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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

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/55Biology biology Robert I. Bertin, Ph.D., Professor George R. Hoffmann, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Science Kenneth N. Prestwich, Ph.D., Professor and Chair Robert M. Bellin, Ph.D., Associate Professor Leon Claessens, Ph. D., Associate Professor Karen A. Ober, Ph.D., Associate Professor Ann M. Sheehy, Ph.D., Associate Professor William V. Sobczak, Ph.
  • associated study of the scientific literature under the direct super- vision of a faculty member
  • study of the nervous system at multiple levels
  • biological molecules
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  • introduction
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Lesson 26 Exercises with Answers Parsed, Print Greek to English
1.meivna"suVnaujtw/'e[thduvoh\lqeneij"ejkeivnhnthVnpovlin. meivna": nsm,aa having remained suVnaujtw'/: p>d with him e[thduvo: two years h\lqen: s3saai he went eij"ejkeivnhnthVnpovlin: p>a into that city  After abiding with him two years, he went into that city.
2.ijdwVndeVtouV"ejnth/'/vahlmegpovleie[grayekaiVtoi'"ejnth/'mikra/'. ijdwVndeV: nsm,aa+ but having seen touV"ejnth/'/lhavegmpovlei: apm(do) the ones in the great city e[graye: s3saai he wrote kaiVtoi'"ejnth'/mikra'/: +dpm(io) also to the ones in the small ()  Butafter he had seen those in the great city, he wrote also to those in the small city.
3.poreuqevnte"deVoiJtou'*Iakwvboustadivou"wJ"pevnteei\dontoVn *Ihsou'nkaiVpavnta"touV"met*aujtou'maqhtav". poreuqevnte"deV: npm,ap+ and (s) having gone oiJtou'*Iakwvbou: npm(s) the ones (the sons) of James stadivou"wJ"pevnte: about five furlongs ei\don: 3paai they saw toVn*Ihsou'n: a(do) Jesus kaiVpavnta"touV"met*aujtou'maqhtav": +apm and all the disciples who were with Him  And after the sons of James had gone about five furlongs, they saw Jesus and all the disciples who were with Him.
4.ajkouvsante"deVtau'tapavntaoiJejnth'//'ghgwanusei\pono{ti qevlousinijdei'ntovntau'tapoiou'nta. ajkouvsante"deV: npm,aa+ and having heard tau'tapavnta: apn all these things oiJejnth'/anushgwg'/: npm(s) the ones in the synagogue ei\pon: 3paai (s) said o{tiqevlousin: >3ppai that they wanted ijdei'n: aa& to see tovntau'tapoiou'nta. asm,pa(do) the one doing these things  But after they had heard all these things, those in the synagogue said they wanted to see Him who was doing these things.
5.amesnuvqaejpa'ntoVplh'qo"ejntw/'blevpeinaujtouV"taVpoiouvmena uJpoVtou'*Ihsou'. p ejqauvmasen: 3s aai (s) marveled pa'ntoVplh'qo": nsn(s) the whole multitude ejntw/'blevpein: p>pa& in the (s&) to see aujtouV": apm(s&) them taVpoiouvmena: apn,pp(do) the things being done uJpoVtou'*Ihsou': p>g by Jesus  The whole multitude marveled as they were seeing the things being done by Jesus.
6.oujke[meinemivanhJmevranoJmetaVduvoe[thijdwVntoVnajpovstolon toVnisavmenoeujaggelnaujtovn. oujke[meine: 3saai (s) did not remain mivanhJmevran: one day oJmetaVduvoe[th: nsm(s) the () after two years ijdwVn: nsm,aa having seen toVnajpovstolontoVngeagujenemvasilnoaujtovn: asm,aa the apostle who had evangelized him (man)  The man who had, after two years, seen the apostle who had evangelized him did not remain one day.
7.ntw'ajrcierevwno[ntwnejnejkeivnh/th'/gameh/vlpovleie[meinenoJ *Ihsou'"ejnth/'kwvmh/hJmevra"wJ"pejnteh]e{x. s tw'najrcierevwnthe chief priests: gpm(ga) p o[ntwn: gpm,p(ga)being ejnejkeivnh/th'/mgeavlh/povlei: p>d in that great city e[meinen: 3saai (s) remained oJ*Ihsou'": n(s) Jesus ejnth/'kwvmh/: p>d in the village hJmevra"wJ"pejnteh]e{x: about five or six days  Because the chief priests were in that great city, Jesus remained in the village about five or six days.
8.dei'touV"ejntai'"povlesinxelqei'nejeij"taVo[rh. dei': 3spai it is necessary touV"ejntai'"povlesin: apm(s&) the ones in the cities ejxelqei'n: aa& (s&) to go out eij"taVo[rh: p>a into the mountains  Theones in the cities must go out into the mountains.
