French 2900 Language (Advanced Level II








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maîtrise, Supérieur, Maîtrise (bac+4)
  • redaction - matière potentielle : textes
  • cours - matière potentielle : et de laboratoire
  • cours - matière potentielle : semestre
  • étude de texte
  • revision - matière potentielle : du chapitre
  • cours - matière potentielle : ollivier
  • exposé
  • cours - matière potentielle : fr
1 HURON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT WESTERN FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF FRENCH AND ASIAN STUDIES French 2900 Language (Advanced Level II) Professeur: Dr. Ramona Mielusel Bureau: A211 Courrier électronique: Heures de bureau: mardi 10 : 30-11 : 30/ mercredi 10 : 30-11 : 30 ou sur rendez-vous Numéro de téléphone : 519-438-7224, ext. 229 Heures de classe: Lundi : 8: 30 - 10 : 30 : Étude de textes et grammaire (W 104) Mercredi: 8 : 30 - 10 : 30 : Grammaire et vocabulaire (W 104) Laboratoire: À être
  • academic accommodation
  • student who
  • quiz vocabulaire
  • clarification des points de grammaire étudiés
  • vocabulaire des textes et des thèmes étudiés au préalable
  • french students
  • présentations orales
  • présentation orale
  • grammaire
  • participations
  • participation
  • textes
  • texte
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HURON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT WESTERNFACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCEDEPARTMENT OF FRENCH AND ASIAN STUDIES French 2900 Language (Advanced Level II)Professeur:Dr. Ramona MieluselBureau:A211Courrier électronique: Heures de bureau:mardi 10 : 3011 : 30/ mercredi 10 : 3011 : 30 ou sur rendezvous Numéro de téléphone :5194387224, ext. 229 Heures de classe:Lundi : 8: 30  10 : 30 : Étude de textes et grammaire (W 104) Mercredi: 8 : 30  10 : 30 : Grammaire et vocabulaire (W 104) Laboratoire: À être annoncé plus tard Prérequis:Français 1910 ou permission spéciale du département, basée sur le test de placement. Antirequis:ancien FR 131Description du cours FR 2900 s’adresse aux étudiant (e) s ayant déjà une formation de base en français. Il vise à renforcer la maîtrise des règles de la grammaire française, l’acquisition graduelle du vocabulaire, l’assimilation des techniques d’analyse et de rédaction de textes, ainsi que l’amélioration de l’expression orale. Objectifs du cours À la fin du cours les étudiants devront être capables de:  identifier et implémenter les règles de la syntaxe et de la morphologie de la grammaire française  produire des textes écrits en français qui reflètent les standards grammaticaux et de vocabulaire équivalents au niveau du cours  distinguer des points clés dans l’analyse des différents textes appartenant à des registres et à des genres divers  développer des habiletés de faire des présentations orales et d’entretenir une conversation courante avec un locuteur natif du français tout en incorporant la terminologie grammaticale afférente.
Manuel du cours e Ollivier, Jacqueline et Martin Beaudoin.Grammaire françaiseet(5 édition) Cahier d’exercices de grammaire française. Montréal : Groupe Modulo, 2011. Miquel, Claire.Vocabulaire progressif du françaisavec 250 exercices(Niveau avancé). CLE International, 1999. Ouvrages recommandés (utiles dans tous les cours de français) Dictionnaire bilingue:The CollinsRobert FrenchEnglish EnglishFrench DictionaryDictionnaire unilingue français:Le Petit RobertLa conjugaison des verbes:Le Bescherelle: l’art de conjuguer Barème du cours 2 compositions(500 mots chacune)10% 4 quiz de grammaire 12%  2 quiz de vocabulaire 8%  1 présentation orale 5%  Laboratoire (2 tests decompréhension et un entretien oral10% sur un thème étudié) 2 examens semestriels20% 1 examen final cumulatif 30% Présence et participation5% Barème des examens semestriels:Grammaire: 70 % Étude de texte et vocabulaire: 30 % Barème de l’examen final:Grammaire 70 % Étude de texte et vocabulaire: 30 % Explication du barème CompositionsCe sont des travaux écrits faits en classe (1) et à la maison (1). Les compositions porteront sur des thèmes variés (ceux du manuel du cours et ceux inspirés duVocabulaire progressifet des textes étudiés).Les compositions devront faire preuve d’une certaine sophistication dans l’expression et d’une bonne compréhension du sujet traité. L’évaluation portera sur la grammaire, le respect des règles de la composition, la richesse du vocabulaire utilisé, l’originalité, etc. (un barème vous sera donné une semaine avant).
