Chapter On adic iterated integrals V: linear independence properties of adic polylogarithms adic sheaves








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Chapter 14 On -adic iterated integrals V: linear independence, properties of -adic polylogarithms, -adic sheaves Zdzis?aw Wojtkowiak Abstract In a series of papers we have introduced and studied -adic polylogarithms and -adic iterated integrals which are analogues of the classical complex polyloga- rithms and iterated integrals in -adic Galois realizations. In this note we shall show that in the generic case -adic iterated integrals are linearly independent over Q. In particular they are non trivial. This result can be viewed as analogous of the statement that the classical iterated integrals from 0 to z of se- quences of one forms dzz and dz z?1 are linearly independent over Q. We also study ramification properties of -adic polylogarithms and the minimal quo- tient subgroup of the absolute Galois group GK of a number field K on which -adic polylogarithms are defined. In the final sections of the paper we study -adic sheaves and their relations with -adic polylogarithms. We show that if an -adic sheaf has the same monodromy representation as the classical complex polylogarithms then the action of GK in stalks is given by -adic polylogarithms. Key words: Galois group, polylogarithms, fundamental group 14.1 Introduction In this paper we study properties of -adic iterated integrals and -adic polyloga- rithms introduced in [Wo04] and [Wo05a]. We describe briefly the main results of the paper, though in the introduction we do not present them in full generality.

  • let

  • arbitrary -adic iterated

  • infinitesimal

  • k¯ ?

  • result concerns

  • main results

  • adic polylogarithms

  • galois group

  • independent over

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Chapter 14 On`-adic iterated integrals V: linear independence, properties of`-adic polylogarithms,`-adic sheaves
Zdzisław Wojtkowiak
AbstractIn a series of papers we have introduced and studied`-adic polylogarithms and`-adic iterated integrals which are analogues of the classical complex polyloga-rithms and iterated integrals in`-adic Galois realizations. In this note we shall show that in the generic case`-adic iterated integrals are linearly independent overQ`. In particular they are non trivial. This result can be viewed as analogous of the statement that the classical iterated integrals from 0 tozof se-formsdz z quences of onezandzd1are linearly independent overQ. We also study ramification properties of`-adic polylogarithms and the minimal quo-tient subgroup of the absolute Galois groupGKof a number fieldKon which`-adic polylogarithms are defined. In the final sections of the paper we study`-adic sheaves and their relations with`-adic polylogarithms. We show that if an`-adic sheaf has the same monodromy representation as the classical complex polylogarithms then the action ofGKin stalks is given by`-adic polylogarithms.
Key words:Galois group, polylogarithms, fundamental group
14.1 Introduction
In this paper we study properties of`-adic iterated integrals and`-adic polyloga-rithms introduced in [Wo04] and [Wo05a]. We describe briefly the main results of the paper, though in the introduction we do not present them in full generality. ¯ LetKbe a number field with algebraic closureK. Throughout this paper we fix an embeddingK¯C. LetzK\ {01}or letzbe a tangential point of
Zdzisław Wojtkowiak Universite´ de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, De´partement de Mathe´matiques, Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonne´, U.R.A. au C.N.R.S., No 168, Parc Valrose - B.P.N71, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France e-mail:
Zdzisław Wojtkowiak
P1K¯\ {01} defined overK, and letγbe an`-adic path from 0−→1 tozonP1K¯\ {01}.For any σGK=Gal(K¯/K)we set fγ(σ):=γ1σ(γ)π´et1(P1K¯\ {01}0−→1)pro`. Here and later our convention of composing a pathαfromytozwith a pathβfrom xtoywill be thatαβis defined as a path fromxtoz. LetVbe an algebraic variety defined overKand letvbe aK-point or a tangential point defined overK. By the comparison homomorphism ´t(VK¯v)pro` π1(V(C)v)π1e
any element ofπ1(V(C)v)determines canonically an element ofπ´et1(VK¯v)pro`, and we shall use the same notation for an element ofπ1(V(C)v)and its image. In particular, we have the comparison homomorphism π1(U0−→1)π1´et(SpecK¯((z)0−→1)pro` ) 
whereUC\ {0}is a punctured infinitesimal neighbourhood of 0 and SpecK¯((z)) is an algebraic infinitesimal punctured neighbourhood of 0 inP1K¯. Hence a loop around 0 inC\ {0}determines canonically an element ofπ1´te(SpecK¯((z))01). Sim-ilarly we have the comparison map from the torsor of paths fromvtozonV(C)to the torsor of`-adic paths fromvtozonVK¯. −→ Informally, we define`-adic iterated integrals from 01 tozas functions
lb(z) =lb(z)γ:GKQ` given by coefficients offγ( )indexed by elementsbin a Hall basisBof the free Lie algebra Lie(XY)on two generatorsXandY. LetBnbe the set of elements of degreeninB. Let HnGK(µ`) be the subgroup ofGK(µ`)defined by the condition that alllb(z)andlb(1−→0)vanish onHnfor allbSi<nBi. Our first result concerns linear independence of`-adic iterated integrals.
Theorem 1.Assume that zK\ {01}root of any equation of the formis not a zp(1z)q=1, where p and q are integers such that p2+q2>0.Then the functions
lb(z):HnQ` for bBnare linearly independent overQ`.
Our next results concerns`-adic polylogarithms. Hence we recall here their def-inition (see [Wo05a, Definition 11.0.1.]). Letxandybe the standard generators
14 On` 3-adic iterated integrals V π´te1(P1K¯\ {01−→)pro`(see for example [Wo05a, Picture 1 on page 126]). of}01 LetQ`{{XY}}be theQ`-algebra of non-commutative formal power series in non-commutative variablesXandY. Let K¯\ {01−→) E:´te1(P1}01 πpro`Q`{{XY}} be a continuous multiplicative embedding ofπt1´e(P1K¯\ {01}0−→1)pro`into the Q`-algebra of non-commutative formal power seriesQ`{{XY}}given by E(x) =exp(X)
E(y) =exp(Y). The`-adic polylogarithmsln(z)and the`-adic logarithml(z)are defined as func-tions onσGKby the coefficients of the following expansion nlogE(fγ(σ)) =l(z)(σ)X+ln(z)(σ)Y X1+. . .  n=1
where only relevent terms on the right hand side are written. The`-adic polylog-−→ arithmsln(z)andl(z)depend on a choice of a pathγfrom 01 toz. If we want to indicate the dependence on a pathγwe shall writeln(z)γandl(z)γ. The function l(z):GKQ` takes its values inZ`and agrees with the Kummer characterκ(z)associated toz (see [Wo05b, Proposition 14.1.0.]). Our second result concerns the minimal quotient ofGK, on which the`-adic polylogarithmsln(z)defined and their ramification properties. Forare zK\ {01} we consider the fieldsK(µ`)andK(µ`z1/`).Let M(K(µ`z1/`))a`b1z be the maximal pro-`abelian extension ofK(µ`z1/`)that is unramified outside` and 1z.
Theorem 2.Assume that zK\ {01}root of any equation of the formis not a zp(1z)q=1, where p and q are integers such that p2+q2>0.Then we have:
(1) The`-adic polylogarithm ln(z):GKQ` factors through the group
Gal(M(K(µ`z1/`))`ab1z/K). (2) The`-adic polylogarithm ln(z)ramifies only at prime factors of the fractional ideals
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