- leçon - matière potentielle : master
International programs 下午 05:06:22] International programs Internship 2012 Internship Level Theme Project Center File Selection Accurate 3D Reconstruction by Combining Depth Cameras and High- Resolution Color Cameras Master 1 Vision, Perception and Multimedia Understanding PERCEPTION Grenoble 238 Stochastic calculus with multistable Lévy motion and applications in finance Master 2 Stochastic Methods and Models REGULARITY Saclay File 239 Acquisition of Hybrid Dynamic Models Master 2 Robotics FLOWERS Bordeaux 242 Leveraging multiple experimentation methodologies to study P2P broadcast Master 2 Distributed and High Performance Computing ALGORILLE Nancy File 246 Real-time Online Emulation with Simterpose Ingénieur Distributed and High Performance Computing ALGORILLE Nancy File 247 Study of the influence of Linux operating system on
- autonomic networks ingénieur networks
- visualization insitu saclay file
- data storage for context
- statistical methods mistis grenoble file
- control of lpv systems doctorant
- master
- systems
- file