Fairbanks AK 99709 CONFIRMATION TEST (answer sheet








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Diocese of Fairbanks Office of Religious Education 1316 Peger Rd. Fairbanks AK 99709 CONFIRMATION TEST (answer sheet) (Revised August 2011) Section 1: Knowledge of the Faith 1. Old Testament 2. New Testament 3. Genesis 4. Revelation 5. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John 6. Acts of the Apostles 7. Gospels 8. Letters/Epistles 9. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews 10.
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Renée Silverman
INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Comparative Literature 200/ English 275 Professor Renée Silverman Class Meetings: MWF 3:30-4:20Office Hours: M 4:30-5:30, W 4:30-5:30 (open office hours); M, W, F by appt. Office Location: Rice 28 Office Telephone: x58918 (775-8918 from off-campus) Email Contact: Renee.Silverman@Oberlin.edu I. Course Description(This course carries 4 credits):When deciding to study Comparative Literature, we are often asked by well-meaning interlocutors what we might be comparing, or which literary traditions appeal to us more: Apples and oranges? Better or worse? This course will instead pose some very different kinds of questions. Comparative Literature will be introduced and explored as textual scholarship, methodology, and academic discipline; we will therefore focus in depth on Comparative Literature’s theoretical assumptions and practical applications. CMPL 200 is organized to reflect the particular strengths of Oberlin College, as well as centering on important disciplinary categories in Comparative Literature: Literature and the Other Arts, Theory, Translation, East-West Studies, and European Languages and Literatures. Following a brief introduction to Comparative Literature, we will turn our attention to Translation as one of the central problems of the discipline. The next two major units, Literature and the Other Arts and East-West Studies, will build on the idea of translation as metaphor for the art of comparison and textual analysis. Pre-requisites: At least one introductory literature course in any language. Comparative Literature majors should take this course by their junior year. II. Assignments, Course Policies, Grading: Coursework: Each student will be asked to write three 5-page papers, a 15-page final paper, and create an oral presentation with written, visual, or aural materials. Reading Texts in the Original Language: Introduction to Comparative Literature will be taught in English; therefore, all texts will be assigned in that language (in translation where necessary). However, students with the appropriate language skills are encouraged to read relevant texts in French, Russian, or Spanish. Please consult Renée Silverman regarding obtaining and analyzing texts in foreign languages. Blackboard Assignments and Informational Postings: Introduction to Comparative Literature will have a Blackboard web site. A copy of the syllabus will be posted there. Some of our discussions about course materials will take place on-line.
Renée Silverman
Policies surrounding Assignments and Grading: 1.) Students will be required to participate regularly, actively, and effectively in class discussions in order to achieve the highest participation grade. 2.) More than two non-excused absences will reduce the final participation grade by one-half letter grade, e.g., from A to A-, B+ to B. 3.) Late papers and assignments will not be accepted. Exceptions may be made for illness, personal emergency, or serious scheduling conflict. Permission from Renée Silverman should be sought as much in advance as possible. 4.) Oberlin College rules regarding academic integrity will be strictly enforced. 5.) Students with disabilities will be given appropriate accommodations. Grading Guidelines: Class Participation and Discussion: 15% Oral Presentation Plus Materials: 10% Three 5-7-page papers: 50%. [Lowest-grade essay=10%; Other essays=20% each] Final Paper (re-write and expansion of one of three shorter papers): 25% IIIa. Writing AssignmentsShort (5-page) assignments: Students will be asked to focus on one of the sub-topics in this course. While you are not required to give a thorough disciplinary or theoretical history, in each of these short papers you must alternatively take on “Literature and the Other Arts,” “East-West Studies,” and “Translation” as problems in Comparative Literature. Papers may discuss these sub-topics through textual and/or theoretical analysis. Translation Paper (first of three short papers): Your first written assignment will center on the issues and exigencies surrounding literary translation. In conjunction with Oberlin College Program in Comparative Literature’s annual Translation Symposium, students of CMPL200 will either: A.) Write an expository essay of 5-7 pages on any theoretical aspect of translation, as it relates to the discipline of Comparative Literature. B.) Translate a literary text from any language into English. You will need to accompany your work with a short explanation of the major problems and issues that you encountered while making the translation. ***Students electing Option “B” are strongly encouraged to translate poetry, since the Translation Symposium will have this genre as its primary focus. Although participation in the Symposium is not required for the course, everyone in the class is invited to submit their work. Renée Silverman will be available to give extra assistance during office hours to students who wish to present their translation at the annual Symposium. Paper II/East-West Studies Paper III/Literature and the Other Arts Final 15-page paper: The Final Paper will be a revised version of one of your previous papers. It is expected that you will add a research component to your work at this final stage. Students should write a comparative paper of their own devising. You should limit your analysis to two works from the course syllabus. You should ground your comparison in one of the sub-topics of the course, including “European Languages and Literatures.” Permission may be granted for one of the works to come from outside Comparative Literature 200. (Texts from the translation paper will be considered as an exception to this rule.)
