CUENTOS DE LA AM6ERICA ESPAaHQALBERTOV6AZQUEZ,6468 , 30279479CUENTOS DE LA AMERICA ESPANOLATanto e tanto onestagentile parela donna . . .mia,DANTE ALIGHIERILADECUENTOSAMERICA ESPANOLAandSelection, Notes, VocabularyEdited byALBERTO VAZQUEZTHE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITYAND CO.GREENLONGMANS,NEWYORK LONDON TORONTO1952GREEN AND INC.LONGMANS, CO.,FIFTH NEW YORK55 AVENUE, 3GREEN AND CO. LTD.LONGMANS,W I6 & CLIFFORD LONDON7 STREET,GREEN AND CO.LONGMANS,VICTORIA TORONTO I215 STREET,CUENTOS DE L'A AMERICA ESPANOLA*COPYRIGHT 1952BY GREENLONGMANS, AND INC,CO.,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO REPRODUCETHIS OR ANY PORTIONBOOK, IN ANY FORMTHEREOF,PUBLISHED SIMULTANEOUSLY IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA BYLONGMANS, GREEN AND TORONTOCO.,FIRST EDITIONLIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER 52-5736Printed in the United States of AmericaPREFACEThe collection of American cuentospresent Spanish (shortdoes not to cover thisthe'broad field ofnarratives) pretend genrein the American The limitations in-Spanish speaking republics.herent in a work such as intended as it is for classroomthis, use,make such an inadvisable. The whichcollection,undertakingincludes selec-twenty stories, contains, however, representativetions well-known ofwhom have attainedby authors, literarymanydistinction in the world. The stories cover aSpanish speakingwide of matter and Their fromrange subject types. plots rangethe realistic of life to the more fanciful ...