B3: Stochastic modelling and deterministic limit of catalytic surface processes J. Starke1, C. Reichert2, M. Eiswirth3, and K. Oelschlager4 1 Institute of Applied Mathematics & Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg, 2 Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg, 3 Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, 4 Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Heidelberg, Three levels of modelling, microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic are dis- cussed for the CO oxidation on low-index platinum single crystal surfaces. The introduced models on the microscopic and mesoscopic level are stochas- tic while the model on the macroscopic level is deterministic. It can be derived rigorously for low-pressure conditions from the microscopic model, which is characterized as a moderately interacting many-particle system, in the limit as the particle number tends to infinity. Also the mesoscopic model is given by a many-particle system. However, the state space there is a lattice, such that in contrast to the microscopic model the spatial resolution is reduced. The derivation of deterministic limit equations is in correspondence with the suc- cessful description of experiments under low-pressure conditions by determin- istic reaction-diffusion equations while for intermediate pressures phenomena of stochastic origin can be observed in experiments.
- limit equations
- been studied
- crystal surface
- equations while
- pt single
- limit
- co oxidation