Celebrating Ramadan A Resource for Educators John Feeney/Saudi Aramco World/PADIA The Outreach Center Center for Middle Eastern Studies Harvard University
The University of Wisconsin Madison Chican@/Latin@ Studies 357 English 357 The Writings of Contemporary Latin@ Artists A Chican@ and Latin@ Literature course Comp. S & ST–Room 1325 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 1:20PM–2:10PM Instructor: Patricia Castañeda Tucker, M.F.A. Office: Room 308–Ingraham Hall Office Hours: 2:30PM–3:30PM; Monday and Wednesday EMail: pscastan@wisc.edu Office Phone: 608 8903833 Course DescriptionThe course explores historical, political, and aesthetic roots and directions of the writings of contemporary Latin@ Artists, consisting of short stories, novels, poetry, plays, films, essays, and other media relevant to the course, followed by classroom and group discussions.We will survey the literary works of artists who investigate historical, economic, cultural, and socio political dimensions of the Chicana/o & Latina/o experience in contemporary society. We will trace its regional, national and international connections and disconnections and explore issues such as identity, home, migration, borders, feminist and queer theories. An interdisciplinary approach to literature and visual culture is used to discuss the subject matter as we will also view the creative productions of several artists presented in the course. This is a course for students who are ready to be challenged intellectually on issues of racial, economic, and political oppression as that is a prominent strain in many of the texts. Students who are not ready to engage on such topics will not be comfortable in this course. This course has a heavy workload of readings and weekly writing assignments in addition to the midterm and final papers. It is designed for English majors and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies Certificate students as it counts towards both programs. The class does NOT fulfill the Ethnic Studies requirement. Writing Fellows Fellows: Kimberlee Vosburg (vosburg@wisc.edu), Casey Coolidge wilkinsmicawber@centurytel.net), and Bess Beck (elbeck@wisc.edu) We are fortunate to have three writing fellows who will work with the class this semester. Writing Fellows are highly trained students working through the UW Writing Center and will be sharing their time and knowledge to help you improve your writing. You will be assigned a writing fellow who will work with you throughout the semester. Please be respectful towards your assigned writing fellow as they will be working with you to develop your scholarship as a UW student.
Conscíentízacíón submissions:You are strongly encouraged to submit your writings to the CLS journalConscíentízacíón. If you are interested in doing so, let me know, and I will help you with the process. It is a great experience to have your work published as an undergraduate! Course Expectations and Requirements Students are expected to meet the following requirements: Participation (15%) Attend all classes, participate in classroom discussions and complete assigned writings on scheduled dates. I strongly encourage you to speak up, to get to know your classmates, and to get actively involved in the class. As part of the course expectations, assigned readings are part of your participation grade. We will be discussing the content of the assigned readings. I expect that everyone will complete the assigned readings for each class period and arrive fully prepared to participate in the class discussions. You should be prepared to respond to the following: *What questions did the readings provoke for you? *What issues, facts, values, and/or perspectives did the authors challenge? Reading response papers (30%)The response papers are due on assigned Fridays. There are a total of eleven, 12 page response papers that you are required to submit for the class. Do not take this requirement lightly. Missing one will affect the collective grade on this assignment. Midterm paper (25%) th First draft of your midterm paper is due February 25, no exceptions. Final Midterm papers are due March 11th, no exceptions. A topic guide with rubric will be passed out on or before Feb. th 18 . Final paper (30%) th First draft of your final paper is due April 29, no exceptions. Final Papers will be due on May th nd 13 ,no exceptions. Final topic guide with rubric will be passed out on or before April 22. Required Readings The following required texts can be purchased at Rainbow Bookstore–426 W. Gilman (off of State Street); 608 2576050 A Field Guide for Female Interrogators(2008), by Coco Fusco Urban Exile(1988), by Harry Gamboa Jr.
Gloria Anzaldua’sThis bridge we call home: radical visions for transformation(2002)
In the Time of the Butterflies(1994), by Julia Alvarez
The Last Supper of Chicano Heroes (2008), by José Antonio Burciaga.
The Other Side–Notes from the new L.A., Mexico City, and beyond(1992) by Rubén Martínez
Other assigned readings include writings by Amalia Mesa Bains, Guillermo GómezPeña, and Tomás YbarraFrausto
Films that we will be viewing include;
In the Time of Butterflies(2001) Directed byMariano Barrosobased on theJulia Álvarezbookof thesame name.
Images of Mexicans in the MediaandWhen you think of Mexico, which challenge the way the Mainstream media depicts Mexicans and other Latin Americans. Both films were produced by Chicana Artist, Yolanda Lopez.
General Class Policies Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory. (Please refer to the bylaws of the UW Madison Student Information regarding excused absences.) Tardiness is also not appreciated and will result in grade sanctions if it is excessive. Grade reductions will go into effect for more than one unexcused absence. Class discussions: We will be reading material that touches on issues of race, gender, religion, and other topics that some people may be very sensitive to. Please engage with the class and each other in a thoughtful and respectful manner so that everyone has a successful classroom experience. Academic Honesty: With the exception of group assignments, work turned in by a student should be solely her/his own work. For clarification, see the UW policy on academic honesty and The Writing Center’s “Helpful Hints” on the subject, both available online.