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COMPLETECHOCTAW DEFINER^ENGLISH WITH CHOCTAW DEFINITION,>«^?I§€S>-HV-^'IMS'; :-:d:viu:: copi^is..>,mu Voir Alternate Text

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COMPLETE CHOCTAW DEFINER^ ENGLISH WITH CHOCTAW DEFINITION, >«^?I§€S> -HV- ^'IMS'; :-:d:viu:: copi^is..>,mu< VAX RIIJKN. ARK : -W :iJAl.DWIX, PRINTER & IT 1; I , 1 1 i: Entered to an Act of in theAccording Congress year 1892, by J. W. BALDWIN, In the oflEice of the Librarian of atCongress, Washington. 1'^'^^6 ^ PREFACE. The of this volume is the demand fortopurpose supply great a Choctaw detiuer. We the ourhavecomplete given subject sub-undivided attention for and whenmany years, completed, mitted it to the best of the Choctaw whoNation,experts pro nounce it as as the different idioms of the twonearly perfect willlanguages permit. —There has been no effort to make a theliterary display object to make tlie as as])eing English simple possible. Verv EespectfuUy, THE AUTHOR. * CHOCTAW ALPHABET. LETTKKS. A COMPLETE CHOCTAW DEFINER ADD — —A ho ha, an indefinite article after a noun v. to abstain hullochihbstain, Issa; from, in the oVjiective with h and ac- one who, y, abstains, to the of the •. . Amihachih; il-cording ending preceding buse, abusing cruelly, word. Sometimes o is used: toWakopisa- busht!Chi-ilbi3shachih; abuse, okponih I see a ho I see ali, cow; ohoyo pisali, niikhaklochih, ilbushalih; abused, okpu- woman: ulla 1 see a child. lo nukhakloh.yo pisali, ilbushah, Abaiuioiiod. a. ?!. / . ahofobiAkshoh; abandonment, Abyss, ahofobika, i^hofombika. to . akshochih. 7/ holissa ai ithana chito.aksho; abandon, ., Academy, Abasp. . . '. t ai chih. habenah.Akkalusichih, kalaksichih, Accept, Ishih, okpi >' *o have an accidentmakalichih; abased, makali; abasement, Accident, Nahucli; makali. to cause to meethappen to, ishkunnapa; Abash. .. with an acci-Ilofahyalih; accident, chi;abashed, hofahya. ishkunnapu •Abatft. V. Halatah h'abo-shiollih. habotiih, dental, ishkunnapa. -to caus<3 to r Im accommo-fah; abat''. habohlichih, Accommodate, atahli; imhabofuohih: abated, shiotah habofah; dated, ulhtaha. as ' • towater, one that causes the Auant iba takla;shippah; Accompany, aya, an-abatement, habohlichi. with, tokeep company ahinnah; put (.Abafp, abate- otherone as ahinnuchih.Habofah; plural habohlih, company, ' fment, to cause to r.habohlih; abate, Account, Ahiiinchih, hotinah, anolih; habohlich, one that ca ises the abate- holhtina annua: on accountaccounted, •habolich. hokak ocha. hokak hocha.ment, of, ona, hona, . tAbdoiHoii, takoba; a r onochih achokush-Ikfoka, iflfoka, large Accuse, Anumpah abdomi n, or buhunna: to extend accused, onutulah acho-belly, palih; anumpa the mv abdo- to aholabLabdomen, buhunnuchih; kushpah; falsely accuse, sukfoka. Accustom, r f. to cause an ani-men, Abuchih; (Abet, . to continue to mal to be accustomed to aA])ela, apeluchi: place, achayu- or abet, hanehi. to be ai apela chi; to, 'r. ik ahnincho. to cause toAbhor, Inukldllih, Ache, kommichih;Hotupah, ;•. Ai I am ach-Abide, anta; plural aiasha, antah, ache, hottuplih;hottupachih, ahantah. ing, sakommichih, suttopah, sahottupah. h. Ai