Niveau: Secondaire, Lycée
Public cible 1e / Écouter : B1+ ; Parler (IO) : B1Séquence 4 Taxi CCTV Un nouveau système de vidéosurveillance est sur le point d'être installé dans les taxis de la ville d'Oxford, en Angleterre. Cette nouvelle bouleverse les esprits et crée un sentiment partagé au sein des usagers, dont la plupart pensent que cette mesure constituerait un manquement au respect de la vie privée. Transcript Sky News reporter on camera, Michele Clifford: These days we're all used to being watched on the outside. But if you're in Oxford in the future, beware, that scrutiny might not actually end when you're inside a taxi. Sky News reporter, Michele Clifford: When the ignition goes on, so will a camera and microphone, able to capture every word, every bit of action in the back of the cab. Taxi driver, Maamoun Aisahli: To have a camera installed in your car is a good idea if you have evide..., uh well, if you have incidents and then it's a good evidence [sic] for you and it's for the safety of the driver and the passenger. It's so good to have the camera. Sky News reporter, Michele Clifford: With drink often fuelling violence and bad behaviour, it's the growing threat, particularly at night, which a council here says makes the move necessary.
- taxi
- sujets de la vie quotidienne
- peut
- after watching
- contrôle de la compréhension par les indices contextuels
- document d'anticipation du sujet
- sujets familiers
- manuels de lycée ?
- séquence sur l'installation de caméras de videosurveillance dans les taxis