A KOSZUL DUALITY FOR PROPS BRUNO VALLETTE Abstract. The notion of prop models the operations with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, acting on some algebraic structures like the bialgebras or the Lie bialgebras. In this paper, we generalize the Koszul duality theory of associative algebras and operads to props. Introduction The Koszul duality is a theory developed for the first time in 1970 by S. Priddy for associative algebras in [Pr]. To every quadratic algebra A, it associates a dual coal- gebra A¡ and a chain complex called Koszul complex. When this complex is acyclic, we say that A is a Koszul algebra. In this case, the algebra A and its represen- tations have many properties (cf. A. Beilinson, V. Ginzburg and W. Soergel [BGS]). In 1994, this theory was generalized to algebraic operads by V. Ginzburg and M.M. Kapranov (cf. [GK]). An operad is an algebraic object that models the opera- tions with n inputs (and one output) A?n ? A acting on a type of algebras. For instance, there exists operads As, Com and Lie coding associative, commutative and Lie algebras. The Koszul duality theory for operads has many applications: construction of a “small” chain complex to compute the homology groups of an algebra, minimal model of an operad, notion of algebra up to homotopy.
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- koszul duality
- algebra up
- lie bialgebras
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