Conflict Resolution and United States History Sample Lesson Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Sample Lesson- Volume One, Chapter Eight: War Between Mexico and the United States 3. Handouts- Chapter Eight 4. Powerpoint- Chapter Eight 5. Documents- Chapter Eight
THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Course OutlinePart I Course Title:Mobile Technology and Society 流動科技與社會 Course Code:GED1009 Department: MIT Credit Point:3 Contact Hours:39 Prerequisite(s): Nil Level: Nil ___________________________________________________________________________ Part II SynopsisThe course focuses on the knowledge and social implications of mobile technologies. It offers insight into the transformation taking place in society driven by mobile technologies. The module is designed to provide participants with a basis for understanding the knowledge of mobile technologies and its wide spread use in society, as well as for critically analysing the impact of mobile technologies on society. Mobile technologies refer to the technologies related to the use of wireless connected mobile devices. This module sets out to examine theoretically and practically on the social implications of the wide spread use of mobile technologies. Participants are introduced to the development of a range of computational artefacts such as swarm supercomputers, and new patterns of human interaction behaviours such as new levels of cooperation possibilities derived from the mobile technologies. The interplay between the mobile artefacts and people who use them engenders a variety of new trends in using computing and communication capabilities, which is reshaping the culture of the society. This interplay and a wide spectrum of collective actions stem from myriads of mobile technologies would be explored in this module. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: •CILO1 understand fundamental concepts and applications of mobile technologies •CILO2 explore the social implications of the widespread use of mobile technologies •CILO3 research and critically analyse the impact of mobile technologies on society
Content, CILOs and Teaching & Learning ActivitiesCourse ContentCILOs 1.Fundamental understanding of the mobileCILO1,2,3 technologies and its impacts on society a.Basic knowledge of mobile devices, including definition, classification and commonuse of mobile devices such as mobile phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Ultra Mobile Personal Computers (UMPCs) b.Basic knowledge of wireless technologies, including definition, classification and commonuse of wireless technologies such as Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), Bluetooth, Global Positioning System (GPS) c.Discussion about impacts of mobile technologies on society, such as one of the phenomenon "Shibuya Epiphany" in practising delivery of instant short text messages which triggered the political revolution in Manila in 2001. 2.Pervasive computing and its impacts onCILO1,2,3 society a.Knowledge about the wide application of mobile technologies in daily life for personal, professional, learning and social pursuits, such as information in places, smart rooms,sentient objects, tangible bits, and wearable computers b.Understanding of various new trends in using computing and communication capabilities to improve quality of life as well as the possible negative influences, and the reshape of social culture which is caused by the interplay between the mobile artefacts and people who use them, such as digital cities c.Discussion about the impact and future use of swarm supercomputers for capacity building 3.Technologies of cooperationCILO1,2,3 a.Understanding of the proliferation of opportunities for cooperation triggered by mobile technologies from the perspectives of cybersociologists, evolutionary biologists, social network analysts, including examples of new kinds of
Su estedTeachin & Learning Activities Lectures, class exercises, case studies, and group discussion
Lectures, class exercises, case studies, and group discussion
Lectures, class exercises, case studies, and group discussion
collective action which take advantage of mobile technologies b.Discussion about the need for online reputation systems to prevent people from being trapped 4.Mobile ad hoc social networksCILO1,2,3Lectures, class exercises, studies, and groupUnderstanding of a new form of social connectivity – smart mob – in whichdiscussion instant and ubiquitous communication and timely online events flourish among different community groups in society, including examples of ad hoc social events which take advantage of mobile technologies b.Discussion about the emergence of online reputation systems for increasing the public awareness of social practices surrounding trust in the cooperation which involves the use of mobile technologies Assessment Assessment TasksWeighting CILO (%) a.30Conduct a group presentation on identifyingCILO1,2,3and discussing a critical issue of mobile technologies’ impact on society b.Based upon literature review, participants are70CILO1,2,3required to write an essay in the range of 2400 to 3000 words on critical analysis regarding the social implications of mobile technologies Required Text(s):Nil Recommended Readings 1.Bell, G. (2006). The age of the thumb: a cultural reading of mobile technologies from Asia. Knowledge, Technology & Policy,19(2), 4157. 2.Breck, J. (2001).The wireless age: its meaning for learning and schools.Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 3.Gayeski, D. (2002).Learning unplugged: using mobile technologies for organizational training and performance improvement.New York: AMACOM. 4.Goggin, G. (2006).Cell phone culture: mobile technology in everyday life. UK: Routledge.5.Harper, R. (2003). People versus information: the evolution of mobile technology. HumanComputer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services(pp. 114). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer. 6.Kong, S. C. (2008). Collaborative learning in a mobile technology supported classroom. In J. Lumsden (Ed.),Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology(pp. 269284). Canada: Information Science Reference. 7.Ling, R. S. (2004).The mobile connection: the cell phone’s impact on society. San
Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann. 8.Rheingold, H. (2002).Smart mobs: the next social revolution. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub. 9.Srivastava, L. (2005). Mobile phones and the evolution of social behaviour.Behaviour & Information Technology,24(2), 111129. 10.Swan, K., Van’t Hooft, M., Kratcoski, A., & Unger, D. (2005). Uses and effects of mobile computing devices in K8.Journal of Research on Technology in Education,38(1), 99112. 11.Wilska, T. A. (2003). Mobile phone use as part of young people’s consumption styles. Journal of Consumer Policy,26(4), 441463. 12.2000 李英明( ):《網路社會學》,臺北,揚智文 化事業股份 有限公司。 13.2002 馬和民、吳瑞君():《網絡社會與學校敎育》,上海,上海敎育出版社。 14.2006王少 磊():《網路傳播與社會發展》,北京,新華出版社。 Related Web Resources:Nil Related Journals:Nil Other:Nil