Conference on Turbulence and Interactions TI2006, May 29 - June 2, 2006, Porquerolles, France Statistics at Small Scales in DNS of Turbulence – Dependence on Reynolds Number and Length Scale – Y. Kaneda Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan ?Email: ABSTRACT A review is given on results of data-analysis based on recent high-resolution direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of incompressible turbulence in a periodic box with the number of grid points up to 40963. Emphasis is put on the possible universality of small-scale statistics in turbulence at high Reynolds number, as well as on the dependence of the statistics on the Reynolds number and the length scale. 1 INTRODUCTION Turbulence consists of the so-called ‘eddies' with a wide range of length scale. The statistics of turbulence depends on the length scale as well as the Reynolds number Re. According to the celebrated Kolmogorov hypotheses [1], one may assume that at sufficiently high Re 1 and at sufficiently small scale r such that r L, the statistics is universal in the sense that it is insen- sitive to the detail of boundary conditions and forcing at large scale ? L, where L is the charac- teristic length scale of energy containing eddies. This assumption plays a key role in most modern theories and modeling of turbulence.
- field
- uniform magnetic
- length scale
- high resolution direct
- fluid density
- obeying
- fluid velocity
- sufficiently small scale
- incompressible viscous fluid
- direct numerical