NEW M081L,E FASEIICr)N LlFESTYtE Talking About a Revalution . ‘I‘here’s ci revolution happening in the world of hi&-tcchnology mobile phones and it’s comin2 direct from the streets . Today’s young $ teçh-savvy ~ fashion conscious consumers are the driving force behind some radical changes in the way mobile phones are desfgned and used , ‘I’hesc users are demanding that their phones are more than simpiy practical - they want phones that are sheer fun . personalizcd fashion statcmcnts - and a culture-bending way to quickly communicate that hrcaks down ail the barriers I) With key technologies alrcady on the market such ns MMS for messaging and e-mail , and Java for downloading applications ~ this revolution is paving the way 10 a truly digital lifcstyle . Messûging Around . The newest development in mobîLe messaging is called h/Iultimedia M.essaging Service , or MMS for short . NMS sllsws mobile phone users to incorporate audio . images , and other rich content going beyond traditîonal test messages , transforming them into persona1 collages of vision md sourd . It provides automatic P immediatc delivery of persona1 multimedia messages from phone to phane or frotn phone to e-m&1 . Limitless Possibilities Almcrst everyonc has downioadcd ring tones and graphies to their mobile phone. But now, thanks to Java technoiogy, you cari further zap your phone full of interactive, dynamic apphcations that will unleash thc ftlll potcntial of your Jifestyle. Java Îs ...