- cours magistral
- cours magistral - matière potentielle : that the charge on the metal ion
12P32 – Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Dr. M. Pilkington Four coordinate geometries – crystal field theory for tetrahedral and square planar complexes Factors determining the stability of a complex. Preferred geometries: octahedral site preference energy (OSPE). Preferred geometries: why square planar nickel and platinum? Lecture 10 -Further Consequences of d-Orbital Splitting 1. Four Coordinate Geometries (i) Tetrahedral complexes d-Orbital splitting for tetrahedral coordination.
- square planar coordination
- tetrahedral complexes
- orbital splitting
- octahedral site preference energy
- -1.2 δot2g33cr3
- orbital splitting diagram for tetrahedral coordination
- dz2 orbital
- tetrahedral coordination
- ligands