QuizLes quizporteront sur les principaux points de grammaire discutés en classe (4) et sur le vocabulaire des textes et des thèmes étudiés au préalable (2). Chaque quiz dure entre 20 et 30 minutes. Présentation orale (15 minutes)Les sujets de la présentation orale seront choisis avec l’approbation du professeur. Après chaque exposé, il y aura 5 à 10 minutes de discussions au cours desquelles chaque étudiant qui présente répondra aux questions des camarades de classe. Cet exercice vise à évaluer la performance orale des étudiant (e)s : habileté de se faire comprendre (prononciation, grammaire, débit, vocabulaire précis, riche et varié) et qualité de l’argumentation. Tests de laboratoireLes activités de labo comprennent toute une variété d’exercices conçus à partir de documents audiovisuels : compréhension orale, reconstitution d’un texte enregistré, dictées, exercices de prononciation. Les étudiants seront évalués à travers un test de compréhension et reproduction orale au labo (1 chaque semestre). La deuxième évaluation aura la forme d’un entretien ou l’étudiant(e) devra parler librement sur un certain thème relié aux sujets discutés en classe (5 min). Tests de grammaire et analyse de texte Les étudiants vont écriredeuxtests semestriels comprenant, à part la grammaire et le vocabulaire étudié pendant le semestre,deuxanalyses de texte. Cette dernière activité insistera sur la compréhension du texte et l’organisation de ses éléments thématiques et stylistiques dans un travail rédigé selon les normes de la composition française. Les textes pour l’analyse seront annoncés une semaine à l’avance. Présence et participation activeVotreréussitedans le courssera assurée en grande partie par votreprésence régulièreet par laparticipation activeaux heures de cours et de laboratoire.La note de participation sera attribuée en fonction de l’assiduité de chaque étudiant (e) : présence et ponctualité, participation aux activités de la classe et devoirs à la maison que le professeur vérifiera régulièrement.Note : Tout retard de plus de 10 minutes non justifié et tout départ de la classe avant la fin de la séance seront considérés comme des absences.(Note on participation)Partici ation is measured b the amount o our verbal out ut and interaction in class. It implies that you ask and answer questions, offer developments, volunteer information and observation, and actively become involved in class discussion. Your participation will be tracked and evaluated in terms of quality and quantity.) AVERTISSEMENT Lecture:Il estobligatoirede lire les pages indiquées pour chaque cours afin de participer activement aux discussions et débats. PLAN DU COURS Semestre 1
Semaine 1(Jeudi 8 septembre)Pas de rencontre. Lireattentivement« Survol de la phrase ». Semaine 2(1216 septembre) Chapitre 2 (Le nom) La communication (Vocabulaire progressif du français (VPF). Semaine 3(1823 septembre) Chapitre 3 (Les déterminants, partie 1) L’apparence physique (VPF) Semaine 4(2530 septembre) Chapitre 3 (Les déterminants, partie 2)Composition (à la maison) Les mouvements, les gestes, les postures (VPF) Semaine 5(37 octobre) Chapitre 4 (L’adjectif) Le caractère et la personnalité (VPF)Semaine 6(1014 octobre) Chapitre 5 (Les pronoms personnels, partie 1)Quiz 1La santé (VPF) Semaine 7(1721 octobre) Chapitre 5 (Les pronoms personnels, partie 2)Présentation oraleLe sport (VPF) Semaine 8(2428 octobre) Chapitre 6 (Les pronoms possessifs)Quiz vocabulaire La vie affective (VPF) Semaine 9(30 octobre 4 novembre) Chapitre 7 (Les pronoms démonstratifs) Les réactions émotionnelles (VPF) Semaine 10(711 novembre) Chapitre 8 (Les pronoms relatifs)Examen semestrielLa vie intellectuelle (VPF) Semaine 11(1418 novembre) Chapitre 9 (L’adverbe)Quiz 2La poste et les services (VPF) Semaine 12(2125 novembre) Chapitre 10 (Le comparatif et le superlatif) La cuisine (VPF) Semaine 13(28 novembre 2 décembre) Chapitres 11 et 12 (Les prépositions et les conjonctions) Débat sur un thème déjà connu.Semaine 14(57 décembre) Clarification des points de grammaire étudiés.Labo (test) Le jardinage et le bricolage (VPF)
Semestre 2 Lecture et révision du chapitre 14 pour la rentrée!!!!!! Semaine 1(913 janvier)Chapitre 13 (Les mots indéfinis) L’Art les arts plastiques (VPF) Semaine 2(1620 janvier) Chapitres 15 et 22 (Le présent et l’impératif) Le livre et la littérature (VPF) Semaine 3(2327 janvier) Chapitre 16 et 27 (Le passé composé et les verbes semiauxiliaires)Composition (en classe)Le cinéma et la photographie (VPF) Semaine 4(30 janvier3 février) Chapitre 17 et 18 (L’imparfait et le plusqueparfait)Les arts du spectacle (VPF) Semaine 5(610 février) Chapitre 19 (Le futur) Les médias (VPF) Semaine 6(1317 février) Chapitre 20 (Le conditionnel)Labo (test)L’enseignement supérieur et la recherche (VPF) Semaine 7(2024 février) Semaine de lecture (pas de cours) Semaine 8(27 février 2 mars) Chapitre 21 (Le subjonctif)Quiz vocabulaireLa politique et la société (VPF) Semaine 9(59 mars) Chapitre 23 et 24 (Le participe et l’infinitif)Quiz 1 L’environnement (VPF) Semaine 10(1216 mars) Chapitre 25 et 26 (Les verbes pronominaux et les verbes impersonnels) Composition 2 (en classe) Le monde de l’entreprise (VPF) Semaine 11(1923 mars) Chapitre 28 et 29 (La négation et l’interrogation)Examen semestrielL’économie et le commerce (VPF) Semaine 12(2630 mars) Chapitre 30 (La voix passive)Quiz 2Les sciences et les technologies (VPF) Semaine 13(26 avril) Chapitre 31 (Le discours indirect) Les crimes et les faits divers (VPF)