Renée Silverman
IIIb. Oral Presentation(approx. 10-minute presentation): Each student will give a short presentation to the class. At some point during the first few class sessions, you will have the opportunity to sign up for dates. Presentations will be geared towards the particular unit (e.g., “Comparative Literature East-West”) and the works assigned for the class in question. Creativity and creative work ishighly encouraged. You may use any art form or media; performances and expositions will be accepted. Those students who wish to submit a piece of creative writing, art work, musical performance (recorded or live), film/video, performance piece, or readingmust accompanytheir creative submission with a short rationale/self-critique (1-2 pages) which includes: a statement of intentions, and discussion of the limitations and problems encountered while working on the project. All students, whether or not they elect the creative option are required to turn in a rationale/self-critique. Hand-outs and other materials supporting the project are similarly encouraged. IV. Required Texts (Available at the Oberlin Bookstore, Blackboardor ERES/Library Reserves): Theoretical and Critical Texts; Essay Apter, Emily. “Afterlife of a Discipline.” Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Selected chapters fromCosmopolitanism: Ethics in a  Worldof Strangers. Benjamin, Walter. “The Task of the Translator.” “On Some Motifs in Baudelaire.” Bonnefoy, “Translating Poetry.” Dev, Amiya. “Comparative Literature in India.” InComparative Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Freud, Sigmund. “Female Sexuality.” Leppert, Richard. Introduction and selected chapters fromThe Sight of Sound: Music, Representation, and the History of the Body.Liu, Lydia. “Translating International Law” and “Figuring Sovereignty.” InThe Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making. Kracauer, Siegfried. “Cult of Distraction: On Berlin’s Picture Palaces.” InThe Mass Ornament.Trans., ed., and intro. Thomas Y. Levin. Said, Edward. Selected texts fromOrientalism.Nabokov, Vladimir. “Problems of Translation:Oneginin English.” Saussy, Haun, ed. Selected texts fromComparative Literature in an Age of Globalization.Venuti, Lawrence. “Introduction toRethinking Translation.Literary Texts Ashbery, John. Selected poetry fromSelf-Portrait in a Convex Mirror. Baudelaire, Charles. Selected poetry fromThe Flowers of Evil. Benítez Reyes, Felipe.Probable Lives.Trans. Aaron Zaritzky. Borges, Jorge Luis. “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.” Cortázar, Julio. “Blow Up.” Duras, Marguerite.The Lover.Euripides,Electra.
Renée Silverman
Lorca, Federico García.Blood Wedding.Ondaatje, Michael.Anil’s Ghost.Tolstoy, Leo. “The Kreutzer Sonata.” Dance, Film, and Visual Materials Antonioni, Michelangelo.Blow-Up.(Film).Van Beethoven, Ludwig. Sonata no. 9, Op. 47 in A (“Kreutzer”). Bertolucci, Bernardo,The Last Emperor.(Film). Saura, Carlos.Blood Wedding.(Film offlamencoballet). Strauss, Richard,Electra[video. (Opera and Video of opera production: Elektra recording] / Richard Strauss; [Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal]). V. CHRONOLOGY I. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Comparative Literature 9/6 Introductionand Lecture: “Comparative Literature 200 at Oberlin” 9/8 Apter,“Afterlife of a Discipline”; Saussy,Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization9/11 Apterand Saussy II. Translation Theory 9/13 Venuti,“Introduction toRethinking Translation”; Benjamin, “The Task of the Translator” 9/15 Venutiand Benjamin 9/18 Nabokov,“Problems of Translation:Oneginin English”; Bonnefoy, “Translating Poetry”9/20 BenítezReyes (Zaritzky, trans.),Probable Lives9/22 BenítezReyes III. ComparativeLiterature East-West 9/25 Said,Orientalism9/27 Said;Appiah,Cosmopolitanism 9/29 (Saidand Appiah); Borges, “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.”10/2Yom Kippur/No Class10/4 Borges;Freud, “Female Sexuality” 10/6 Duras,The Lover10/9 Duras 10/11 Duras 10/13 Ondaatje,Anil’s Ghost10/16Fall Recess/No Class 10/18Fall Recess/No Class
Renée Silverman
10/20Fall Recess/No Class 10/23 Ondaatje;Dev, “Comparative Literature in India”10/25 Liu,“Translating International Law”10/27 Liu,“Figuring Sovereignty”; Bertolucci,The Last Emperor10/30 Liuand Bertolucci11/1 Ondaatje 11/3 Ondaatje IV. Literature and the Other Arts 11/6 Leppert,The Sight of Sound; Kracauer, “Cult of Distraction” 11/8 Leppertand Kracauer; Euripides,Electra 11/10 Euripides;Strauss,Elektra;Freud. 11/13 Euripidesand Strauss 11/15 Tolstoy,“The Kreutzer Sonata” 11/17 Tolstoyand Beethoven 11/20 Baudelaire,selected poems fromThe Flowers of Evil; Benjamin;“On Some Motifs in Baudelaire”11/22 Benjaminand Baudelaire11/24Thanksgiving Recess/No Class 11/27 (Baudelaire);Ashbery, selected poems fromSelf-Portrait in a Convex Mirror11/29Preparation for annual TranslationSymposium/Activities Related to Translation Symposium/No Class12/1 Cortázar,“Blow-Up” 12/4 Cortázar;Antonioni,Blow-Up 12/6 Lorca,Blood Wedding 12/8 Lorca;Saura,Blood Wedding 12/11 Lorcaand Saura; Review 12/13Conclusion/Last Day of Class Final Paper Due: Thursday, December 21 by 12:00 p.m.
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