCE measure. June June Target '10 '11Cohort 1 st nd46 48 44 1 '10/2 '11 Cohort 2 nd rd40 45 40 2 '10/ 3 '11 Cohort 3 rd th44 47 43 3‘10/4‘11*Only cohort students who have a score for each test administration are included in the mean NCE. Terra Nova Math BAOPCS is making Test Form G11 Mean NCE progress toward achieving June June this measure.Target '10 '11 Cohort 1 st nd39 44.5 43 1 '10/2 '11 Cohort 2 nd rd36 43 45 2 '10/ 3 '11 Cohort 3 rd th49 49.5 43 3‘10/4‘11*Only cohort students who have a score for each test administration are included in the mean NCE.
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective Please refer to the aforementioned updates to theELAprogram.
Please refer to the aforementioned updates to themathprogram.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Academic goal or objective
By grade 6, children who have been in the school at least 5 years will demonstrate proficiency in Spanish, as evidenced by their performance on standardized tests.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Academic Charter Goals 201011 progress toward Measure used to evaluate progress toward attainment of goal or attainment of goal or objective objective Not Applicable K4
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Organizational Goals Table 201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Organizational Charter Goals Measure used to evaluate If not met, describe efforts to be Organizational goal or 201011 progress toward progress toward attainment of undertaken to meet goal or objective attainment of goal or objective goal or objective objective Each year, the school will have a ATS Attendance DataBAOPCS met this measure.daily student attendance rate of at least 95 percent. The attendance rate is95.37% for the 201011 school year. At least 95% of the students will Families surveyed on plans forBAOPCS met this measure.reenroll at the school each year, the fall not including any who might99% of students remaining in the leave due to geographic reasons. area plan to return in the fall. Eachyear, the students’ gradeSchool RecordsBAOPCS met this measure.promotion rate will meet or exceed the district’s rate, while99% of students were promoted adhering to standards for grade to the next grade. Although, we promotion that are consistent with are unable to get the promotion NYC’s standards.from the local district, we are rate confident that it is likely below 99%. Each year, the school will comply Board Policies and MeetingsBAOPCS did not meet thisBAOPCS will generally and with all applicable laws, rules,measure.substantially comply with all regulations and contract terms Unfortunately, BAOPCS failed to applicable laws, rules and applicable to charter schools submit the 2010 Annual Report regulations. The Board takes legal including, but not limited to, the due to a transition in leadership. compliance matters very seriously New York Charter Schools Act, Because the annual report and has retained outside counsel the New York Freedom of submission date was delayed until to ensure compliance with all Information Law, the New York Nov. 1, 2010 the outgoing school relevant laws. BAPCS has in Open Meetings Law, the federal leader did not complete the place and maintains effective Individuals with Disabilities report. This went unnoticed by systems, policies, procedures and Education Act, and federal the interim leader, but the current other controls for ensuring that Family Educational Rights and leader who began in March took legal and charter requirements are Privacy Act. action to have the reportmet. BAPCS’ staff has been completed as soon as possible. trained with respect to all However, it was difficult to back applicable procedures and track and locate all the necessary systems. The staff is empowered
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Organizational goal or objective
Each year, student enrollment will be within 15% of full enrollment as defined in the school’s contract.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Organizational Charter Goals Measure used to evaluate If not met, describe efforts to be 201011 progress toward progress toward attainment of undertaken to meet goal or attainment of goal or objective goal or objective objective data. As of now, the report has to identify and address any been submitted and will be possible legal or compliance completed on time each year. issues and report these matters to the Board or its counsel. ATS Enrollment DataBAOPCS met this measure. This will be maintained on an The planned student enrollment ongoing basis and monitored bi was 320 and the actual enrollment monthly. was 312, well within 15% of capacity.
Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School: 2010-11 Progress Toward Charter Goals
Financial Goals Table
Financial goal or objective
Upon completion of the school’s first year of operation and every year thereafter, the school will undergo an independent financial audit that will result in an unqualified opinion and no major findings Each year, the school will operate on a balanced budget and maintain a stable cash flow.
201011 Progress Toward Attainment of Financial Charter Goals Measure used to evaluate 201011 progress toward progress toward attainment of attainment of goal or objective goal or objective Independent AuditBAOPCS met this measure. An independent financial audit was conducted and the firm issued an unqualified opinion. There were no findings on the management letter.
The budget is reviewed month to month by the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees.
BAOPCS met this measure. The school maintained a positive operating and cash surplus throughout the year and kept within the limits of the budget of operating expenses throughout the school year.
If not met, describe efforts to be undertaken to meet goal or objective