COMMENCEMENTMAY 198824.THEUNIVERSITYFMARYLANDCOLLEGEPARK)PU[SC 2.5,003\lof Ihe faculty, staff, and students of The UniversityOn behalfCHANCELLOR'S College Park, 1 extend sincere best wishes toof Marylandwho is receiving a degree today. I share theeach of youMESSAGEmembers of this community take in yourpride thataccomplishments, and 1 congratulate you, your families, andTHETOspecial occasion in your lives and the lifefriends on this verycommunity.of this academicGRADUATESa milestone in a lifelong quest forToday representsthat you have discovered during yourknowledge. 1 hopehave the ability to dream andyears at College Park that younecessary to realize some of yourto do the hard workEach of you, through your presencedreams and aspirations.contribution to the life of theand participation, has made ahave grown and learned,College Park community As youthose around you have learned from you.By virtue of your achievements, you—today's graduates-have an opportunity and a responsibility to enrich andCampus.enhance the world beyond the College Park 1 hopeforeach of you leaves this campus with both trainingthatwork and the ability to be a clear thinking,challengingcompassionate member of our society. Wearticulate, andeven crises—in our world today, butface many problems—present exciting challenges.these are also exciting times thatmove away from the1 believe that we must be willing tointelligent risks toordinar>- and be willing to takewe deem ...