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5The evening of February 2, 1933, police discovered the mutilated body of a woman, Mrs. Lancelin, and the daughter of a notable Mans, Genevieve. A power outage prevented Christine had finished ironing, following which she had led her sister in the carnage. They had ripped the eyes of the victims and their bodies slashed with kitchen utensils. The servants of the house were arrested, Christine Papin (27 years old) stove, and Leah (22 years), the maid.
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On stage, what are the aesthetic biases?
White décor, clinical and dreamlike, clean, a little Japanese style, an imaginary space which is constructed and deconstructed. A lightweight, but substantial. Development of a body, sensuality, in the manner of Italian neorealism, black babydolls, stockings, underwear, to create a fascination / repulsion. Genet wanted this discomfort. "Good" Friday at 20:30 at City, 3, rue Roger-Salengro. Duration: 1:30. Prices: from € 1.50 to € 8. Tél.
It does various tragic, which became the "Papin aair" with the trial of domestic "models", has aroused the interest of the whole of France, diapers popular in literary circles and intellectuals (including the Surrealists who are fascinated by this double murder and the young Jacques Lacan develops the theme of paranoid psychosis in paranoid Reasons crime: the double crime of the Papin sisters, refuting the conclusion of the forensic psychiatric expertise). That said, this trend is more akin to a widespread excitement, some requiring killing others deny the uniqueness of the crime or otherwise touting its value transgression and raising the issue of the exploitation of the working classes .
The case has inspired many subsequent authors. Jean Genet was mounted in 1947 a play called The Good,
4The search for truth is she the subject of research in psychoanalysis at the University? I will try to answer this question Example Crime of the Papin sisters. In March 2001, I was sitting as often Follies Tea Place Gustave Toudouze, in the ninth arrondissement of Paris, near my oîce. I heard two men talking about the Papin sisters. I speaks to them. I guessed that one of them was a journalist and the other a ïlmmaker. It was Gerard Gourmel, former crime reporter, and Claude Ventura [10] [10] Claude Ventura, the documentary initiatory journey ...
Subsequently, a ïlmmaker. I suggested to Gerard Gourmel come give a lecture to my students. The problem of truth in psychoanalysis Humanities is essential. Where is the truth in the Humanities? During the conference, I told how I met Gerard Gourmel. The Amphi seemed to doubt what I say, and Gerard Gourmel told that we had met on Fac ago. The students seemed to believe. It was a lie, and they do not recognize the truth.
Unless the truth is not related to circumstances. I had the opportunity to invite Gérard Gourmel during my DEUG 1 General Introduction to the Humanities [11] [11] Gérard Gourmel Conference on the issues ...
Later, after other speakers [12] [12] Jean-Toussaint Desanti, 12 January 2000, "What ...
suitedans this course that I love and that of DEUG 1 U2, "General Methodology. Objects and methods in the ïeld of humanities. '
5The evening of February 2, 1933, police discovered the mutilated body of a woman, Mrs. Lancelin, and the daughter of a notable Mans, Genevieve. A power outage prevented Christine had ïnished ironing, following which she had led her sister in the carnage. They had ripped the eyes of the victims and their bodies slashed with kitchen utensils.
The servants of the house were arrested, Christine Papin (27 years old) stove, and Leah (22 years), the maid. There confession immediately. Christine and Lea are from the poor peasantry, and they spent their childhood in the orphanage of the Good Shepherd, and wanted to be placed together with their master. Their mother is always asking for money. Christine has unsuccessfully tried to emancipate his sister at the town hall. They then complained of being persecuted. The grandfather of the Papin sisters died epilepsy, one of their cousins went crazy, and an uncle hanged himself in his barn. The father was the lover of his eldest daughter. The fact is several highly publicized and debated in the Courts of Assize de la Sarthe, September 29th following is bright. The psychiatric report concluded that prevented full criminal responsibility. Christine Papin, sentenced to death and is incarcerated in Central pardoned, died in May 1937 in the insane asylum at Rennes. Leah will be ten years of hard labor and suer a travel ban twenty years. The press of the time in this crime rejects a manifestation of domestic violence and masters, and crime is unclear.
