yC-NRLFíCLARENCE •ELIJAH HILLS 1867-1932Elijah Clarence Hills was, from 1922 till his death, first a Profcssor ofSpanish and then Profcssor Romance Philology University ofof at theCor-California. A native of Illinois, rcared in Florida, he graduated fromnell in 1892 and studied in Paris; he was succcssively professor in RollinsCollege, in Colorado College, librarian of the Hispanic Society of America,and hcad for romance languages at Indiana University. For his distin-guished philology, was madc Knight Com-achievements in Spanish hemander of the Royal Order of Queen Isabel.cxtraor-In Professor Hills werc combined vast and precise learning withdinary humanity. Though a grammarian and philologist, his teachingimplicd great world. had talent for friendship: capable of thethe He ainviolable personal dig-scclusions of the scholar and editor and born to anwhich cxercised itselfnity, he possessed also an uncommon social charmdeference, toler-in widening circlcs. His charity showed as kindliness,accumulated. Heancc, the sharing of the possessions his long labors hadlexicons. Mrs.was a wise collector of books, and specializcd in SpanishoncUniversity of California his coUection of books,Hills presented to thememory.ofwhich is here inscribed to hisB. SOSA-ENRIQUE J. ARCEJUANCOMPENDIODEDE PANAMÁHISTORIATEXTO ADOPTADO OFICIALMENTE PARA LA ENSEÑANZAEN LAS ESCUELAS Y COLEGIOS DE LA NACIÓN1911.Casa Editorial del "Diario de Panamá"Morales & Rodríguez ...