Anglais 2007 IPAG









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Examen du Supérieur IPAG. Sujet de Anglais 2007. Retrouvez le corrigé Anglais 2007 sur
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22 août 2008



    Durée : 45 minutes   Coefficient attribué à cette épreuve : 2  1 ère partie   MÉCANISMES & COMPRÉHENSION   Lisez attentivement les instructions suivantes avant de commencer.   Pour chaque énoncé de cette épreuve, vous seront proposées au plus 4 réponses (réponse A, réponse B, réponse C, réponse D).   Il y a une réponse juste et une seule par question, 40 au total . Vous pouvez vous abstenir de répondre à une question. Si vous indiquez plus d’une réponse par question, alors votre réponse sera considérée comme fausse.   Vous vous servirez de la feuille jointe pour indiquer vos réponses en noircissant les cases situées au-dessus des lettres correspondantes.   ATTENTION : si vous désirez modifier votre réponse à une question , ne raturez pas , mais indiquez votre nouvelle réponse sur la ligne de correction prévue à cet effet.  Exemple : vous souhaitez répondre B, puis après réflexion D.   Ö  votre 1ère réponse   A B C D E   Ö  votre correction    
   La 1ère partie entre pour 60% dans la note de cette épreuve.
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Questions 1 à 15 : Complétez les pointillés par la formule adaptée.   1. He is not used to ………. to bed before midnight.  A) go B) going C) sleep D) moving  2. That is highly …………. . A) unprobable B) not likely C) improbable D) inprobable  3. If they had played better ............ A) we would not have won. B) they would lose. C) they might have win. D) we would lost.  4. Being able to meet ……….. shows how professional you are. A) people  B) persons C) your boss D) deadlines  5. Let’s get this ………… with. A) over B) above C) under D) below  6. She has been working ………… ten years. A) since B) on C) for D) from  7. She didn’t remember what I …….. her. A) told to B) say C) tell D) said to   
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8. I look forward to …………… from you. A) seeing B) listen C) hearing D) hear 9. The three best athletes or teams ……….. medals. A)  give B)  gave C)  given D)  are given  10. ……… address is 184 boulevard Saint-Germain. A) They’re B) There C) Ours D) Their  11. Has ………….. seen my keys? A)  not one B)  anyone C)  nobody D)  some one  12. I made many friends ………….. weeks.  A) in the first three B) in the three first C) during the three first D) while the three first  13. That depends ……… him. A) in B) up C) on D) of  14. ……………. her youth, she handled the crisis well.  A)  Although B)  However C)  Despite D)  In spite  15. I can’t ………….. to live in London. A)  permit B)  afford C)  allow D)  waiting
Questions 16 à 30  : Quelle expression se rapproche le plus du sens de l’expression soulignée ?   16 .  Losing your job is a blessing in disguise. A)  Prayer come true. B)  Something good that seems bad at  first. C)  Unfortunate accident. D)  Obviously good.  17. They ran the company into the ground. A)  Managed the company well.      B)  Managed a construction company. C)  Managed the company into bankruptcy. D)  The company building collapsed.     18. He is a diamond in the rough.   A)  Has great potential. B)  Unrecognized talent. C)  Something of great value in a dirty place. D)  Someone in danger.   19. It is all Greek to me. A)  It seems ancient. B)  Everything has its origins in Greece. C)  I don’t understand anything. D)  It is classical.   20. Let’s talk shop. A)  Speak about the restaurant business. B)  Speak about work matters. C)  Speak about shopping. D)  Speak about private matters.   21. You have got to read the fine print.  A)  Read the business section in a newspaper. B)  Read good literature. C)  Study nice letters. D)  Pay attention to the details.  22. It was right on the money.  A)  Expensive. B)  A good price. C)  A good salary. D)  Extremely accurate.
