SOC 117 WEC Spring 2012HOMEWORK 1Name: _________________ ** Both readings are available on WEC Website Levin, Jack, James Alan Fox, David R. Forde (2009). Chapter 1 inElementary Statistics in Social Research, 11th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon The first reading for this course is the first chapter from a statistics book. This is not a statistics, class, but it is a quantitative research methods class. So, we will be doing statistical analysis, but you do NOT have to “do the math.” We will be using computer software to do all the analysis. However, you willneed to learn some aspects of statistics in order to understand and interpret the results of your analyses. All the answers to the following questions are found directly in the reading. (They appear in the text in the order below–so you can “fill in the blanks” as you read).This is partly an exercise to “make sure” you do the reading, but it is also a way of helping you highlight definitions and significant aspects of the reading. 1.What is a “variable?”2.What is a hypothesis?
3.What is the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable? 4.What are the four types of research methods the text describes? 1. 2. 3. 4.
5.Why is it important to do social research even if the subject matter seems “obvious?”6.What are the stages of Social Research? 7.List and define the three different levels of measurement. 1. 2. 3. 8.What are the two functions of statistics?1. 2.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The research proposal you will be doing in this class will be based on a research topic/question
you choose. However, youwill need to relate your topic (in some way) to one of the “articles”
from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Identify THREE articles that most draw your
attention or interest. We will discuss in class how, specifically, to relate these ideals/values to
specific research topics–so don’t worry about how you will do that yet, just pick three articles
that seem to interest you. Please write out the text of each article below (don’t just put the numbers).1. 2. 3.