PROPOSITION DE CORRIGÉ 1. COMPREHENSION DE L’ECRIT Documents 1 and 2 A. The two MOST important themes that are found in BOTH texts are: communication & travelling Document 1 B. (3) A gapper is a person who takes a break from his/her studies C. 1 – The blogger’s parents and friends can find out what the blogger is doing or has been doing 2 – Bloggers themselves can document their trip 3 – Potential employers can see if the gapper has used their year productively 4 – Other travellers can get ideas or advice for their own trip D. Document 1 is (1) a press article Document 2 E. The narrator is ENGLISH. He travelled to THE USA /TO AMERICA. He stayed there for SIX MONTHS. F. 1) The narrator writes about events (b) A FEW DECADES AGO. 2) The narrator goes abroad (a) TO HAVE TIME OFF ON HIS OWN. 3) The narrator’s parents expected (c) OCCASIONAL POSTCARDS.
are trueThe following statements H. 1) ONLY document 2: Not giving parents real-time information may be a good thing:
2) The narrator goes abroad (a) TO HAVE TIME OFF ON HIS OWN.
(3) A gapper is a person who takes a break from his/her studies B. 1–The blogger’s parents and friendsfind out what the can C. blogger is doing or has been doing
Documents 1 and 2
Document 1
The two MOST important themes that are found in BOTH texts are: A. communication & travelling
2–Bloggers themselvescan document their trip
Document 2
4–Other travellerscan get ideas or advice for their own trip
1) Travellers kept a record of their experience and communicated in G. the past bykeeping a diary or a journal, by givinglong-distance phone calls,sendingtelegramsorpostcards.
3) The narrator’s parents expected (c)OCCASIONAL POSTCARDS.
2) Today, travellers can keep ablog, takephotos, use amobile phone, sende-mailsor ‘skype’.
Documents 1 and Document 2
3–Potential employerssee if the gapper has used their year can productively
Document 1 is (1)a press article
The narrator is ENGLISH. He travelled to THE USA /TO AMERICA. He E. stayed there for SIX MONTHS.
1) The narrator writes about events (b) A FEW DECADES AGO.
“(l. 13 à 15) In my case, it probably helped not to have my parents (…) spilling out anxieties and long-range weather forecasts, warning me against floods, epidemics and psychos who preyed on backpackers.”
2) BOTH documents: Modern devices have made communication simpler
Doc 1: (l.16: “With internet cafés dotted all over the globe keeping a blog has never been easier”
Doc 2: (l.20) “ Nowadays all it takes is a text message.”
3) ONLY document 1: Travellers’ parents get real-time information about their children
(l.2) “A blog is a good way to keep them (parents) up to speed”
(l.9) “Parents love to read blogs in order to see what their children have been doing…”
4) ONLY document 2: Travellers and their parents can get in touch quickly but only if it is urgent
(l. 16) “In a true emergency (…) the Foreign Office would have contacted the Embassy in Washington, who would have informed the American authorities, who would have asked police forces across the country to look out for an … Englishman”
Méthode: bien lire chaque amorce, retenir celle qui paraît la plus séduisante et pour laquelle le vocabulaire à utiliser est le mieux maîtrisé.
Ne pas oublier que s’agissant d’expériences vécues, les conjugaisons seront normalement au passé