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 23. He was wearing his birthday suit. A)  A very expensive suit. B)  Very informal clothing. C)  Clothes for a surprise birthday party. D)  Naked. 24. I want no ifs and buts. A)  No excuses. B)  No conditionals. C)  No conjunctions. D)  No apologies. 25. There is something fishy going on here. A)  It smells bad. B)  Suspicious. C)  It smells like fish. D)  Fun. 26. She is working the graveyard shift. A)  She works in a cemetery. B)  She works in a dead-end job. C)  She works very late into the night. D)  She works with ghosts. 27. Her project was given the thumbs up.  A)  It was looked down upon. B)  It won a prize. C)  It was ignored. D)  It was approved. 28. When she finds out, she’ll hit the roof. A)  Get very angry. B)  Get very excited. C)  Become very happy. D)  Climb to the top of the house. 29. The new boss laid down the law. A)  Did not respect the rules and regulations. B)  Told people what to do in an authoritarian way. C)  Insulted lawyers. D)  Reminded people that the law was important.  30. You can say that again! A)  Please repeat it. B)  You must insist. C)  I agree strongly. D)  I disagree strongly.
Lisez attentivement le texte suivant avant de répondre aux questions 31 à 40.  'Doomsday Clock' moved forward -January 17, 2007  London, England  (AP) -- The world has moved closer to a nuclear apocalypse and environmental disaster, a trans-Atlantic group of prominent scientists warned Wednesday, pushing the hand of its symbolic Doomsday Clock two minutes closer to midnight.  It was the fourth time since the end of the Cold War that the clock has ticked forward, this time from 11:53 to 11:55, amid fears over what the scientists are describing as "a second nuclear age" prompted largely by atomic standoffs with Iran and North Korea. But the organization added that the "dangers posed by climate change are nearly as dire as those posed by nuclear weapons." The Chicago-based Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, founded in 1945 as a newsletter distributed among nuclear physicists concerned by the possibility of nuclear war, has since grown into an organization focused more generally on manmade threats to the survival of human civilization.  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, founded by former Manhattan Project physicists, has campaigned for nuclear disarmament since 1947. Its board periodically reviews issues of global security and challenges to humanity, not solely those posed by nuclear technology, although most have had a technological component. This is the first time it has included climate change as an explicit threat to the future of civilisation.  It cited in support the conclusions of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Its broad assessment is that the warming over the last few decades is attributable to human activities, and that its consequences are observable in such events as the melting of Arctic ice. In the years ahead, rising sea levels, heat waves, desertification, along with new disease outbreaks and wars over arable land and water, would mean climate change could bring widespread destruction, the board said. It also warned against the use of nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels.  "As scientists, we understand the dangers of nuclear weapons and their devastating effects, and we are learning how human activities and technologies are affecting climate systems in ways that may forever change life on Earth," said Stephen Hawking, the renowned cosmologist and mathematician. "As citizens of the world, we have a duty to alert the public to the unnecessary risks that we live with every day, and to the perils we foresee if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change."  A number of alarming nuclear trends led to a statement by the Bulletin that "the world has not faced such perilous choices" since the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The worries include Iran's nuclear ambitions, North Korea's detonation of an atomic bomb, the presence of 26,000 launch-ready weapons by America and Russia, and the inability to secure and halt the international trafficking of nuclear materials such as highly enriched uranium and plutonium.  The bulletin's clock, which for 60 years has followed the rise and fall of nuclear tensions, would now also measure climate change, the bulletin's editor Mark Strauss told The Associated Press. "There's a realization that we are changing our climate for the worse," he said, "That would have catastrophic effects. Although the threat is not as dire as that of nuclear weapons right now, in the long term we are looking at a serious threat." The threat of nuclear war, however, remains by far the organization's most pressing concern. "It's important to emphasize 50 of today's nuclear weapons could kill 200 million people," he said.  The decisions to move the clock is made by the bulletin's board, which is composed of prominent scientists and policy experts, in coordination with the group's sponsors. Since it was set to seven minutes to midnight in 1947, the hand has been moved 18 times, including Wednesday's move. It came closest to midnight -- just two minutes away -- in 1953, following the successful test of a hydrogen bomb by the United States. It has been as far away as 17 minutes, set there in 1991 following the demise of the Soviet Union. This article is composed of two extracts taken from Doomsday clock moved forward, The Associated Press, January 17, 2007 and Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock', Molly Bentley for BBC news, January 17, 2007.