9.uqevrapeqetn"ouJpoVtou'*Ihsou'tou'uJpoVtw'ntessavrwn prosenecqevnto"aujtw'/ejdovxasanpavnte"oiJejnth/'oijkiva/toVn poihvsantataVlaavegmtau'ta. p qerapeuqevnto"having been healed: gsm,ap(ga) uJpoVtou'*Ihsou': by Jesus s tou'uJpoVtw'ntessavrwnprosenecqevnto"the man: gsm(ga) having been carried by the four men (to) aujtw'/: dsm(io) to Him ejdovxasan: 3paai (s) glorified pavnte"oiJejnth/'oijkiva/: npm(s) all the ones in the house toVnpoihvsantataVlamaevgtau'ta: asm,aa(do) Him having done these great things  After the man who had been carried by the four to Jesus had been healed by Him, all who were in the house glorified Him who had done these great things.
10.proVdeVtou'ejlqei'ntouV"ejktw'npovlewnh\noJ*Ihsou'"metaVtw'n maqhtw'naujtou'ejnth'/ejrhvmw/. proVdeV: p>g but before tou'ejlqei'n: aa& the to go touV": apm(s&) the men ejktw'npovlewn: p>g out of the cities h\n: 3sa (s) was oJ*Ihsou'": n(s) Jesus metaVtw'nmaqhtw'naujtou': p>g with His disciples ejnth'/ejrhvmw/: p>d in the desert  But before the men went out of the cities, Jesus was in the desert with His disciples.
11.ejpoihvqhmeVndi*aujtou'oJkovsmo"kaiVpavntataVejnaujtw'/,aujtoV" deVejgevnetodi*hJma'"wJ"'loudo". ejpoihvqhmeVn: 3sapi_ () (s) was made di*aujtou': p>g by Him oJkovsmo": nsm(s) the world kaiVpavntataVejnaujtw'/: +nsn and everything in it aujtoV"deV: nsm(I)+ but Himself ejgevneto: 3sami became di*hJma'": p>1ap on account of us wJ"d"ouol': nsm(pn) as a slave  The world and everything in it was made by Him, but on our account, He Himself became as a slave.
12.tou'toejpoivhseni{naswvsh/pavnta"touV"pisteuvonta"eij" aujtovn. tou'to: asn(do) this thing ejpoivhsen: s3saai He did i{naswvsh/: >3saas in order that He might save pavnta"touV"pisteuvonta": apm(do) all the ones believing eij"aujtovn: p>3asm in Him  He did this thing that He might save all who believe in Him.'"oJajgapw'ntoVnqeoVnajgapa'/kaiVtouV""vdeajoulf. pa'"oJajgapw'n: nsm(s) every the one loving toVnqeoVn: asm(do) God ajgapa/': 3spai (s) loves kaiVtouV"deajuofl"v: +apm(do) also the brethren  Everyone who loves God loves also the brethren.
14.sunhvcqhsanpavnte"oiJejnth'/povleii{naajkouvswsitaVlegovmena uJpoVtw'najpostovlwn. sunhvcqhsan: 3papi (s) were gathered together pavnte"oiJejnth'/povlei: npm(s) all in the city i{naajkouvswsi: >3paas that they might hear taVlegovmena: apn,pa the things being said uJpoVtw'najpostovlwn: p>g by the apostles Everyone in the city was gathered together so they might hear the things that were being said by the apostles.
15.tau'tanlego[eoiJejntw'/[iwko/pa'sitoi'"ajrciereu'sikaiVgrammateu'sidiaVtoVginwvskeinaujtouV"pavntataVperiVtou'*Ihsou'. tau'ta: npn(do) these things e[legon: 3piai (s) were saying (do) oiJejntw/'/wk[io: npm(s) the ones in the house pa'sitoi'"ajrciereu'sikaiVargtamms'uei: dpm(io) to all the chief priests and scribes diaVtoVginwvskein: p>pa& on account of the (s&) to know aujtouV": apm(s&) them pavntataVperiVtou'*Ihsou': npn(do) all the things concerning Jesus  They in the house were saying these things to all of the chief priests and the scribes because they knew everything about Jesus.
16.tau'taejpoiveioJlesi"uVabtw'n*Ioudaivwn,h[qelegaVrajpoktei'nai taVejnth'/kwvmh/paidiva. tau'ta: npn(do) these things ejpoivei: 3siai (s) was doing (do) oJ"sibauVletw'n*Ioudaivwn: nsm(s) the king of the Jews h[qelegaVr: 3saai_ for he was wishing ajpoktei'nai: aa& to kill taVejnth'/kwvmh/paidivanpn(do) the in the village little children  The king of the Jews was doing these things, for he was wishing to kill the little children in the village.
17.oujdeiV"ginwvskeipavntataVejntw/'kovsmw/eijmhVoJpoihvsa"taV pavnta. oujdeiV": no one ginwvskei: 3spai knows pavntataVejntw'/kovsmw/: npn(do) all the things in the world eijmhV: except oJpoihvsa": nsm,aa the one having made taVpavnta: npn(do) all things  No one knows all the things in the world but the one who made all things.
