Plusieurs exemples de réponses sont donnés à titre indicatif. Il est possible de donner une réponse exacte en la formulant de différentes manières, avec différents niveaux de langue. L’important est l’exactitude de la réponse (et la correction de la langue). Cette proposition de corrigé correspond au niveau attendu pour des élèves de terminales. Document A A.1. B.People who live in gated communities intend to feel more secure in terms of urban violence, privacy and peer identity. They want to leave with people from the same social background. C. In fact, living in a gated community is probably safer but it also increases violence because social class can’t mix up anymore, the poor remain together. There is no social diversity. D. Living in a gated community is utopian. That is why there is a distinction between being on holidays or living every day in a gated community. It cuts rich people from reality, from civic responsibility, from cultural exchange. And it probably makes poor people feel even more excluded
COMPREHENSION Plusieurs exemples de réponses sont donnés à titre indicatif. Il est possible de donner une réponse exacte en la formulant de différentes manières, avec différents niveaux de langue.L’iŵpoƌtaŶt est l’edžaĐtitude de la ƌépoŶse ;et la ĐoƌƌeĐtioŶ de la laŶgueͿ. Cette pƌopositioŶ de Đoƌƌigé ĐoƌƌespoŶdau niveau attendu pour des élèves de terminales. Document A A.1. B.People who live in gated communities intend to feel more secure in terms of urban violence, privacy and peer identity. They want to leave with people from the same social background. C. In fact, living in a gated community is probably safer but it also increases violence because social Đlass ĐaŶ’t ŵidž up aŶLJŵoƌe, the pooƌ ƌeŵaiŶ togetheƌ. Theƌe is Ŷo soĐial diǀeƌsitLJ.D. Living in a gated community is utopian. That is why there is a distinction between being on holidays or living every day in a gated community. It cuts rich people from reality, from civic responsibility, from cultural exchange. And it probably makes poor people feel even more excluded. Document B E. the public world;il s’agissaitsurtout de montrer votre compréhension du mon realm) F.3. G. The consequence of leaving in isolation : -laĐk of peƌsoŶal ͞ǁell-ďeiŶg͟ ;liŶe ϲͿ-͞ŵeaŶiŶglessŶess foƌ iŶdiǀiduals͟ ;liŶe ϳͿ-͞dissolutioŶ of soĐial ďoŶds foƌ the ĐoŵŵuŶitLJ͟(line 7) The ĐoŶseƋueŶĐe of ďeiŶg a full ŵeŵďeƌ of the ͞puďliĐ ƌealŵ͟-͞the edžĐhaŶge of opiŶioŶ aŶd iŶfoƌŵatioŶ͟ is ŵade possiďle ;liŶe ϭϱͿ-͞ǁe leaƌŶ aďout eaĐh otheƌ͟ ;liŶe ϭϳͿ-it ͞faĐilitates leaƌŶiŶg aďout ǁaLJs of ďeiŶg aŶd ƌelatiŶg͟ ;liŶe ϮϬͿDocuments A et B H.Isolation can lead toedžĐlusioŶ of soĐial gƌoup, it doesŶ’t faĐilitate soĐial diǀeƌsitLJ.
In the first text, it can result into a cultural malnourishment a lack of civic responsibility whereas the second text underlines that experiencing interpersonal relationships can make people happier and fulfilled.
I.CiǀiĐ doesŶ’t oŶlLJ ƌefeƌ to a dutLJ oƌ aŶ oďligatioŶ LJou haǀe to do.This adjective relates to the organization of society which is a balance between individual freedom and social harmony. We have to respect each other not only in an individual point of view but also a collective one.