Semaine 14(911 avril) Récapitulation, clarification des points de grammaire étudiésLabo (entretien) POLICIES FOR COURSES IN FRENCH 1. Policy on assistance with assignments It is assumed that students will submit assignments that are the product of their own endeavours. Students who require specific guidance concerning any part of an assignment should speak to the professor who has given that assignment. Students should not permit their written work to be read or corrected by anyone other than the instructor to whom it is to be submitted. 2. Policy on oral presentations Each oral presentation must be given on the day on which it is scheduled. Any student who fails to present on the day on which he/she is scheduled will not receive credit for that assignment. Any student who, because of illness or other serious lastminute problem, cannot avoid being absent on the day when he/she is scheduled to make an oral presentation must inform the professor as soon as the problem arises. Any student who anticipates having difficulty in presenting on the day on which he/she is scheduled should inform his/her professor well in advance, preferably as soon as the date is announced. If, in the professor’s judgment, the circumstances warrant it, the professor may, at his/her discretion, set a new date, or assign a new topic for another date. 3. Policy on attendance and participation grade Class attendance will be recorded regularly. Participation is measured by the amount of your verbal output and interaction in class. It implies that you ask and answer questions, volunteer information and observations, have your readings done for every course, and actively become involved in class discussions. Your participation will be tracked and evaluated in terms of quality and quantity. may miss 3 hours of class withoutA student in a HALF COURSE o penalty. Eachsubsequent absencebeyond the nonpenalizedthree will diminish the participation mark by 1% if the student does not present proper documentation on medical or nonmedical grounds. may miss 6 hours of class withoutA student in a FULL COURSE o penalty. Eachsubsequent absencebeyond the nonpenalizedsix will diminish the participation mark by 0.5%% if the student does not present proper documentation on medical or nonmedical grounds. Any student who, in the opinion of the instructor, is absent too frequently from class or laboratory periods in any course will be reported to the Dean (after due warning has been given). On the recommendation of the Department, and with the permission
of the Dean, the student will be debarred from taking the regular examination in the course. 4. Policy on late assignments A penalty of 2% per calendar daywill apply to assignments and essays submitted after the deadline. If the student is unable to meet a deadline for reasons beyond his/her control, the student should discuss the matter with the professor in advance and be prepared to give adequate justification. Appendix to Course Outlines Prerequisite Information Students are responsible for ensuring that they have successfully completed all course prerequisites. Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enrol in it, you may be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites. Conduct of Students in Classes, Lectures, and Seminars Membership in the community of Huron University College and the University of Western Ontario implies acceptance by every student of the principle of respect for the rights, responsibilities, dignity and wellbeing of others and a readiness to support an environment conducive to the intellectual and personal growth of all who study, work and live within it. Upon registration, students assume the responsibilities that such registration entails. The academic and social privileges granted to each student are conditional upon the fulfillment of these responsibilities. In the classroom, students are expected to behave in a manner that supports the learning environment of others. Students can avoid any unnecessary disruption of the class by arriving in sufficient time to be seated and ready for the start of the class, by remaining silent while the professor is speaking or another student has the floor, and by taking care of personal needs prior to the start of class. If a student is late, or knows that he/she will have to leave class early, be courteous: sit in an aisle seat and enter and leave quietly. Please see theCode of Student Rights and Responsibilitiesat:
