A semestrial newsletter published by JUMP - a project funded by the European Union and implemented by ENGREF In South Kyrgyzstan, the branches of Juniper trees are commonly burnt by the local population to clean the air in the yurta and protect the family against the bad eye. JUMP, a project funded by the European Union and implemented by ENGREF In 2005, the project activities have been focused on the elaboration of two model management plans, one in the Nookat leshoze, and the other in the Kyrgyz-Ata National Park. The methodology established by has been developed, with a full participation of most of the local stakeholders: the villagers, questioned through a Village Land Use Planning (VLUP) procedure; the local administration (?ïlokmot, Rayon), in charge of land use and local development as a whole; the local Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs) present in the area; the scientists (especially the ecologists from the Forest Research Institute of Bishkek); and of course the forest officers at various levels. The choice of objectives and strategic lines in this new generation of management plans in forestry have resulted from very active, sometimes controversial and disputable, common discussions, but in all cases, the debate has led to a compromise among the various interests, on the implementation of which each party has solemnly declared to be committed. Proceeding this way, the project has tried to fit as much as possible to the main elements of new modes of governance prescribed for the introduction by the international conferences on forests and environmental issues, namely: transparency
- sustainable forest
- integrated forest
- forest
- rd participatory
- kyrgyz republic
- management objectives
- management activities
- local population
- planned financial
- use planning