Trace the letters A and a with your finger. Can you see the letters Aa at the beginningof the words apple, armadillo, ax, ant, ape, and alligator? 1 Name Phonics Lesson1 AaAppleapple ArmadilloarmadilloAntantAxax Apeape AlligatoralligatorArkark
This course is the castone course for Liberal Arts students of Weekend Collee. The class is desi nedto helou to refine and demonstrate writinand critical thinkinskills inroducin an interdiscilinar research aer. Thissemester we will read Tolsto’sWar and Peaceas a oint of dearture for discussion and research. Students will research topics suggested by the novel that combine humanities and social science.
Course Texts
Any translation ofWar and Peaceby Leo Tolstoy—must be unabridged.
Gary Saul Morson,Hidden in Plain View:Narrative and Creative Potentials in ‘War and Peace’ISBN 9780804717182 (used books are fine)
Donna Tussing Orwin, ed.,The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy (Cambridge)ISBN 10: 0521520002
Course Points
4 short essas: Wkend 1, 1 on interdiscilinar courses,Wkend 2; one on career development, Wkend 5 and one reflectinon the class Wkend 6 25 pts. each) Other Assinments to prepare for the research paper: Prospectus 25 pts,
Annotated Bibliora h50 pts, Sentence Outline 50ts., First Threea esof Research Paper 25 pts. Research Paer 200 oints Oral Reort on Paper to class75 pts. 425 points total
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Attendance: Theolic ofattendance is that students are exected to attend each weekend ∙ unless documented emerenc interferes.Please email me about the absence. ∙ LearninDisabilities: See LearninDisabilit Statementin MSMC Catalog. ∙ AcademicFreedom: See Student Handbooka e104. ∙ AcademicInte rit /Pla iarismStatement: Seea es40, 41. Anstudent found guilty of la iarismwill receive a failinrade for the assinment andossibl forthe entire course. Additional measures will be taken if warranted bthe severitof the offense. Scoreswill be posted on Angel each session. MSMC emails and Angel will be used for communication. Classroom expectations: Please refrain from enterinlate, leavinearl or oin outother than breaktime. Please come to class having read the material and prepared with homework.Late work: Please turn in work in hard copy not email. Penalty for late work is 10% per day. Tentative Course Calendar: Week 1—Introduction First Assinment: Read the first chater of War and Peace; resond to the followinquestion in approximatel12 paes: What information do oulearn from the oening soiree at Anna Pavlona about setting, characters, and themes? Week 2W and P,Bks 24; interdisciplinary studies; prospectus Week 3 W and P Bks 57; annotated bibliography; thesis and supporting points Week 4 Bks 810; Outline; citations Week 5 Bks 1113 drafting; editing and proofing
Week 6 1415 and Epilogues; oral reports TheResearch Paper In this classou research and write a 1215a ea eron a toic suested directl orindirectl b Warand Peace which combines in some wathe humanities and social science.Possible toics miht be: Tolsto’s theorof histor ;Tolsto ’sconcept of leadership; moralitof war; nobles and serfs in Russia; death as revelation in the novel …and many more