nv becomeAbode, anta, aiahanta; abode, Acid, Hawushko, hominchi; to chukka. homi; to cause hawushko-acid, acidity, • . ^Abolish, IssT-chih, abolish- chih.akshuchih; 'akshot .ed, taha. hatak ikhana.Acquaintance, Itikhana, . Ik 1Abominable, achukmo, fehna. vokpulo Acquire, Ahauchi, ishi, ahayuchi. i'. ikahnincho r»'f to ai ok-Abominate, Inukkillih, Across, Tunnup; lay across, . i^mmona. laid ai be-Aboriginal, Tikba, hannilli; across, okhannayah; r'. Okla ai ai okhanah.Aborij,-ines, /•'., uttahpi. ing across, V . Ushi im t to actAbortion, okpulo. Act, Akaniohmi, akaniobmichi; A . . to turn folo- ibachuffah to actboat, prin Belika; aboiit, with, ibaiachufFah; toah, filimoah turn or isht akanohmi: toabout, wickedly dishonest, to turn act with closetoah; about, (plural,) fitimosh; intimacy, ittachukolbih; about this himak toka. an acttime, passed, ulhpisah. ;. Pakna, }))>Above, /) paknaka; just above, Acting, Yummohmi; acting together, uba ittibahfokah.pakuaka uba; high above, ehaha, t3ba land i3ba )i. Akaniohmi.pillah: above, yakni. Action, -ui . ( .Abroad, Haiaka;' gone abroad, iksho, Acute, Chasah, haluppa. kunia. f Achakalichi ibaAdd,'- foki, r'. ibakahli; •. ikhaiako. iba toAbsent, Kunia, iksho, added, ibulhkaha, foka, ulhchaka; c. Tshko absorbed akrn- add more more add-Absorb, kunia; at, to, ibahkahli, ibani; iah. ed, ibalhkaha, ADDER ALTER n. Afternoon, v. Tabokoli okuttaha.hahwush. ontia,Adder, Hahta, nv isht a short Afterward, v. I iAddress, hika; himmak, himmaka,Anumpa hayakolofa, anuiiipa tillofah, hayo.address, aniiniY)a atillofasih. Again, ". i»j. What!Anonti; Again!anumpa alauichili. Again i unnonti, to s-'t or actAdeqiiiite, Alauih, pshaw: • halanli asitia ai ulboh; to against, to cause to actAdhere,, t31bo, ichapolih; against, adhere to causeto, alapah ahipalinehi; ichapolichi. Afumi middle orto adhere, ai ittai akmochi, it- Age, kanohmi;(3lbuchih, passed middleai ulboehi: ad- kawashuchi; ortakiiiocbi, ittihalullih, ag<', aged old, to makehered shinushbi., ittulboh; adhereing, sipukni; old, sipukni- I amtishe- chi; old, susipokni.Adjo irn, t3banublichi, tishelih, '/ imtisheli. Agent, Isht utta.lichi; adjourned, ubanopa o. t. ai . Tisheli. Aggravate, aggravated,Adjourniueiit, Aiyabachi; Adiiiinlster . Nan im (More yubbih.apesa. n. Ai ibachofa ittimto administer Agree, anumpa apesah;properly ' justice.) to ad- shall or will aitjnuksita; agr^'C, okpancha hinla;Admire, anulvsitali, itim anmire anulvsittiah. agreed, anumpa apesah; agree-intensily, ittim .< u'lla ushi ishf atoba, ment, agreeable,Adoption, toba, ulhpisa; atapshou. ulhpesa yukpa. M Yunha hochukwaAi Ague, hochukwa,Adorable, olcpuchi ulhpesa. hochukvvachi.v t yanha; aguish,Adore, Alokpucliih. // shemu- ikkike.aiuklichiehi, Ah, iiueij. Aume,Adorn, Aiukliehi, I) t hisShrmaaiokli. Aid, ap'luehi; aid, anumpachi; adorned, Apela, im aid deAsonu, hatak asnnochi. eshi; camp, anumpeshi.Adult, V. e. to take v. t.llatak i haklo. Aim, (i. aim)Adulteress, Anumpisachi • atokoa. .Ilatak i haklo, itiu lumaka; atokoli; aimed,Adultery, to commit '. Mahli ea. tohauiu Air, fiopa, atmosfia; air,f'mgen hauiu, toba; not ik-itiu lumaka. hufkah; aired, holufkah; aired,adultery, to advance hofkoh.