6The three experienced clinicians (Schutzemberger Le Mans, Angers Baruk, Trowel Paris) during the commission of the oense reject the possibility of a state of dementia. Benjamin Logre, without the right to examine the two sisters put a diagnosis of mental abnormality, caused by a hystero-epilepsy with sexual perversion and ideas of persecution. Proponents of dynamic psychiatry opposed to theorists of heredity, constitution and simulation. The sisters said they had nothing to reproach their mistresses. Christine, after ïve months of incarceration is subject to various syncopations and hallucinations. She indulges in erotic exhibitions, starts praying or trying to tear your eyes.
7Pourtant psychiatry and psychoanalysis [13] [13] S. De Beauvoir , The prime, Volume 1, Paris, Gallimard, ...
suiteont recognized pathology as the source of the act of the two sisters. Dr. Michel Dubec in July 1992 at the time of reconstitution Papin trial at the Palais de Justice in Paris, leads to full criminal responsibility of the accused based on the diagnosis of "delirium two ïrst entity paranoia" . Jacques Lacan ïnds lesbianism, delirium in two, seemingly unmotivated act of killing, social tension, paranoia and self-punishment. It ruins the diagnostic hystero-epilepsy Benjamin Logre. Only the reference to paranoia can explain the passage to the act. Delirium seems to arise from a power outage. This failure to materialize his silence that had settled between the long Papin sisters and their mistresses.
The current does not pass. The crime would be the enactment of this unsaid. The real motive for the crime is not class hatred, but the structure paranoid and self-punishment, where the killer strikes the perfect master he carries. The latent homosexuality is present in two sisters. Christine is the husband of Leah and reveals the phenomenon of
delirium in two, and the drive is directed to two other women, one of which is the mother or the eldest of the other. Five months after the crime arises a need for self-punishment when Christine wants to tear his eyes, then when the verdict when she kneels down to listen to the death sentence. Castration plays in fact expose the sex Genevieve Lancelin, and they tear the eyes of their victims.
8Lacan unreal crime without dehumanizing the criminal. Explain the crime, it is not forgive, neither condemn or punish or accept "... only the analyst can demonstrate against the common sense of alienation from the reality of crime, in a case where the crime gives the illusion to meet its social context "[14] [14] J. Lacan "Introduction to theoretical functions ...
on. Simone de Beauvoir [15] [15] S. De Beauvoir , The strength of age, Volume 1, op. cit. , ...
suitedans The strength of age, with Sartre said she thought that when the social order was concerned, they were quick to smell a hoax. The tragedy of the Papin sisters he was immediately intelligible socially. The teachers should encourage violence by their servants injustices: "... the two sisters were made instruments and martyrs of dark justice. "It stresses sisters homosexuality:" ... The newspapers informed us that they loved each other, and we rêvâmes their nights caresses and hatred, in the wilderness of their attic. "However, she recognizes that" the eldest was diagnosed with acute paranoia, and the youngest married his delirium. " Sartre and indignant when psychiatrists say sane. For them, the murderer is not found, it serves as a scapegoat, just like in the case of Gorgulo that killed the President of the Republic, Paul Doumer, and request to be executed in 1932.
9In his lecture said that Gerard Gourmel systematically perpetrators were liable. Psychiatry leans toward justice, and there is no misdiagnosis. Yet in the crime of the Papin sisters, it seems to face a crime without motive, without premeditation. Missing parts, there are overloads of the 117 documents in the ïle. And you can believe when you look closely, a miscarriage of justice, a machination. For him, the Papin sisters have committed this crime, but not in the way they confessed. He even said at one point that he doubted the reality of crime. When things go very far when you look at the parts. Doubt the reality of a crime, it is not trivial. Here, it is the reality of the crime for two women, but this phenomenon can be found in a crime against humanity as the Holocaust or a crime against life as Hiroshima [16] [16] M. Kohn "The narrative act in psychoanalysis after ...