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Questions 31 à 40 : Quelle réponse se rapproche le plus du sens du texte ?   31. The doomsday clock: A)  is a precision time-keeping device. B)  is a symbolic instrument measuring threats. C)  tells us that it’s late in the evening. D)  tells us that we have nothing to worry about.  32. The doomsday clock is concerned about: A)  nuclear proliferation.      B)  climate change. C)  dangers to the survival of human civilization. D)  melting of Arctic ice.     33. The biggest threat to the future of civilization is:  A)  rising sea levels. B)  desertification. C)  climate change. D)  nuclear weapons.  34. According to Stephen Hawking scientists must:  A)  warn people against nuclear arms. B)  conduct serious scientific experiments. C)  look for absolute truth. D)  fight for social justice.  35. Mark Strauss underlines the fact that: A)  our climate is changing for the worse. B)  climate change is an immediate threat. C)  a nuclear apocalypse is improbable. D)  nuclear weapons can kill millions of people.  36. The closest the clock ever came to midnight:  A)  was after the collapse of the Soviet Union. B)  was after the first successful test of the H-bomb . C)  was in 1947. D)  is now.
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37. Today the doomsday clock is set at: A)  11:53. B)  11:58. C)  11:55. D)  11:43.  38. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: A)  was created between 1945 and 1947. B)  was originally a newsletter created in 1945. C)  is the same as the Manhattan Project physicists. D)  looks only at dangers from nuclear technology.  39. The Bulletin expresses great concern over: A)  26, 000 Russian and American nuclear weapons. B)  international trafficking of uranium and plutonium. C)  North Korea’s detonation of an atomic bomb. D)  A, B and C.  40. The decision to move the clock forward was: A)  made by the United Nation’s IPCC. B)  made by Stephen Hawking and Mark Strauss. C)  made by policy experts and eminent scientists. D)  made by governments of non-nuclear countries.   
  2ème partie  TRADUCTION ET EXPRESSION ÉCRITE   Cette 2 ème partie se compose de deux exercices : A.  Traduisez en anglais les phrases 1 et 2. B.  Répondez à la question (environ 10 lignes).  La clarté de la traduction autant que l’utilisation d’expressions idiomatiques entreront dans l’appréciation du correcteur. La 2ème partie entre pour 40% dans la note de cette épreuve.    A.  1.  « La fin du monde approche, a affirmé mercredi le Bulletin des scientifiques nucléaires, en avançant de deux minutes la grande aiguille de la Pendule de l'apocalypse, symbolisant l'imminence de l'Armageddon atomique. »   2.  Le changement climatique vécu ces  quarante dernières années est dû aux Hommes. Il aurait fallu à la nature des millénaires pour imposer de tels bouleversements.    B. Question  Pensez-vous que l’on puisse faire reculer la grande aiguille de la Pendule de l’apocalypse et pourquoi ?   
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  Question Réponse 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 C 9 D 10 D 11 B 12 A 13 C 14 C 15 B 16 B 17 C 18 A 19 C 20 B
Grille de correction de l'épreuve de : Anglais – concours 2007
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Question Réponse 21 D 22 D 23 D 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 D 28 A 29 B 30 C 31 B 32 C 33 D 34 A 35 D 36 B 37 C 38 B 39 D 40 C
ÉPREUVE DE SECONDE LANGUE ANGLAIS - CONCOURS 2007   Traduction et expression écrite  
  A.  1.  The end of the world is approaching, declared the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists on Wednesday, which moved forward by two minutes the big hand of the doomsday clock symbolizing the imminence of an atomic Armageddon.   2.  The climate change we have experienced over the last 40 years is man-made. It would have taken thousands of years for Mother Nature to impose such major transformations.     B.  Only once in the history of mankind have we come so close to total annihilation. The threats posed by nuclear proliferation coupled with the potentially devastating effects of climate change need to be dealt with immediately if we wish to ensure the survival of human civilization. Reducing and eventually eliminating nuclear stockpiles through a comprehensive disarmament treaty is one step in the right direction. Acting in an environmentally responsible way through the use of renewable energy sources is another. Failure to do so will bring about the end of life as we know it. There is still time before the doomsday clock strikes midnight.             
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Durée : 45 minutes
Coefficient attribué à cette épreuve : 2 1 ère partie
            Lisez attentivement les instructions suivantes avant de commencer.   Pour chaque énoncé de cette épreuve, vous seront proposées au plus 4 réponses (réponse A, réponse B, réponse C, réponse D).   Il y a une réponse juste et une seule par question, 40 au total . Vous pouvez vous abstenir de répondre à une question. Si vous indiquez plus d’une réponse par question, alors votre réponse sera considérée comme fausse.   Vous vous servirez de la feuille jointe pour indiquer vos réponses en noircissant les cases situées au-dessus des lettres correspondantes.   ATTENTION : si vous désirez modifier votre réponse à une question , ne raturez pas , mais indiquez votre nouvelle réponse sur la ligne de correction prévue à cet effet.  Exemple : vous souhaitez répondre B, puis après réflexion D.   Ö  votre 1ère réponse   A B C D E   Ö  votre correction    
   La 1ère partie entre pour 60% dans la note de cette épreuve.
