1A GENERALIZATION OF FULTON'S CONJECTURE FOR ARBITRARY GROUPS PRAKASH BELKALE, SHRAWAN KUMAR, AND NICOLAS RESSAYRE ABSTRACT. We prove a generalization of Fulton's conjecture which relates intersection theory on an arbitrary flag variety to invariant theory. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The context of Fulton's original conjecture. Let L be a connected reductive complex al- gebraic group with a Borel subgroup BL and maximal torus H ? BL. The set of isomorphism classes of finite dimensional irreducible representations of L are parametrized by the set X(H)+ of L-dominant characters of H via the highest weight. For ? ? X(H)+, let V (?) = VL(?) be the cor- responding irreducible representation of Lwith highest weight ?. Define the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients c??,µ by: V (?)? V (µ) = ∑ ? c??,µV (?). The following result was conjectured by Fulton and proved by Knutson-Tao-Woodward [KTW]. (Subsequently, geometric proofs were given by Belkale [B2] and Ressayre [R2].) Theorem 1.1. Let L = GL(r) and let ?, µ, ? ? X(H)+. Then, if c??,µ = 1, we have c n? n?,nµ = 1 for every positive integer n.
- saturation theorem fails
- group
- littlewood-richardson coefficient
- schubert variety
- yw
- let w1
- intersection theory
- group morphisms