Niveau: Secondaire, Collège, Troisième
10 ANC-1 1/5 DIPLÔME NATIONAL DU BREVET SESSION 2010 SUJET Série Collège ANGLAIS Durée 1 h 30 Coef. : 1 L'USAGE DE LA CALCULATRICE ET DU DICTIONNAIRE N'EST PAS AUTORISÉ _____________________________________________________________________________ TEXT A FRIEND AND A HERO 1 5 1 0 1 5 Adapted from local newspaper articles in Beeston Neighbourhood News, a Nottingham Evening Post supplement. (December 1998) Adam (Renison) is a 14 year-old schoolboy from Beeston, near Nottingham and he is also a young local hero. He is one of the two youngsters who were finally selected in the Neighbourhood News' competition to switch on Beeston's Christmas lights. Adam was one in a list of big-hearted, enthusiastic nominated children, who are prepared to put themselves out for others and who should be proud of themselves for that.
- adam
- friend robert
- years old
- his town
- robert
- selected - prepared - supported - surprised - concerned