UC-NRLFTJ77513 DlflB3A/ U AIS IN COMPLETEEACH PAMPHLET ONE UNIT A LIBRARY OF MACHINEDE-SIGN AND REVISED AND REPUBLISHEDSHOP PRACTICE FROM MACHINERY,No. 14DETAILS OF MACHINETOOL DESIGNSECOND EDITIONCONTENTSof Cone and W.Elementary Principles Pulleys Belts, byL. CHENEY3Cone HARMANRadii,Pulley by JOHN J. 7of FRANK B. KLEINHANSStrength Countershafts, by *5Tumbler Gear EDGARDesign, by JOHN 19Faults of Iron FORREST E. CARDULI o 26Castings, byof Machines Built in a Series ofProportions Sizes, bySTANLEY H. MOOREThe Industrial Publishers of MACHINERY1910, Press,Copyright49-55 New YorkLafayette Street, CityMACHINERY'SREFERENCE SERIESEACH NUMBER IS ONE UNIT IN A COMPLETELIBRARYOFMACHINEDESIGNANDSHOPPRACTICE REVISED AND REPUB-LISHEDFROMMACHINERYNUMBER 14DETAILS OF MACHINETOOL DESIGNSECOND EDITIONCONTENTSof Cone and W. L.Elementary Principles Pulleys Belts, byCHENEY 3- -Cone HARMANPulley Radii, by JOHN J. 7of FRANK B. KLEINHANSStrength Countershafts, by 15-Tumbler Gear EDGARDesign, by JOHN 19Faults of Iron FORREST E. CARDULLO 26Castings, byof Machines Built in a Series of STANLEYProportions Sizes, by-H. MOORE 36The Industrial Publishers of MACHINERY1910, Press,Copyright,York49-55 NewLafayette Street, CityA-5:CHAPTER IELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OP CONE PULLEYSAND BELTS*knows that cone are made withEveryone pulleys usually regularthat if it is one inch from one to the it is alsosteps; is, step next,one inch from the second to the the ...