Prepublications (membres permanents) [AP1] Albert I., Grenier E., Denis J.B., Rousseau J. Quantitative Risk As- sessment from Farm to Fork and Beyond : a global Bayesian approach concerning food-borne diseases. 2007. [AP2] Alibaud N. and Imbert C. A non-local perturbation of first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations with unbounded data. 2007. [AP3] Ardon R., Cohen L.D., Yezzi A. A new implicit method for surface seg- mentation by minimal paths in 3D images [AP4] Barles G. and Imbert C. Second-Order Elliptic Integro-Differential Equations : Viscosity Solutions Theory Revisited. Annales IHP : to ap- pear, 2007. [AP5] Barles G., Chasseigne E. and Imbert C. The Dirichlet problem for second-order elliptic integro-differential equations. 2007. [AP6] Barles G., Da Lio F., Lions P.-L. and Souganidis P.E. On the homogeni- zation and ergodic problems for fully nonlinear equations in half-space type domains. 2007. [AP7] Basile G., Bernardin C., Olla S. Thermal Conductivity for a Momentum Conserving Model. Preprint [hal-00017718 - version 2] (05/04/2006) and Ceremade 2006-3.
- no-photon quantum
- diffusion equation via entropy estimates
- dirac operators via hardy- dirac inequalities
- bayesian regularized
- structure interaction problem
- optional user-interaction
- global bayesian
- mogeneous boltzmann equation