10Heidegger [17] [17] M. Heidegger, "The Essence of Truth," in ...
Later, in "The Essence of Truth", we said that we want the "truth" for real action and a fulcrum. We care about the truth. The truth is what is true as true, as true as real (wirklich). When we say that it is a real joy to work with a company, we mean by this that it is a pure joy, true. The thing is in agreement with what it is estimated to be (stimuli). Appropriate, it sticks.
The traditional deïnition of the essence of truth is veritas is adaequatio rei et intellectus. The truth is the adequacy of thing knowledge. It is also the adequacy of knowledge of the thing. With regard to psychopathology, clinical, this is the problem with the search for truth in a crime such as the Papin sisters. These are not the diagnostic hypotheses abound.
11The approach of the two sisters at the town hall, at the end of the summer of 1931 for the emancipation of Leah Lacan is the only trace of previous formulations delusions crime. Francis Dupré, that is to say, Jean Allouch, Erik Porge and Mayette Viltard refute a disease of persecution. Expertise ignores the fact that the utterance of Leah takes place after passing the act. Gourmel Gerard told us that the crime was "a crime" not possible "All ïle works only by confession. What do the confessions? There are doubts. It is a crime without a witness. This is not the only one. Where is the truth in this crime? Where is the truth in a crime? The truth of the crime is the Papin sisters she psychopathology? The psychopathological told the truth? The adequacy of the thing to the knowledge, to use the deïnition of truth for Heidegger seems diîcult in the case of the Papin sisters. What Leah said that before the Commissioner during the ïrst interrogation: "I am deaf and dumb?" "[18] [18] G. Gourmel , The double shadow. Said and unsaid of the case ...
12L'Ami the People [19] [19] Ibid. , P. 176. ...
suitedéclare: "We want to explain all crimes. There are yet which can not be explained. They see and that's all. " As said Gerard Gourmel [20] [20] Ibid. , P. 200. ...
following: "Since 1933 psychiatrists and psychoanalysts almost without exception, conclude psychosis. Only the determination now varies in a triad, paranoia, schizophrenia, delirium two "Gerard Gourmel trying to strip the factory of history. And when we know that the two peacekeepers who came Feb. 2, 1933, 6 rue Bruyère at Le Mans, are called Ragot and Truth, it boggles. Truth is stranger than ïction. '
13Comme noticing Gourmel Gérard [21] [21] Ibid. , P. 199. ...
suitedans his chapter "Black Sun", "The year 1933 declared a saint by Pope Pius XI on January 30, Adolf Hitler had been called to the Reich Chancellery. The Nazi party held a few informed observers for an incarnation of a psychosis of fear, mastered Germany. "The Reichstag burns the night of February 27 and September 21 opens the trial of the arsonists. It is contemporary of crime Papin sisters. Can we say that the truth of a historical event is psychopathology? Can we say that an event is also psychopathological history? What is the truth from history, the psychopathology, the clinic, in an event? Psychoanalysis at the University can not tell the truth, and she did not, but she can ïnd. It is a crime of lèse-majesté because the subject of the unconscious is undoubtedly what is presented as truth. Psychoanalysis is not only analytical institutions and industry analysts. It is also in history and society, which is why it is also at the University. His presence is not a crime.
14L'Histoire is upside down since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Berlin is a city itself upside down, still under construction, as shown so Régine Robin [22] [22] Robin R. Berlin Building. Essay on past fragile ...
suitedans Berlin Building and memory full. Berlin is psychotic, the Papin sisters are psychotic. Everything has been said and said nothing. A historical event can not be described solely in terms of psychopathology, which is why I will be happy to individual trauma, but I really wonder if we can speak of collective trauma and historical trauma I prefer to say, that goes with the fall of ideals.