//. Aehakalichi: iuAdvance, i v. '.baiullit advancing, hiyah, Alarm Anukhlakushli, nukshobli;file, maya; ". i shaht ia. anukhlakanchac. i ishali alarmed, nukshopa.shalichi, maya, ' .' Okokko!t. advertised, otuni, Alas, .'. yakoke! (fem. gen.Advertise, Otuniehi; hushha! eheha huk or hok.haklochi advertised. aiena!) hush,haklo; •r al- . Akak ushi i akak ushi i.. Nan i im Albumen, tohbe,Advise, miha, anumpuli, akak ushi i wulukuchi.alomichi. wulaha,umih, • Alder n. Itukawiloha.IshtAdvoesite, anumpulih. V.Peni isht isht kula. Alight,Adz, chciya, peni Fohopah. Alike itdv Iti ittiobah.Im anuktila achukma, chu- holiba,Affection, a. I amkt3sh achukma. Okchi3ya: alive, saiokchaya.Alive, uhaV. t annoa. Bano, ilia, beka, bieka, moma,Afllrni, Anoli; affirmed, All, r. '. 1st.Afflict, Ilbushali; okluha, aiokluha, moyuma; proa^icted, ilbusha, putta, mominchit tonan I am afflicted unto death, eho, e, momint;ikanihmi; per." plu. maki' all ittai ok-all, banochi; together,siaiokpuloh, siaiokpulokah, siabekah; all afteraffliction, ai ilbusha. luhut; kummohmi; all,entirely, ' . af-Affright. Nukshobli, nukhlakushli; polaka. 'nukhlakancha. V. hopohluli;frighted, nukshopa Allay, Nuktalali,hopohluchi, to chu- . Chukush nuktula; allay,Affront, hotupah; affronted, allayed, hopohla; chulosah.chvikush losuchi;hotopa. allayed , << chash chash (;. '. Miha.Aforesaid, Chash, inli, Allege, this re- »-. Hachunchuba.akinli, ash, kash, yash, kint; Alligator, fers to remote o achili V. Ima,time, yummuk Allot, apesa.. that is what I said Allow, V. . Ima ahni.rh'ifltkinf; long ago, yohmi nanthe chash remote . Tishi homi lusa holba,afor'said, o, implying Allspice, time which is known or seen; uni balama.past already • •' hatak oh chash o miha the afore- V. . allured,li; Allure, Apakummi; apakuma. said man 1 mean; it is the .aforesaid, Ally, Apela. ikhunna.chash chash chash chash . Ilushi nittak ishtoka, ocha, ona, Almanac, okak oke, Almost, ('. Ahe, naha; almostosh, akuto, ahesi, chash chash even the ahetoh.osh, okut, okhuno; happen, chash oh . na toaforesaid, kia; af(u-e?aid, hash, Alms, Naholhpila, hulbina; give some definite action recent and na habenuchi.known, alms, the hash hash hash Aloes, . Ishkot alos.aforesaid, ona, o, kia, hlopulli, hash hash hash okak hash «. akbat, bieka,ocha, oka, o, Alone, Akbano, bano, beka, okak hash hash okak h I amocha, okakanto, osh, kakbano, yakbano, akbano; alonn, hash oh hash hash he is ak-oke, kia, okuno, salapuchuffah; gone alone, ilnp okuto. hash hash hash uto. bat ia.okut, osh, Afraid. to . holisso ai islit al-Nukshopa, nukwia, anukwia; Alphabet, 13mmona, ia, b" afraid of to be afraid, a'lukwiah; I am v. Mashko.of, inukwiah; afraid, Already,sainiksho])ah sanukvviah. Also v. liokak aiena,Akinli, akkia, kia, Africini. , Ilatak Aflika mak liinla. mnt.lusa, iii])i hisa, anonti, kia, yak kia, hatak. Altiir. . r))a t3baAiiolukmi, t()])a holba, After, after tnla alta.Hayo, liaya. himniak; all. r. . Ai inlrclii ai iidatoba;polaka. liter, inla, inla,
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