- cours - matière potentielle : content
- cours magistral
- cours - matière potentielle : plan title
- cours - matière potentielle : children
- expression écrite
Ahimsa Center K-12 Teacher Institute Lesson Plan Title of Lesson: Take A Walk in Their Shoes: Great Leaders of Our Time Lesson By: Laura Mullen Grade Level/Subject Areas: Early Elementary School (Grades 2-5)/Social Studies Class Size: Can be done for any class size. Time/Duration of Lesson: 90 Minutes (can be referred back to and extended for several days) Guiding Questions: • What are the characteristics of a good leader? • How can good leaders make positive changes, for not only the people around them, but for others in the world? Lesson Abstract: This lesson looks at
- farm worker conditions
- working conditions
- children to school
- children from school
- california grapes until farm workers
- nonviolence
- own philosophy of nonviolence resistance
- philosophy
- gandhi
- school
- time