Asian Indian Americans in King County and Washington State








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Asian Indian Americans in King County and Washington State Introduction: Who Are We Talking About? Americans whose family heritage is from India are one of the groups among South Asian Americans. The region of South Asia includes the nations of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. All too often, the term South Asia is confused with Southeast Asia, an entirely distinct region bordering South Asia that stretches from Burma through Indonesia.
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TGTeacher’s Guide (Web Version) 80NY
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New York State Coach, English Language Arts, Grade 8 Teacher’s Guide and Answer Key
Development Editor: Max Winter
Interior Design: Farzana Razak
Cover Illustration: Lloyd Birmingham/
®Triumph Learning 136 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016
© 2006 Triumph Learning, LLC
®A Haights Cross Communications , Inc. company
Printed in the United States of America.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Administration
To maximize the effectiveness of the New York State Coach, English Language Arts, Grade 8, do the
• Review the New York State English and Language Arts standards to familiarize yourself with the
test’s content.
• Before any lessons, give your students the Pretest, remembering that:
• Dictionaries, thesauri, and other reference materials (except those that New York State allows) are
not allowed.
• You can encourage, instruct, and clarify only for each section’s directions.
• You should grade the Pretest and the Posttest like you would the actual test. This is the best way to
simulate actual test results.
• You can compare each student’s pretest results to the Pretest Competencies Analysis Chart in the
printed Teacher’s Guide to identify the content each student is struggling with. Then, focus
instruction on that content.
Triumph Learning • 1-800-221-9372 3When administering both the Pretest and the For Session 1, Book 1, you will be given 45
Posttest, please follow these instructions. The minutes to read all the passages carefully and
tests will be administered over the span of three answer the 26 questions about what you have read.
days like the actual New York State English On the answer sheet, you will fill in the circle for
Language Arts Grade 8 test. the letter that matches your answer for each
Session 1, Book 1
Are there any questions about how to fill in theDistribute to each student his or her own copy of the
circles on the answer sheet?answer sheet found at the back of the printed
Teacher’s Guide. Ask the students to look at their
Pause for questions. When you are confident that all
answer sheets.
students understand how to take the test,
SAY, You will be filling in the answers to Numbers
SAY, I will write the time on the board. You must
1 through 26 on the answer sheet.
work independently and you may not speak with
each other while the test is being administered.Use only a No. 2 pencil. You may not use a pen.
Please make sure your book is open to the page
Make heavy, black marks. that reads “Book 1.”
If you make a mistake, erase it completely. Check to see that all students are on the cover
page of Book 1.Make no stray marks.
SAY, In this part of the test, you are going to readDo not make any marks on the back of this sheet.
some passages and answer questions about what
Have students open their books to the first page of the you have read. You may look back at the reading
Pretest or Posttest. Make sure each student has a No. selections as often as you like. Now read the
2 pencil. Students may not use scrap paper or Post-it directions on the following page and begin.
Record the time.
SAY, This is the beginning of Book 1 of the test.
Be sure that students are filling in the circles on the
Do not turn the page until I tell you to do so. answer sheet correctly by making their marks heavy
and dark with a No. 2 pencil .
All your answers for multiple-choice questions
must be marked on the answer sheet. You may, After 35 minutes,
however, make notes, highlight, or underline in
SAY, You have 10 more minutes to complete thisthe book as you read.
Students are permitted to use highlighters when
After 45 minutes,taking this test. You must, however, monitor student
use of highlighters to ensure that they are not being SAY, Please close your books. Now I will collect
used by students to write or record their responses to the answer sheets.
questions or in a way that obscures their r
Collect all answer sheets. Follow security proceduresopen-ended questions.
established by your principal or school administrator
SAY, Today you will take Books 1 and 2 of the test. for storing secure testing materials until testing is
completed.Tomorrow you will take Book 3.
4 Triumph Learning • www.triumphlearning.comBook 2 Pause for questions. Then,
Make sure the students have No. 2 pencils. Students
SAY, You may print your answers or write in
may not use pens. Have on hand your own copy of
cursive. All your answers must be written in the
the Coach book and the text of the Listening
book. You may not use additional paper for your
Selection, to be found in the printed Teacher’s Guide.
answers; only answers written in the book will be
Make sure that all Coach books are closed. Students
scored. If you need more space to continue or
are permitted to use highlighters as they read, but
complete a response, you may use any available
they must be monitored to ensure that the highlighters
blank space in the earlier part of the test. Please
are not being used in a way that obscures responses.
make sure to clearly note and label the continuation
of your response. Also make sure that you are notAll answers for this session will be written in the book.
using space that has been provided for anotherNo extra paper is to be distributed to students for their
question. Be sure to write clearly and legibly.responses or for note-taking. Only the responses in their
books will be scored. If a student requires additional
When you see the words GO ON at the bottom of a
room for a response, he or she may use any available
page, go to the next page. When you come to the
blank space in the part of the test already completed.
word STOP, do not turn the page until you are told
However, please direct students to clearly identify where
to do so. You may go back and check today’s work in
they have continued the response.
Book 2. Remember, do not go past the word STOP.
SAY, Now you are going to complete Book 2 of the
Now look at the first page of Book 2. Let’s read
test. Please turn to the correct page of the Coach
the directions together.
Read the directions aloud as the students follow along.
Do not start work until I tell you to do so.
After you have read the directions,
SAY, Now turn the page.
SAY, Are there any questions?
Look at the information in the box. Please follow
Pause for questions. (Please note: Students must not
along while I read what is in the box.
look at the questions before listening to the selection.)
Open to the Listening Selection in the Teacher’sMake sure all students are looking at the correct page.
Guide.Point to the box. Read the information in the box
aloud to the students. After you have read the
SAY, Now turn the page and listen as I read the
information in the box,
selection to you.
SAY, Whenever you see the writing symbol, you
Read the listening selection aloud to the students
may look back at this page to review the
twice, making sure to read the title and the name of
information in the box. You will also be given two
the author. Read the listening selection at a moderate
pages in the test book to plan your writing. You
and steady pace, speaking clearly and with expression.
may want to make an outline, take notes, or draw a
After you have read the listening selection twice,
diagram to help organize and plan your writing. Do
not use the planning page to write a complete draft SAY, You have 45 minutes to complete these
of your answer. The text you write on the planning questions. I will record the time on the board. You
page will not be scored, unless you use space on the must work independently and you may not speak
planning page to continue or complete a response. with each other while the test is being
If you do that, be sure to clearly label the places administered. You may refer to your notes as often
where you have done it. Are there any questions? as you like. You may turn to the appropriate page
and begin working.
Triumph Learning • 1-800-221-9372 5Record the time. After 35 minutes, SAY, You have 60 minutes to complete today’s
session. I will record the time on the board. You
SAY, You have 10 more minutes to complete this must work independently and you may not speak
part of the test. with each other while the test is being
administered. Now turn the page and begin.After 45 minutes,
Record the time.SAY, Please stop working. This is the end of Book
2. We will complete Book 3 tomorrow. Now I will After 50 minutes,
collect the books.
SAY, You have 10 more minutes to complete
Collect all books. Follow security procedures established this session.
by your principal or school administrator for storing
secure testing materials until testing is completed. After 60

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