15The Papin sisters hide a historical event, the rise of Nazism, almost contemporary, and none of psychiatrists and psychoanalysts do not talk about. A crime may hide another. Christine at the orphanage lost its ïrst use, we noted Gérard Gourmel. It will Clemence, his third name, up to 15 years. Mercy is the mother that will cautioned against sequestration sisters in a convent. Today we stamp the case of Christine Papin schizophrenia [23] [23] G. Gourmel , The double shadow. Said and unsaid of the case ...
on. Yet in Rennes, diagnosis relied on clinical presentation, was more reminiscent of the melancholy. The hypothesis of a reactive psychosis is excluded. Everything assumes a fault prior to the crime. Yet for Gerard Gourmel, this can not be a crime schizophrenic or melancholic, if 24 months Bruyère Street two personalities coexist psychotic.
16The Tea Follies where I met Gerard Gourmel, is not far from the rue La Bruyère, but in Paris, not at Le Mans is the name of the crime scene. Gourmel and Gerard [24] [24] Ibid. , P. 204. ...
suitede conclude: "If two distinct disease entities were embedded in one another, incubated in the middle. If the contribution of persecutory
delusions was the two youngest, a replica of her mother, rather than a form of paranoid schizophrenia in the oldest. "If we can discern a paranoia among Leah, she was probably not Christine and Ms. Lancelin and her daughter.
17Christine died May 18, 1937 in Rennes, and Leah moved to Nantes with his mother after his release from prison February 2, 1943, during the war. They were placed by their mother Madame Lancelin. Gerard Gourmel told us: How is it that Mr. Lancelin is gone as quickly notify the police, and why is he back sooner than expected home? What has happened in the crime of the Papin sisters? A passage to the act in psychopathology or when the tragic truth that escapes us? More reason to do research in psychoanalysis at the University and are used with doubt and method. It is an aim, we do not reach even if we give psychopathological and clinical model of psychoanalysis, to our students. The diagnosis is only a hypothesis. There may be others. The clinic is alive, and depending on the circumstances, the diagnostic hypotheses may change. Moreover psychiatry and psychoanalysis hold the Papin sisters, a case study of delirium in two. Dr. Logre thought the shape was induced by the eldest, Jacques Lacan introduced in 1933 in a simultaneous, and 50 years later Jean Allouch, Erik Porge Mayette Viltard there are two forms induced by Christine at Lea and simultaneously between Christine and Clémence Derré.
18Jean Lauzel Paul sees the Papin sisters one of very few myths of our time. [25] [25] P. Lauzel -P. , Foreword, Information psychiatric ...
suiteIl fate is indeed a cultural, theatrical and ïlm part of the case, for example theater Jean Genet's The Maids [26] [26] J. Genet , Good, Paris, Crossbow, 1947. ...
Subsequently, the ïlm The Abyss Niko Papatkis [27] [27] N. Papatkis , The Abyss, screenplay and dialogues of Jean ...
Subsequently, ligation Gilles Cousin [28] [28] G. Cousin , Ligation, 38 min, 1979. ...
Subsequently, injuries murderous Jean-Pierre Denis [29] [29] Denis J. -P. , Murderous injuries, 94 min, 2000. ...
Subsequently, ceremony Claude Chabrol, based on the novel by Ruth Rendell [30] [30] R. Rendell , The illiterate, A Judgement in Stone, Kingsmarkham ...
suiteL'analphabète ïnally the devil in the skin, a novel by Paulette Houdyer [31] [31] P. Houdyer , The Devil in the skin, Paris, Julliard, 1966. ...
19Comme says Gérard Gourmel [32] [32] G. Gourmel , The Mousetrap, Le Mans editions Cénomane ...
suitedans his book The Mousetrap "For years, I have seen men and behind the bar of the accused or the accused in the dock, speaking in their language, while they strove to practice before them a other language, just as esoteric, and of course these men were they always ruthlessly condemned. "
20Concluons what Lea said during the ïrst interrogation: "I am deaf and dumb."
