CHE 131 Lecture 19, 3/5/2007 1 Lecture 19 Working with Molecular Models (9.1) Predicting Molecular Shapes: VSEPR (9.2) Benjamin S. Hsiao Department of Chemistry Stony Brook University Lecture 19, Knowledge and Skills • Be aware of some of the limitations of molecular models • Predict the structures of simple molecules using the VSEPR model • Know the basic geometries of the arrangement of electron pairs about central atoms • Estimate the relative spatial demands of different types of electron pairs lone pairs, bonding pairs, single bonds, multiple bonds, bonds involving elements of different electronegativity Molecular Models The Water Molecule Fig.
- basic geometries of the arrangement of electron pairs about central atoms
- lp-bp
- lone pair
- vsepr
- molecular structure
- cl cl
- electron pairs
- triple bond