HILLSCLARENCE 1867-1932ELIJAHCLARENCE HILLS from till his first a Professor ofELIJAH was, 1922 death,and then Professor of Romance at the ofSpanish Philology UniversityCalifornia. A native of reared in from Cor-Illinois, heFlorida, graduatednell in and studied in in Rollinshe was1892 Paris; successively professorin Colorado librarian of the ofCollege, College, Hispanic Society America,and head for romance at Indiana For his distin-languages University.achievements in he was made Com-guished Spanish philology, Knightmander of the Order of Isabel.Royal QueenIn Professor Hills were combined vast and with extraor-precise learninga and hisdinary humanity. Though grammarian philologist, teachingthe world. He had a talent for of theimplied great friendship: capableseclusions of the scholar and editor and born to an inviolable personal dig-he also an uncommon social charm which exercised itselfnity, possessedin circles. His showed as toler-widening kindliness, deference,charitythe of the his labors had accumulated. Heance, sharing possessions longwas lexicons. Mrs.a wise collector of and inbooks, specialized SpanishHills to the of California his collection of books, onepresented Universityofwhich is here inscribed to his memory.iSMCLARENCEDIRECTORY and HANDBOOKOFASSOCIATIONTHE^AMERICANOF SPANISHOF TEACHERSDIRECTORY and HANDBOOKofThe American Associationof Teachers of Spanish1922MARCH,*STANFORD UNIVERSITYPRESSU'tere.wnsCONTENTSPAGEIN ...