21Gérard Gourmel questioned the facts in the Crime of the Papin sisters, that does not mean we can not make psychopathological hypothesis to try to understand that two of delirium with grades according to the authors, as we have seen. The truth is not in the suitability of a subject and an object, it is a horizon for the researcher who is responsible for psychoanalysis, particularly at the university. It is not to say that the facts do not exist, even if we can imagine, or settling on a diagnosis is never a hypothesis. That questions of research in psychoanalysis at the University in the case of the Papin sisters, this approach is uncomfortable, both for those who refuse psychoanalysis for those who believe and know the truth with their theory in psychoanalysis .
Google translation
"Good" were often staged at the theater as theater, why this back room?
I wanted to give my personal reading. Dust this text almost classical, as if it were that of a young author, try to remove the swelling that can lead to Genet. It is true that there have been many versions by great directors, aesthetes. I tried to ïnd the polar, out of lyricism, I focus on the word, text, language, and then the body follows. I wanted to show the truth of the characters, as Genet was a great psychologist. Attempt to free a form of comedy in the dark but get away from the bloodbath of the news. The Papin sisters.
Chabrol has dealt with this same news item in "ceremony"?
Yes. And this is what I did not want to link. I wanted to forget the reality of inspiration. I wanted a violence that transcends the word. I worked as a poker game, a mixture of true and false, a psychoanalytic reading a bit. I wanted to ïnd clarity of construction, get away from naturalism. This is an original version that caused the surprise, we won a good paper Télérama, and a true success Lucernaire public for four months last year, with more than 100 performances.
On stage, what are the aesthetic biases?
White décor, clinical and dreamlike, clean, a little Japanese style, an imaginary space which is constructed and deconstructed. A lightweight, but substantial. Development of a body, sensuality, in the manner of Italian neorealism, black babydolls, stockings, underwear, to create a fascination / repulsion. Genet wanted this discomfort. "Good" Friday at 20:30 at City, 3, rue Roger-Salengro. Duration: 1:30. Prices: from € 1.50 to € 8. Tél.
It does various tragic, which became the "Papin aair" with the trial of domestic "models", has aroused the interest of the whole of France, diapers popular in literary circles and intellectuals (including the Surrealists who are fascinated by this double murder and the young Jacques Lacan develops the theme of paranoid psychosis in paranoid Reasons crime: the double crime of the Papin sisters, refuting the conclusion of the forensic psychiatric expertise). That said, this trend is more akin to a widespread excitement, some requiring killing others deny the uniqueness of the crime or otherwise touting its value transgression and raising the issue of the exploitation of the working classes .
The case has inspired many subsequent authors. Jean Genet was mounted in 1947 a play called The Good,
4The search for truth is she the subject of research in psychoanalysis at the University? I will try to answer this question Example Crime of the
Papin sisters. In March 2001, I was sitting as often Follies Tea Place Gustave Toudouze, in the ninth arrondissement of Paris, near my oîce. I heard two men talking about the Papin sisters. I speaks to them. I guessed that one of them was a journalist and the other a ïlmmaker. It was Gerard Gourmel, former crime reporter, and Claude Ventura [10] [10] Claude Ventura, the documentary initiatory journey ...
Subsequently, a ïlmmaker. I suggested to Gerard Gourmel come give a lecture to my students. The problem of truth in psychoanalysis Humanities is essential. Where is the truth in the Humanities? During the conference, I told how I met Gerard Gourmel. The Amphi seemed to doubt what I say, and Gerard Gourmel told that we had met on Fac ago. The students seemed to believe. It was a lie, and they do not recognize the truth.