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 Questions 1 à 15 : Complétez les pointillés par 8. They …………… working late. la formule adaptée. A) would  B) used to   C) are used o t 1. You ………. smoke in hospitals. D) had the habit to A) mustn’t B) don’t have to 9. He ………. the best seller for the last C) couldn’t five years. D) hadn’t A) has been  B) had been  2. Sarah isn’t home yet. She’s …………. at C) is been work. D) is A) already B) always 10. We’re fed up ……… your attitude. C) again A) rom D) still B) on  C) with 3. The sooner we leave, ............ we’ll get D) in there. A) faster 11. Would you like ………….. coffee? B) the sooner A) a C) sooner B) some D) fastest C) any  D) the  4. Due to circumstances ……….. our  control, we are unable to deliver on 12. Don’t stop ………….. in yourself.  time. A) to believe A) within  B) to believing B) except C) to have believed C) beyond D) believing D) over   13. They are extremely interested ……… 5. Let me give you …………. him. A) a piece of advice. A) in B) some advices. B) on C) many advices. C) at D) a little bit of advices. D) for   6. Had I known, I ………… 14. ……………. I was tired, I ran for over A) will not have come. one hour.  B) would not have come. A) Even C) do not come. B) However D) could not come. C) Despite D) In spite of the fact that  7. There’s no ………….. in going over this  again. 15. I have a doctor’s ………….. in one hour. A) dot A) rendez-vous B) way B) appointment C) period C) meeting D) point D) date   - 10 -
Questions 16 à 30  : Quelle expression se rapproche le plus du sens de l’expression soulignée ?   16 .  The new manager means business. A) Is not very nice. B) Talks about work all the time. C) Is good at negotiating. D) Is very serious about what he says or does.  17. He was given his walking papers. A) Written permission to walk in the building.  B) Authorization to go to restricted areas. C) A report that explains how to walk properly. D) He was fired.      18. She put her foot in her mouth.  A) Is very flexible. B) Was very hungry. C) Said something embarrassing. D) Said something funny.  19. She can really think on her feet. A) Needs to be standing when solving a  problem. B) Make good decisions spontaneously. C) Contemplate the stars when standing. D) Make good decisions when looking down.  20. The sky is the limit.  A) There is no limit to the possibility of success. B) There is always a limit as to how far you can go. C) You cannot go into outer space. D) The sky separates heaven from earth.  21. It is difficult making ends meet.  A) Paying for your everyday needs. B) Bringing people together. C) Organizing meetings. D) Creating similar conclusions for different stories.  22. She wants me to keep her posted.  A) Put her photo up on the wall. B) Inform her about the situation. C) Send her all the mail. D) Do her job while she is away.
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 23. All of my work went down the drain. A) Was wasted or lost. B) Was rewarded. C) Fell in a sink. D) Was appreciated but not rewarded.  24. In this company, everything runs like clockwork. A) Works as expected. B) People are always on time. C) People are always in a hurry. D) There is a lot of pressure. 25. They were playing for time. A) Spending a lot of time on games. B) Delaying. C) Racing against the clock. D) Doing something for the fun of it. 26. I gave him a taste of his own medicine. A) Medication that came from his home. B) Treated him in the same bad way he treated me. C) A few pills to make him feel better. D) My opinion about the doctors he recommended. 27. Frank is on the ball.  A) Likes playing games. B) Is good at games that require a ball. C) Is the boss. D) Is aware and able to react quickly.  28. You will have to face the music. A) Look towards the people singing. B) Confront your enemies. C) Accept the consequences of your actions. D) Listen to songs you don’t like. 29. It cost an arm and a leg. A) Was very painful. B) Was not that expensive. C) Was paid for by sacrificing body parts. D) Was very expensive. 30. I am broke. A) I am feeling very tired. B) I am hurt. C) I have no money. D) I don’t work properly.
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