REMOTE STORAGEYouCan toaMillionSpeakPeopleEveryEveningAt the first this statement so that oneglance appears startlingtake it for a bit of But it is it isnot;might exaggeration. literallytrue. Here is the The News sold theDailyproof: Chicago duringfirst eleven months of 1906 a ofdaily average 318,611 papers. Manyof five read ofestimate that an eachnewspapers average people copylet it be assumed that thea to be numbernewspaper, but, conservative,read these three andof who 318,611people daily papers averageswould the number of "News readers atone-half. This place Dailya fair1,115,139 manifestly figure.t givenus IT ian arethe forOF ILLINOISUNIVERSITYi a fewtriflihour LIBRARYidium.TheButVolume ,Book .Class otherDailV3 hinCrydaily 3\O HM4 7andaandfind amemHISTORICALBVXVfT^ILLINOIS%,Je 06-10Mthinkoffices of The News inThere aie about 500 branch ChicagoDailyfor the convenience of "want" adver-its suburbsand surroundingads" are also used or tran-tisers. But News "wantDaily regularlythe United States and in foreignmany people throughoutsiently byreceive"want ads" from distant cities willcountries. Ordinarilyanbut for action inservice if sent mail, quick emergencybygoodnot wish to useor cable If doshould be sent youby telegraphtheycan have alladdress inown name and your advertisement, youyourwill in care ofa box number thesent to (which paper supply)repliessuch will be forwardedonThe News and, request, repliesDaily yourmail orto express.promptly ...