18.swqhvsetaioujdeiV"ejaVnmhVdiaVpivstew":ejthvrhsegaVroujdeiV" pavsa"taV"ejntolaV"tou'qeou'. swqhvsetai: 3sfpi (s) will be saved oujdeiV": (s) no one eaVnmhVdiaVpivstew": ~p>g except through faith ejthvrhsegaVr: 3saai_ for (s) has kept oujdeiV": (s) no one pavsa"taV"ejntolaV"tou'qeou': apf.gsm all the commandments of God  No one will be saved except through faith, for no one has kept all the commandments of God.
19.avmeqeucwprosuJpeVrtw'ndiwkovntwnhJma'",i{naqeaegwnmvuiJoiV tou'patroV"hJmw'ntou'ejnoujranoi'". hort proseucwvmeqa: 1ppmslet us be praying uJpeVrtw'ndiwkovntwn: p>g in behalf of the ones persecuting hJma'": 1ap(do) us i{navwaeqmgne: >1pams in order that we might become uiJoiVtou'patroV"hJmw'ntou'ejnoujranoi'": npm(pn) children of our father in heaven  Let us be praying for those who are persecuting us, that we may become sons of our Father in heaven.
20.makavrioioiJkaqaroiv,aujtoiVgaVrtoVnqeoVno[yontai. makavrioioiJkaqaroiv: npm(s,pn) blessed are the pure ones aujtoiVgaVr: 3npm(I)_ for themselves toVnqeoVn: asm(do) God o[yontai: s3pfmi they (I) shall see (do)  Blessedare the pure ones, for they themselves shall see God.
21.euvqu.jnre|=ho``do.nspare,n. euvqu.j: directly h|=ren: 3siai (s) was taking away o`ponhro.j: nsm(s) the evil one`do.nspare,n: _p>asn(do).asn(do) the alongside the way having been sown  Immediately the evil one was taking away what had been sown alongside the way.
English to Greek
1. The chief priests saw that all the things that were being spoken by Jesus were true. The chief priests: (s)npmoi`rvaerci/jei saw: 3paaiei=don all the things being spoken: apn,pp(s&)pa,ntata.lalou,mena by Jesus: p>g`uop.tou/VIhsou/ to be: & (s&)ei=nai(pn&) true: apn(pn&)avlhqh/ oi`avrcierei/jei=donpa,ntata.lalou,mena.op`utou/VIhsou/ei=naiavlhqh/.
4. If you become disciples of me, I will show you all things. If you become: >s2pamseva.nge,nhsqe disciples of me: (pn)npm.1gsmaqhtai,mou I will show: s1sfaidhlw,sw you: (io)2apu`mi/n all things: (do)apnpa,nta eva.nge,nhsqemaqhtai,moudhlw,swu`mi/npa,nta.
7. Let us do all the things that are in the law, according to the things that are being said to us by the prophets. hort Let us do: s1ppaspoiw/men all the things that are in the law: (do)apnpa,ntata.evntw/|no,mw| according to the things being said: p>apn,ppkata.ta.lalou,mena to us: (io)1dpni/`mh by the prophets: p>gpm.u`potw/nprofhtw/n pom/winepa,ntata.evntw|/no,mw|kata.ta.lalou,menah`mi/nu`.optw/n profhtw/n.
10. We were in the same city one year, but Jesus sent us into all the villages that are in Galilee. We were: 1piamenh= in the same city: p>dsfevnth/|/h|vtaupo,lei one year: (at) asne;toje[n but Jesus: |(s)navllVo`VIhsou/j sent: 3saainieel,etsapv us: (do)1ap/jmah` into all the villages that are in Galilee: p>aeivjpa,sajta.jkw,maj ta.jevnth/|Galilai,a| h=menevnth|/vuht/|ap,oelie;toje[n,avllVo`VIhsou/je,vpanelietsh`ma/jeivj pa,sajta.jkw,majta.jevnth/|i,laa|liGa.
13. All the churches will see the one who saved them through his grace and sent to them the apostles. All the churches: (s)npfpa/saiai`iaevkklhsi, will see: 3pfmio;ntyoai the one having saved: (do)asm,aato.nsw,santa them: (do)3apmj.atvua through his grace: p>,ritojauvtou/ and having sent: +asm,aakai.lai,antvpateos to them: (io)3dpm/jauvtoi the apostles (do)apmtou.javposto,louj pa/saiai`eaihsi,vkkli;ytoanoto.nsw,,ritoj auvtou/kai.antlai,apvsoetauvtoi/jtou.javposto,louj.
16. Those who belonged to Jesus died on account of their faith. Those who belonged to Jesus: (s)npmoi`tou/VIhsou/ died: 3paainonaq,epva on account of their faith: p>,stinvtaunw/ oi`tou/VIhsou/anonvaq,,stinauvtw/n.
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