Coconutwoodand useProcessingThe and thedesignations employed presentationof material in this do not thepublication implyof whatsoever on theexpression any opinionof the Food andpart Agriculture Organizationof the United theNations concerning legalstatus of or area orany country, cityterritory,of its or the delimitationauthorities, concerningof its frontiers or boundaries.M-32ISBN 92-5-1Q2253-4All reserved. No of this be reproduced,rights part publication maystored in a retrieval in form orsystem, or transmitted any by any means,or without theelectronic, mechanical, photocopying otherwise, priorof for suchpermission the owner. permission,copyright Applicationswith a statement of the and extent of the shouldreproduction,purposebe addressed to the Publications Food andDirector, Division, AgricultureTerme diof the United Via delle OO1OOOrganization Nations, Caracalla,Rome, Italy.1985FAOWOODCOCONUTUseandProcessingIndex5 311 THETREE GRADING COCONUTTIMBERChapterChaptertoUtilization and Control,Properties, Availability Quality particularly relating exportThe of IdentificationSystemCopra IndustryEffect of Stem and Structure on Utilization GradingAnatomySample SpecificationsSawingSeasoning Grading TechniquesBasicNatural and Wood PreservationDurability by DensityTransmission Poles AppearanceandPulp PaperWood Fuel 6 SEASONING COCONUT TIMBER 35Chapterof ResourceAvailability-Resource Assessment Estimation South Pacific Air Dryingby- KilnResource ...