INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE TECHNOLOGIE VALENCIENNES LISTE DES COURS DETAILLES DANS LES UNIVERSITES PARTENAIRES ANNEE 2008‐2009 ANVERS (Belgique) ‐ Module I (HRM, Mkg, Trade, Web appl. & e‐commerce commercial, Communication I) 17 ECTS ‐ Module II (Entrepreneur skip, law european enslit, commmercial com) 16 ECTS ‐ Module III (Mkg, Dutch, Business English) 11 ECTS ‐ Module IV (Accounting, Management) 16 ECTS BRAGA (Portugal) ‐ Analysis of internat. Relations 6 ECTS ‐ Business Contracts law 6 ECTS ‐ Corporate finance I 6 ECTS ‐ International Trade 6 ECTS ‐ Political Economy of International Business 5 ECTS ‐ Foreign Business Language 6 ECTS ‐ Accouting 6 ECTS ‐ Prod. & Op. Managt 6 ECTS ‐ Econometrics 6 ECTS BIELEFELD (Allemagne) ‐ Wirstschaft/Economics (Code unite :VWL 111) 6 ECTS ‐ International Business Law (Code Unité : AW2) 6 ECTS ‐ es Marketing and Management (Code Unité : AW 10) 3 ECTS ‐ Project Management 3 ECTS ‐ International Financial Account 3 ECTS ‐ Foundations of International Business 3 ECTS ‐ Module Produktion + Logistik 15 ECTS ‐ Europe Institutions and Policies 3 ECTS ‐ Praktikum/Stage 10 ECTS CARLOW (Irlande) ‐ International Marketing (Code Unité : H 3405) 10 ECTS ‐ International Business and Culture (Code Unité : H 3402) 10 ECTS ‐ Organisational Behaviour (Code Unité : H 3403) 10 ECTS ‐ Finance (Code Unité : H 3401) 10 ECTS ‐ English ...