1The Constructed Objectivity of Mathematics and the Cognitive Subject1 Giuseppe Longo CNRS et D?pt. de Math?matiques et Informatique ?cole Normale Sup?rieure 45, Rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris e-mail: ÇThe problems of Mathematics are not isolated problems in a vacuum; there pulses in them the life of ideas which realize themselves in concreto through out human endeavours in our historical existence, yet forming an indissoluble whole transcend any particular scienceÈ [Hermann Weyl, 1949]. Introduction This essay concerns the nature and the foundation of mathematical knowledge, broadly construed. The main idea is that mathematics is a human construction, but a very peculiar one, as it is grounded on forms of invariance and conceptual stability that single out the mathematical conceptualization from any other form of knowledge, and give unity to it. Yet, this very conceptualization is deeply rooted in our acts of experience, as Weyl says, beginning with our presence in the world, first in space and time as living beings, up to the most complex attempts we make by language to give an account of it. I will try to sketch the origin of some key steps in organizing perception and knowledge by mathematical tools, as mathematics is one of the many practical and conceptual instruments by which we categorize, organise and give a structure to the world.
- historical brain
- living beings
- no conceptual
- break between
- mathematical proofs
- no knowledge
- pre-conceptual experiences
- between body
- cognitive processes