Commencement program : ... commencement, University of Maryland, College Park Campus








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PROGRAMCOMMENCEMENT1977MAY 14,COLLEGEPARKATMARYLANDOFUNIVERSITYPROGRANTrOMMENCEMENTMAY 14, 1977PARKCOLLEGEATOFMARYLANDUNIVERSITYCHANCELLOR'STOMESSAGEGRADUATESTHE4000 students you will wantToday some We hope thatawarded degrees in maintain contact withwill be tothan 200 fields of your University. It ismorestudy. Each of for us to learnintellectual importantspecial honor during the comingyou deserves from yougoal how best to serve thefor having chosen your yearsregardless of who will followand pursued it, studentssuccessful and how best to serveobstacles, to youproud of the com-completion. We are the citizensnowof what you have accom- munity of which youplished here. become a member.primary purpose of a and everyThe Congratulationsuniversity is to provide an future.good wish for theenvironment for thediscovery, critical examina- R. L. Glucksternpreservation andtion, Chancellorknowledge,transmission ofwillwisdom and values thatensure the survival ofhelppresent and future genera-with continuingtionsimprovements in the qualityextent to whichof life. Thewe achieve our purpose ismeasured, therefore, notby your accomplish-onlyments, which we honortoday, but also by yoursuccess in achieving futuregoals that will helpgoals—make the world a betterplace for future generations.ORDER OFEXERCISESMay 14, 197710 a.m.StudentColeActivities BuildingRemarks to GraduatesPresidingHenri D. BartholomotDr. Robert L. GlucksternGraduating ...
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PROGRAMCOMMENCEMENT 1977MAY 14, COLLEGEPARKATMARYLANDOFUNIVERSITY PROGRANTrOMMENCEMENT MAY 14, 1977 PARKCOLLEGEATOFMARYLANDUNIVERSITY CHANCELLOR'S TOMESSAGE GRADUATESTHE 4000 students you will wantToday some We hope that awarded degrees in maintain contact withwill be to than 200 fields of your University. It ismore study. Each of for us to learnintellectual important special honor during the comingyou deserves from you goal how best to serve thefor having chosen your years regardless of who will followand pursued it, students successful and how best to serveobstacles, to you proud of the com-completion. We are the citizens nowof what you have accom- munity of which you plished here. become a member. primary purpose of a and everyThe Congratulations university is to provide an future.good wish for the environment for the discovery, critical examina- R. L. Gluckstern preservation andtion, Chancellor knowledge,transmission of willwisdom and values that ensure the survival ofhelp present and future genera- with continuingtions improvements in the quality extent to whichof life. The we achieve our purpose is measured, therefore, not by your accomplish-only ments, which we honor today, but also by your success in achieving future goals that will helpgoals— make the world a better place for future generations. ORDER OF EXERCISES May 14, 1977 10 a.m. StudentCole Activities Building Remarks to GraduatesPresiding Henri D. BartholomotDr. Robert L. Gluckstern Graduating SeniorChancellor Dr. GlucksternCollege Park Campus Alma MaterTheof CeremoniesMaster HAIL! ALMA MATER!F. McClearyRobert Maryland!Hail to thee,Lecturer, Department of loyaltySteadfast inSpeech and Dramatic Art we stand.For thee Processional Love for the Black and BandUniversity Symphony Gold, WakefieldConductor, John we hold,Deep in our hearts Singing, thy praise forever. Invocation Throughout the land. Reverend DeanThe Led by Anderson Dr. Traver Lutheran Chaplain Benediction The National Anthem Reverend EdwardThe Led by Dr. Paul Traver Walsh ChaplainBaptistGreetings Wilson H. ElkinsDr. Recessional President of the BandUniversity Symphony University WakefieldConductor, Mr. Dr. B. Herbert Brown Chairman, Board of Regents Musical Selection Battle Hymn theof Republic Howe-Steffe (arr. Ringwald) Members of the University Chorus and Symphony Band Conductor, Dr. Traver Address Herbert L. Block Conferring of Degrees Dr. Elkins, Honorary Degrees Dr. Gluckstern, College Park Campus .^:.: / tij -^ ...»-Hv^ %^5r . - ^Jft, ' 1«^ .-i^- THE COLLEGE PARK CAMPUSAND THE UNIVERSITY The Students The Faculty In enrollment. College Park The College The men and women is amongPark Campus who the 10 largest gives all students instruct our students campuses in thethe chance at country. to encounter College Park are Undergraduatesnew persons, teachers enrolled in new ideas and scholars who spring 1977and new interests, bring to numbered over all of which they the classroom 27,200 and graduatecould a depth of hardly find elsewhere knowledge, studentsin experience and over 7,600 for a such variety. learningStudents may that ranks among total enrollment of a record discover theancient Greece for finest of any university 34,830. This year's College the first time; they may try campus. Their work ranges Park operating budget is their hand at art; or they from the study of physical $129,305,017. The Univer- may use a computer to help forces to the study of man in sity assisted over 7,000 design a better environment all of his complexities. Some College Park students with for man. scholars are searching for financial aid in 1975-76. practical applications of But whatever they solar energy,investi- discovering Students may choose from gate, whether it new galaxiesis under a of stars or 71 undergraduate and 68 microscope or researchingout in