Computational Geosciences manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Vertex-centred Discretization of Multiphase Compositional Darcy flows on General Meshes R. Eymard · C. Guichard · R. Herbin · R. Masson Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract This paper concerns the discretization on general 3D meshes of multiphase compositional Darcy flows in heterogeneous anisotropic porous media. Ex- tending Coats' formulation [14] to an arbitrary number of phases, the model accounts for the coupling of the mass balance of each component with the pore volume conservation and the thermodynamical equilibrium, and dynamically manages phase appearance and disappear- ance. The spatial discretization of the multiphase com- positional Darcy flows is based on a generalization of the Vertex Approximate Gradient scheme (VAG), al- ready introduced for single phase diffusive problems in [18]. It leads to an unconditionally coercive scheme for arbitrary meshes and permeability tensors. The sten- cil of this vertex-centred scheme typically comprises 27 points on topologically Cartesian meshes, and the num- ber of unknowns on tetrahedral meshes is considerably reduced, compared with usual cell-centred approaches. The efficiency of our approach is exhibited on the near- well injection of miscible CO2 in a saline aquifer taking into account the vaporization of H2O in the gas phase as well as the precipitation of salt. R. Eymard University of Paris-Est, France, E-mail: robert.
- phases ? ?
- multiphase compositional
- compact vertex-centred
- centred finite
- vag scheme
- tri- phase darcy
- vertex
- darcy flow