I. COMPREHENSION DE L’ECRIT Documents 1 and 2 A. Choose the right answer : Both documents are about : (2) famous people promoting science Document 1 B. Match each element with the corresponding definition from the following list 1. Thor: a film 2. Ultimate Mentor Adventure: a competition 3. N. Portmann: an actress 4. Jane Foster: a scientist in a film C. 1. The people who enter the competition must be: Girls Over 14 In grades 9-12 2. To participate, the applicants must
b) make a VIDEO which should contain information about the INTERVIEW they did with a famous WOMAN who works in the domains of STEM
Match each element with the corresponding definition from the following list B. 1.Thor: a film
Document 1
a) fill in and send a FORM
2. To participate, the applicants must
3.N. Portmann: an actress
In grades 9-12
Over 14
2.Ultimate Mentor Adventure: a competition
1. The people who enter the competition must be: C.
4.Jane Foster: a scientist in a film
Choose the right answer : A. Both documents are about : (2) famous people promoting science
Documents 1 and 2
Document 2
Name Age Place of study
Jobs in three different domains
Brian Cox 45 Manchester University TV presenter ( a BBC’s star)Film director University teacher (academic)
The prize of the competition is a week-long trip to Los Angeles with the D. participaUltimatetion in the “premiere screening of (…) the Dark World Mentor Adventure documentary short”.
b: 1990s
f: 2010
d: 2010
-qu’est-ce qui le rend attrayant and inspirant ?
ème (en 2partie) s’exprimer sur les contenus de la rubrique «other information »
1. (l. 31–33): “A public service broadcaster (…) is part of the education G. system.”
Les questions posées doivent amener la personne interrogée à :
1) I’m here to tell you about a life-changing opportunity for girls like you (l.7)
–définir rapidement le programme choisi et ses contenus
le ton de l’entretien doit être sinon respectueux du moinsformel
2. (l. 45–48): “Brian Cox (…) said the success of the programmes in 2010 had also made it easiertan ever to pitch science to channel controllers.”
2) A public service broadcaster (…) does change behaviour. (l. 33-34)
Documents 1 and 2
-à qui s’adresse-t-il ?
As a conclusion, we can say that science programmes are USEFUL. H.