space, substitute graduate programs leading or within processes tothe human mind, for pasteurization degrees. In 1975-76, a their to increase totalexperiences sharpen the shelf life of of 5,058 undergraduate, their vision and improve milk, while others are 1,477 master's and 365 their judgment. They learn administering stress tests to doctorate degrees were in and out of class, study coronary artery awarded by the Collegeby relating to many disease, debating the Park Campus. In numberpeople of their own age philosophical beliefs of the of doctorates granted an-and by dealing with a cultured founders of our nation, or nually, the University ranksfaculty. They are able, studying the world of black among the top thirtyin these many in the ways, Americans better define their at the turn of the directions century.and their goals. All of them are Historysharing the results of their learning with their students The University had its in the classroom. beginnings in 1807 with the establishment in Balti- more of the College of The Campus Medicine, an entirely facul- Located in suburban ty-owned institution grant- Maryland just nine miles ing the M.D. degree. When from the Nation's Capital, its name was changed to the the College Park Campus University of Maryland offers a diversity of cultural, five years later, it was given political and scientific power to confer additional resources to its students. degrees. The first dental school in America, the The campus is a spacious Baltimore College of Dental one of 1,300 acres. It has Surgery, became a part of 229 buildings, mostly in the the University in 1840. Georgian style of dark brick and stately columns, which Subsequently, Univer-the overlook playing fields, the sity opened schools of tree-lined central mall, or pharmacy, law and nursing. rolling lawns, while one or two border the few remaining open fields of grazing land belonging to the University. The College Park CampusThe Undergraduate LibraryUnder a charter secured by also owns and operateshas a seating capacity of onea group of Maryland of the largest and most4,000 students and isplanters in 1856, the among the nation's largest. sophisticated long wave-College Park Campus of the Facilities include a quadra- length radio telescopesUniversity, then called the phonic concert room, color (located in Clark Lake,Maryland Agricultural video tape players and play- Calif.) and a cosmic rayCollege, opened in 1859 enclosed rooms laboratory (located in Newand became one of the back units, with instructor's Mexico).original land-grant schools equipped in 1865. After a disastrous consoles for the use of In addition to these researchfire in 1912, the State nonprint media materials opportunities in the biologi-acquired control of the and wireless stereo headsets cal, mathematical andCollege and bore the cost of for tapes of lectures, plays, physical sciences, researchrebuilding. In 1920, the speeches and music. programs in the behavioralState took over the faculty- sciences, social sciences andowned University in Research Facilities education exist in manyBaltimore, merging it with Among the exceptional bureaus and institutesthe State-owned institution research facilities are: a including: the Bureau ofat College Park to form the 140 MeV cyclotron; a Business and Economicpresent day University of nuclear reactor; scanning Research, Bureau of Edu-Maryland. electron microscopes; cational Research and Fieldsubsonic, supersonic and Services, BureauIn 1886, the Delaware hypersonic wind tunnels; of Gov- ernmental Research,an electron ring Insti-Conference Academy was accelerator; tutea precision encoder for Child Study,founded by the Methodist and pattern Institute for CriminalChurch in Princess Anne, recognition device; gravitational Justice and CriminologyMaryland. The State a radiation detection and the Institute for Urbanacquired this institution in system, including making gravimeter Studies.1926, it a division a on the moon; of the University of a quiescent plasma device Maryland Academic Costumein 1948. It was machine); a psychophar-(Q made The black caps and gownsa campus of the macology laboratory; three wornUniversity of Maryland by the students andretro-reflector arrays on facultyEastern Shore in the academic(UMES). A the moon; rotating tanks new campus known procession are of ancientas for laboratory studies of origin. They have been theUniversity of Maryland meteorological phenomena; Baltimore traditional costume of theCounty (UMBC) Van de Graaff accelerators; scholar since medievalwas timesopened at Catonsville a laboratory for basic and probably representin 1966. anbehavioral research, an adaptation of the ecclesiasti-assortment of computers; Libraries cal dress, since many ofthe Astronomy Observatory University the scholars of that periodlibraries include Center of Materials Re- approximately were members of monastic1,534,000 search, Institute for Fluid volumes orders.on the College Dynamics and Applied Park Campus, 11,000 Mathematics, Institute for subscriptions Molecular An intercollegiate commis-to periodicals Physics, and the and newspapers, plus Water sion in 1893 drafted aResources Research nearly uniform code for costumes900,000 microfilm Center. units, as well many which has since beenas slides, film strips, music adopted by the majority of scores and recordings. colleges and universities in the United States.
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