Conformal scalar curvature on the hyperbolic space Erwann DELAY? University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis Abstract. Regarding the theme of the conformal scalar curvature on the hyperbolic space, we bring here a study of the fine asymptotic behavior in any dimension. We always deal with general semi-linear equations, before applying our results to the particu- lar case of the geometric equation. 1 Preliminary Let B the unit ball in Rn (with the euclidien metric E) and let ? the function definite on B by: ?(x) = 1 2 (1? |x|2). The model of hyperbolic spaceHn(?1) chosen isB with the conformal metric : H0 = ? ?2E. For v > ?1 real function on B, we define the conformal metric Hv = (1 + v)H0. We are interested in the scalar curvature of such conformal metrics. We are going to show that the map v ?? Scal(Hv)? Scal(H0) is invertible near zero in some appropriate spaces. Let u in Ck,?loc (B), we will say that u is in ?sk,? if the next quantity, who represents his norm on this space, is finite : ? u ?sk,?:= ∑ |?|≤k sup x?B [?(x)?s+|?||∂?u(x)|] + ∑ |?|=k sup x,y?B x 6=y min(?
- maximum principle
- details can
- inf x?b
- conformal scalar
- general semi-linear
- ?moniteur-allocataire menesr
- such conformal
- function