Technology It is not appropriate to use technology (such as, but not limited to, laptops, PDAs, cell phones) in the classroom for nonclassroom activities. Such activity is disruptive and is distracting to other students and to the instructor, and can inhibit learning. Students are expected to respect the classroom environment and to refrain from inappropriate use of technology and other electronic devices in class. Academic Accommodation for Medical/NonMedical Grounds For UWO Policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness and a downloadable SMC see:[downloadable Student Medical Certificate (SMC):https://studentservices.uwo.caunder the Medical Documentation heading] Students seeking academic accommodation on medical grounds for any missed tests, exams, participation components and/or assignments worth 10% or more of their final grade must apply to the Academic Counselling office of their home Faculty and provide documentation. Academic accommodation will be determined by the Dean’s Office in consultation with the instructor. Fornonmedicalgrounds or formedicalgrounds when work representsless than 10%of the overall grade for the course, the student must submit a request to the instructor in writing prior to the due date of an assignment, and immediately in the case of a test. (Or as soon as possible following a medical emergency) Students are protected under the Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy and so written requests need only include a broad and general explanation of the situation, and the approximate length of time required. At the discretion of the instructor, the granting of extensions and rescheduled tests may require the student to submit supporting either medical or non medical documentation to the Academic Counsellor, who will then make the determination as to whether accommodation is warranted. Statement on Academic Offences Scholastic offences are taken seriously and students are directed to read the appropriate policy, specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the following Web site: Plagiarism Plagiarism is an academic offence and will be treated as such. Students who are in doubt as to the nature of this offence should consult their instructor, Department Chair or the Dean, as well as the Huron University College Statement on Plagiarism, available at the reference desk in the HUC Library and at In addition, students may seek guidance from a variety of current style manuals available at the Reference Desk in the HUC Library. Information about these resources can be found in LibGuides on the main page:
Students found guilty of plagiarism will suffer consequences ranging from a grade reduction to failure in the course to expulsion from the university. In addition, a formal letter documenting the offence will be filed in the Dean’s Office, and this record of the offence will be retained in the Dean’s Office for the duration of the student’s academic career at Huron University College.All required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to the commercial plagiarism detection software under license to the University for the detection of plagiarism. All papers submitted for such checking will be included as source documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to the licensing agreement, currently between The University of Western Ontario and Computermarked multiplechoice tests and/or exams may be subject to submission for similarity review by software that will check for unusual coincidences in answer patterns that may indicate cheating. Personal Response Systems (“clickers”) may be used in some classes. If clickers are to be used in a class, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the device is activated and functional. Students must see their instructor if they have any concerns about whether the clicker is malfunctioning. Students must use only their own clicker. If clicker records are used to compute a portion of the course grade: the use of somebody else’s clicker in class constitutes a scholastic offence, the possession of a clicker belonging to another student will be interpreted as an attempt to commit a scholastic offence. Policy on Special Needs Students who require special accommodation for tests and/or other course components must make the appropriate arrangements with the Student Development Centre (SDC). Further details concerning policies and procedures may be found at: Regulations for Examinations A student is entitled to be examined in courses in which registration is maintained, subject to the following limitations: 1) A student may be debarred from writing the final examination for failure to maintain satisfactory academic standing throughout the year. 2) Any student who, in the opinion of the instructor, is absent too frequently from class or laboratory periods in any course will be reported to the Dean of the Faculty offering the course (after due warning has been given). On the recommendation of the Department concerned, and with the permission of the Dean of that Faculty, the student will be debarred from taking the regular examination in the course. The Dean of the Faculty offering the course will communicate that decision to the Dean of the Faculty of registration.
Class CancellationsIn the event of a cancellation of class, every effort will be made to post that information on the Huron website,“Postings of Service Disruptions”). AccessibilityHuron University College strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place as, and in a similar way to, other customers. We welcome your feedback about accessibility at Huron. Information about how to provide feedback is available at: and Academic Counselling French students registered at Huron who require advice about modules and courses in the Department of French and Asian Studies should contact the Chair of the Department  Mariana Ionescu at Students should contact Academic Counselling on other academic matters. See the Academic Counselling website for information on services offered.
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