DOCUMENT 1 B1. The author Dan Rubinstein changed his life. He stopped working and started reading and writing about other people’s personal experiences . One of his examples is about Matt Green who also decided to change his life. B2. Matt made this decision because -he split up with his girlfriend and didn’t want to keep his job with money he didn’t want to do Quote 1 lines 4-5 “then the relationship ended and he found it difficult doing a job he didn’t enjoy for money he didn’t need.” -He wanted new adventures Quote 2 line 5 “craving adventure, he turned his back on 5 years of highway and roadway design”
1 . Harold and Matt both like walking and travelling without a specific goal.
B1. The author Dan Rubinstein changed his life. He stopped working and started reading and writing aďout other people͛s persoŶal edžperieŶĐes . OŶe of his edžaŵples is aďout Matt GreeŶ ǁho also decided to change his life.
B2. Matt made this decision because
-he split up with his girlfriend anddidŶ͛tǁaŶt to keep his joď ǁith ŵoŶeLJ he didŶ͛t ǁaŶt to do
Quote 1 lines 4-ϱ ͞theŶ the relatioŶship eŶded aŶd he fouŶd it diffiĐult doiŶg a joď he didŶ͛tenjoy for money hedidŶ͛tŶeed.͟
-He wanted new adventures
Quote Ϯ liŶe ϱ ͞ĐraǀiŶg adǀeŶture, he turned his back on 5 years of highway and roadway design͟
Step 1 C Rockaway Beach NY
Step 2 D Rockaway Beach Oregon
Step 3 A Chicago
Step 4 B NY City
C3 d Enjoy the present , let life surprise you .
D1. B rediscover NY City and F stay there and keep walking.
D2. A. repetitive
B. fascinating
E. countryside cty
F. 1. Where he comes from : POSITIVE
Line 5-ϲ ͞ he felt Đoŵfortaďle iŶ the opeŶ laŶd aŶd skLJ ͞
LiŶe Ϯ8 ͞he loŶged to ďe ďaĐk oŶ the opeŶ laŶd͟ liŶe Ϯ8
2. where he is now : NEGATIVE
LiŶe ϭϯ ͞ eǀerLJthiŶg alarŵed hiŵ͟
a.sandwiches line 24-He was offered Đheese or haŵ … sushi?͟Ϯϱ ͞ b.He finally bought nothing.liŶe Ϯϰ ͞ aŶd left ǁith ŶothiŶg͟
GϮ. There are so ŵaŶLJ thiŶgs to see aŶd to ďuLJ iŶ the shops that he ĐaŶ͛t deĐide ǁhat to Đhoose.
H1. No , theydoŶ͛t share the saŵe opiŶioŶ oŶ Đities. Matt GreeŶ likes to ǁalk aŶd discover all the parts of the city whereas Harold Fry feel s lost and panicked when he walks there.
H2. No, Matt decided not to follow the advice on travelling and sightseeing while Harold like the company of other people.
H3. Yes , they both think that living a simple life is easier than having a repetitive job and seeing too ŵaŶLJ thiŶgs iŶ the shops . It͛s ŵore reladžiŶg .
A.Wrtie an e-mail
From : Matt
TO : Harold
th Date . FRIDAY June 17
Hello Harold
I͛ǀe just ďeeŶ oŶholiday toLos AŶgeles aŶd I ǀisited the HollLJǁood studios. That͛s aŶ aŵaziŶgplace.
Guess ǁho I͛ǀeseen??You͛ll Ŷeǀer ďelieǀeme. Jennifer Lawrence, how pretty she is!
I saw all the stages and sceneries where the latest movies have been shot .
Do you remember the opening scene of Hunger Games? Yeah , I saw the stage with the props and costumes and everything . I loved it. I could even write one scene in English and you know how bad my English is !
We wanted to see the new filming of Game of Thronees but we couldŶ͛tďeĐause it is a seĐret . We͛ll have to wait to see.
I͛ll ďe ďaĐk iŶ Ϯweeks and I will tell you about the beautiful sea in Los Angeles . We are staying in a ǁoŶderful hotel ŶearďLJ. I͛ll seŶd LJou soŵe piĐtures.
Bye bye .
158 words
B .
Matt : So what are we gonna do? Do you want to go to the Blue Mountains Park waliking or horse –riding ?We Đould speŶd the Ŷoight iŶ the ŵouŶtaiŶ eǀeŶ though it͛s ǀerLJ Đold at Ŷight. Let͛s take a tent and some food.
Harold:I͛d rather go ďLJ Đarif youdoŶ͛t ŵiŶd. I thiŶk it͛s too far.
-But it͛s Ŷot so far ǁe Đould trLJ paraglidiŶg doŶ͛t LJouthink, , it would be fun to see the mountains from the sky .
-why not ? Hot air-ďallooŶiŶg is aŶother optioŶ ďut that͛s too edžpeŶsiǀe aŶd the air is too hothere.
It͚stoo dangerous . the balloon would burn .
- Horse–riding seems to be the best solution and I love horses, we can go fast or slow.