Unless the truth is not related to circumstances. I had the opportunity to invite Gérard Gourmel during my DEUG 1 General Introduction to the Humanities [11] [11] Gérard Gourmel Conference on the issues ...
Later, after other speakers [12] [12] Jean-Toussaint Desanti, 12 January 2000, "What ...
suitedans this course that I love and that of DEUG 1 U2, "General Methodology. Objects and methods in the ïeld of humanities. '
5The evening of February 2, 1933, police discovered the mutilated body of a woman, Mrs. Lancelin, and the daughter of a notable Mans, Genevieve. A power outage prevented Christine had ïnished ironing, following which she had led her sister in the carnage. They had ripped the eyes of the victims and their bodies slashed with kitchen utensils. The servants of the house were arrested, Christine Papin (27 years old) stove, and Leah (22 years), the maid. There confession immediately. Christine and Lea are from the poor peasantry, and they spent their childhood in the orphanage of the Good Shepherd, and wanted to be placed together with their master. Their mother is always asking for money. Christine has unsuccessfully tried to emancipate his sister at the town hall. They then complained of being persecuted. The grandfather of the Papin sisters died epilepsy, one of their cousins went crazy, and an uncle hanged himself in his barn. The father was the lover of his eldest daughter. The fact is several highly publicized and debated in the Courts of Assize de la Sarthe, September 29th following is bright. The psychiatric report concluded that prevented full criminal responsibility. Christine Papin, sentenced to death and is incarcerated in Central pardoned, died in May 1937 in the insane asylum at Rennes. Leah will
be ten years of hard labor and suer a travel ban twenty years. The press of the time in this crime rejects a manifestation of domestic violence and masters, and crime is unclear.
6The three experienced clinicians (Schutzemberger Le Mans, Angers Baruk, Trowel Paris) during the commission of the oense reject the possibility of a state of dementia. Benjamin Logre, without the right to examine the two sisters put a diagnosis of mental abnormality, caused by a hystero-epilepsy with sexual perversion and ideas of persecution. Proponents of dynamic psychiatry opposed to theorists of heredity, constitution and simulation. The sisters said they had nothing to reproach their mistresses. Christine, after ïve months of incarceration is subject to various syncopations and hallucinations. She indulges in erotic exhibitions, starts praying or trying to tear your eyes.
7Pourtant psychiatry and psychoanalysis [13] [13] S. De Beauvoir , The prime, Volume 1, Paris, Gallimard, ...
suiteont recognized pathology as the source of the act of the two sisters. Dr. Michel Dubec in July 1992 at the time of reconstitution Papin trial at the Palais de Justice in Paris, leads to full criminal responsibility of the accused based on the diagnosis of "delirium two ïrst entity paranoia" . Jacques Lacan ïnds lesbianism, delirium in two, seemingly unmotivated act of killing, social tension, paranoia and self-punishment. It ruins the diagnostic hystero-epilepsy Benjamin Logre. Only the reference to paranoia can explain the passage to the act. Delirium seems to arise from a power outage. This failure to materialize his silence that had settled between the long Papin sisters and their mistresses.
The current does not pass. The crime would be the enactment of this unsaid. The real motive for the crime is not class hatred, but the structure paranoid and self-punishment, where the killer strikes the perfect master he carries. The latent homosexuality is present in two sisters. Christine is the husband of Leah and reveals the phenomenon of delirium in two, and the drive is directed to two other women, one of which is the mother or the eldest of the other. Five months after the crime arises a need for self-punishment when Christine wants to tear his eyes, then when the verdict when she kneels down to listen to the death sentence. Castration plays in fact expose the sex Genevieve Lancelin, and they tear the eyes of their victims.
8Lacan unreal crime without dehumanizing the criminal. Explain the crime, it is not forgive, neither condemn or punish or accept "... only the analyst can demonstrate against the common sense of alienation from the reality of crime, in a case where the crime gives the illusion to meet its social context "[14] [14] J. Lacan "Introduction to theoretical functions ...
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